...Sweden University The Department of Information Technology and Media (ITM) Author: Katarina Lundqvist, kalu9700@student.miun.se Study program: Master of Science in Engineering – Computer Engineering, 270 higher education credits Examiner: Tingting Zhang, tingting.zhang@miun.se Tutor: Aron Larsson, aron.larsson@miun.se Tutor: Mats Olsson, mats.olsson@sogeti.se Scope: 20102 words inclusive of appendices Date: 2010-03-17 M.Sc. Thesis in Computer Engineering AV, 30 higher education credits Tools for Business Intelligence A comparison between Cognos 8 BI, Microsoft BI and SAP BW/NetWeaver Katarina Lundqvist Abstract 2010-03-17 Tools for Business Intelligence A comparison between Cognos 8 BI, Microsoft BI and SAP BW/NetWeaver Katarina Lundqvist Abstract The aim of the thesis was to conduct a general study of Business Intelligence and BI systems followed by a comparison of Cognos 8 BI, Microsoft BI and SAP BW/NetWeaver. The goal was to distinguish similarities and differences between the tools regarding technique, cost, usability and educational need and to provide a mapping for different customer situations. The method consisted of a theoretical study followed by a practical part including development, testing and interviews. The comparison showed that SAP and Microsoft both use the client/server model while Cognos is an integrated web-based system built on SOA. SQL Server can only be installed on Windows while BW and Cognos also support...
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...A Web Portal for ‘The Arnewood School’ Christopher Whitehead Computing & Management 2006/2007 The candidate confirms that the work submitted is their own and the appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. I understand that failure to attribute material which is obtained from another source may be considered as plagiarism. (Signature of student) _______________________________ Summary Schools store and process increasingly more data about students and the subjects which they study. This often includes timetable, homework and attendance data amongst many other potential data sources. In many schools there currently exists no solution for students or their parents to view this data as information from one user friendly interface. The Arnewood School is a secondary school and sixth form college which has realised the need for this kind of information to me made available to students and parents via a secure, user friendly, single sign-on interface. This project aimed to produce a web portal which integrated and displayed information from preexisting and newly designed information systems in a way which was inline with the requirements of The Arnewood School and potential users. Due to the nature of developing such a system without having any knowledge of user requirements, a suitable methodology had to be selected which allowed for vague user requirements that could change at any time. Following this, background...
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...An assignment On Marketing Plan Submitted by: Submitted to: Date of submission: Table of Contents Executive summary: 5 Introduction: 7 Methodology: 7 Part A- Essay: 7 A.01 Changed perception in marketing plan: 7 A.02 Barriers to marketing plan: 7 Marketing function isolation: 8 Organizational barriers: 8 Demographic factors: 8 Economic factors: 8 Technological factors: 8 Culture: 8 A.03 Techniques for overcoming barriers to marketing plan: 8 Be strategic: 8 Be realistic: 8 Stay focused: 9 Monitor the budgets: 9 Market research: 9 A.04 Importance of marketing plan in the strategic plan: 9 Product: 9 Price: 9 Promotion: 9 Place: 9 A.05 Ethical issues in marketing plan: 10 A.06 Organization responses to ethical issues: 10 Individualistic approach: 10 Communal approach: 10 A.07 Example of consumer’s ethics and the effect on the marketing plan: 11 Part B: Preparing marketing plan 11 B.01 Organizational capability evaluation: 11 Business experience: 11 Business reputation: 11 Company culture: 11 Business environment: 11 B.02 Techniques used in organizational auditing and analyzing external factors: 11 B.03Carried out organizational audit and external factors analysis that affect marketing plan: 12 SWOT analysis of the Toyota Company: 12 PEST analysis for Toyota Company: 13 B.04Marketing plan: 14 Marketing objective: 14 Objectives: 14 Strategy statement market share: 14 Brand awareness:...
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...V teoretické části se bude autorka věnovat problematice výzkumu trhu a jeho jednotlivým metodám a technikám relevantním pro tento typ výzkumu. V praktické části bude analyzovat zvolený trh, popř. zvolené trhy, formuluje doporučení pro tvorbu daného produktu a provede ekonomické vyhodnocení jeho zavedení. Použité metody: Analýza sekundárních dat, dedukce, deskripce, komparace, relevantní matematicko-statistické metody. Rozsah grafických prací: Rozsah práce bez příloh: předpoklad cca 15 tabulek a grafů 60 – 70 stran Seznam odborné literatury: BOLDIŠ, P. Bibliografické citace dokumentu podle ČSN ISO 690 a ČSN ISO 690-2 (01 0197): Část 1 – Citace: metodika a obecná pravidla. Verze 3.2 [online]. 1999–2002. Poslední aktualizace 2002-09-03. Dostupné na World Wide Web: HENDL, J. Kvalitativní výzkum – základní metody a aplikace. 1. vyd. Praha : Portál, 2005. 408 s. ISBN 80-7667-040-2. HENDL, J. Přehled statistických metod zpracování dat – Analýza a meta analýza dat. 1. vyd. Praha : Portál, 2004. 584 s. ISBN 80-7178-820-1. KOTLER, P. Marketing management. 10. rozšířené vyd. Praha : Grada, 2001. 719 s. ISBN 80-247-0016-6. TOMEK, G. – VÁVROVÁ, V. Výrobek a jeho úspěch na trhu. 1. vyd. Praha : Grada, 2001. 352 s. ISBN 80-247-0053-0. Vedoucí diplomové...
