Re!all that Blades, a ).&. "anufa!turer of roller blades, has !hosen *hailand as its pri"ary e+port target for &peedos, Blades pri"ary produ!t. Moreo-er, Blades pri"ary !usto"er in *hailand, ntertain"entProdu!ts, has !o""itted itself to pur!hase /%$,$$$ &peedos annually for the ne+t 0 years at a fi+ed pri!e deno"inated in baht, *hailands !urren!y. Be!ause of 1uality and !ost !onsiderations, .B/ades also i"ports so"e of the rubber and plasti! !o"ponents needed to "anufa!ture &peedos fro" *hailand.2ately, *hailand has e+perien!ed 3eak e!ono"i! gro3th and politi!al un!ertainty. As in-estors lost !onfiden!e in the *hai baht as a result of the politi!al un!ertainty, they 3ithdre3 their funds fro" the !ountry. *his resulted in an e+!ess supply of baht for sale o-er the de"and for baht in the foreign e+!hange "arket, 3hi!h put do3n3ard pressure on the bahts -alue. As foreign in-estors !ontinued to 3ithdra3 their funds fro" *hailand, the bahts -alue !ontinued to deteriorate. &in!e Blades has net !ash flo3s in baht resulting fro" its e+ports to *hailand, a deterioration in the bahts -alue 3ill affe!t the !o"pany negati-ely. Ben 4olt, Blades C5, 3ould like to ensure that the spot and for3ard rates Blades bank has 1uoted are reasonable. If the e+!hange rate 1uotes are reasonable, then arbitrage 3ill not be possible. If the 1uotations are not appropriate, ho3e-er, arbitrage "ay be possible. )nder these !onditions, 4olt 3ould like Blades
use so"e for" of arbitrage to take ad-antage of possible "ispri!ing in the foreign e+!hange "arket. Although Blades is not an arbitrageur, 4olt belie-es that arbitrage opportunities !ould offset the negati-e i"pa!t resulting fro" the bahts depre!iation, 3hi!h 3ould other3ise seriously affe!t Blades profit "argins. Ben 4olt has identified three arbitrage opportunities as profitable and 3ould like to kno3 3hi!h one of the" is the "ost profitable. *hus, he has asked you, Blades finan!ial analyst, to prepare an analysis of the arbitrage opportunities he has identified.*his 3ould allo3 4olt to assess the profitability of arbitrage opportunities -ery 1ui!kly./. *he first arbitrage opportunity relates to lo!ational arbitrage. 4olt has obtained spot rate 1uotations fro" t3o banks in *hailand: Min6u Bank and &obat Bank, both lo!ated in Bangkok. *he bid and ask pri!es of *hai baht for ea!h bank are displayed in the table belo3:
Minzu BankSobat BankBid$.0224$.0228Ask$.0227$.0229
: II 8eter"ine 3hether the foreign e+!hange 1uotations are appropriate. If they are not appropriate, deter"inethe profit you !ould generate by 3ithdra3ing 9/$$,$$$ fro" Blades !he!king a!!ount and engaging in arbitrage before the rates are adusted. #. Besides the bid and ask 1uotes for the *hai baht pro-ided in the pre-ious 1uestion, Min6u Bank has pro-ided the follo3ing 1uotations for the ).&. dollar and the Japaneseyen:
QuotedBid PriceQuotedAsk PriceValue o !a"anese #en in .S. dollars$.008%&$.008'Value o ()ai ba)t in !a"anese #en*2.'9*2.70
8eter"ine 3hether the !ross e+!hange rate bet3een the *hai baht and Japanese yen is appropriate. If it isnot appropriate, deter"ine the profit you !ould generate for Blades by 3ithdra3ing 9/$$,$$$ fro" Blades !he!king a!!ount and engaging in triangular arbitrage before the rates are adusted.0. Ben 4olt has obtained se-eral for3ard !ontra!t 1uotations for the *hai baht to deter"ine 3hether !o-ered interest arbitrage "ay be possible. 4e 3as 1uoted a for3ard rate of 9.$##; per *hai baht for a