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Submitted By fati159
Words 3993
Pages 16
CHAPTER 11 INTERNATIONAL BANKING AND MONEY MARKET SUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS QUESTIONS 1. Briefly discuss some of the services that international banks provide their customers and the market place. Answer: International banks can be characterized by the types of services they provide that distinguish them from domestic banks. Foremost, international banks facilitate the imports and exports of their clients by arranging trade financing. Additionally, they serve their clients by arranging for foreign exchange necessary to conduct cross-border transactions and make foreign investments and by assisting in hedging exchange rate risk in foreign currency receivables and payables through forward and options contracts. Since international banks have established trading facilities, they generally trade foreign exchange products for their own account. Two major features that distinguish international banks from domestic banks are the types of deposits they accept and the loans and investments they make. Large international banks both borrow and lend in the Eurocurrency market. Moreover, depending upon the regulations of the country in which it operates and its organizational type, an international bank may participate in the underwriting of Eurobonds and foreign bonds. International banks frequently provide consulting services and advice to their clients in the areas of foreign exchange hedging strategies, interest rate and currency swap financing, and international cash management services. Not all international banks provide all services. Banks that do provide a majority of these services are known as universal banks or full service banks. 2. Briefly discuss the various types of international banking offices. Answer: The services and operations which an international bank undertakes is a function of the

regulatory environment

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