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...CURRICULUM OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FOR BBA, BBS, MBA & MS HIG HER EDUC ATIO N CO MM ISSION (2012) HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION ISLAMABAD 1 CURRICULUM DIVISION, HEC Prof. Dr. Syed Sohail H. Naqvi Mr. Muhammad Javed Khan Malik Arshad Mahmood Dr. M. Tahir Ali Shah Mr. Farrukh Raza Mr. Abdul Fatah Bhatti Executive Director Adviser (Academics) Director (Curri) Deputy Director (Curri) Asstt. Director (Curri) Asstt. Director (Curri) Composed by: Mr. Zulfiqar Ali, HEC, Islamabad 2 CONTENTS 1. Introduction……………………………………...........6 2. BBA Programme....................................................11 a. Structure of BBA Programme..……………....12 b. Layout for BBA Programme..........................13 c. Semester-wise Breakup for BBA…...............14 3. Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)......................15 4. MBA Programme....................................................16 a. Structure of MBA Programme........................17 b. Semester-wise Breakup for MBA...................19 5. MS in Management Sciences................................20 a. Structure of MS Programme...........................20 b. Eligibility for Non-business Degree Holders...21 6. Roadmap for Business Education…………............24 7. BBA Course outlines...............................................25 a. Compulsory Courses for BBA...…….…..........25 b. Foundation Core Courses...........…....…....... 41 c. Major Core Courses........................................59 d. Major...
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...Master Thesis Entrepreneurship and Microfinance: A Framework for Impact Evaluation Abstract The idea and implementation of Microfinance has become a hot topic and is currently at the central stage in debates on poverty alleviation. Microfinance can be defined as the sustainable delivery of financial services to the poor that aims at creating a world in which as many poor households as possible, have access to a suitable range of financial services (Christen, Rosenberg and Jayadeva, 2004). However, the large majority of impact studies of microfinance lack empirical support and several limitations and obstacles continue to haunt the potential outcomes of microfinance, such as selection bias (Tedeschi, 2007) and lack of integration with the commercial banking sector (Copestake, 2007). In my thesis, I will focus on yet another limitation, that of lack of entrepreneurial knowledge amongst lenders in microcredit. I will develop on the marginal impact of entrepreneurial training on microcredit and suggest an empirical framework. The paper will start by presenting the topics of entrepreneurship and microfinance and the current situation in Tanzania. In Part II a review of an important study by Karlan and Valdivia will be discussed and in the following section a suggestion for a framework for an empirical study will be made. Conclusions and limitations will be presented in the final sections. Student: Eva Teekens ID: 5704871 Study: Master Business Studies Specialization: Entrepreneurship ...
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...REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Design, Development and Implementation of an online workflow application for MGNREGS++ in Orissa 17-NREG-11-1016/11787 JUNE 02, 2011 PANCHAYATI RAJ DEPARTMENT (PRD), GOVERNMENT OF ORISSA Table of Contents 1 A) B) C) 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 9 9.1 9.2 Checklist ........................................................................................................................................................................3 General Bid ....................................................................................................................................................................3 Technical Bid .................................................................................................................................................................4 Commercial Bid .............................................................................................................................................................5 Invitation for Bids ..........................................................................................................................................................7 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................
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...Leadership Development Program 2001/2002 Student Portal Project May 22, 2002 Cecille Cabacungan, Goldman School of Public Policy Lesley Clark, Center for Organizational Effectiveness Rachelle Feldman, Financial Aid Office Paula Flamm, University Health Services Gail Ford, The Library Kati Markowitz, Neuroscience Institute Stacey Shulman, Department of Chemical Engineering Dan Sullivan, Haas School of Business Imagine a single Website personalized to meet all your cyberneeds – one that would keep you up-to-date on campus events and academic information and would be accessible from any computer. -- The Daily Californian, April 15, 2002 Table of Contents Executive Summary Main Report I. Charge and Methodology II. Findings III. Portal Development, Current Practices IV. Costs and Phased Implementation V. Conclusions and Recommendations; Criteria for Measuring Portal Success VI. Three Portal Interface Options for Look and Feel; Criteria for Evaluating Options VII. Portal Names Appendices Introduction, Charge, and Methodology Appendix I – Definitions Appendix II – Respondents Appendix III – Student Survey Instrument Appendix IV – Staff, Faculty, Administrator One-on-One Interview Questions Appendix V – Staff Focus Group Questions Appendix VI – Staff, Faculty, and Administrator Survey Instrument Appendix VII – Portal Developer Questionnaire UCB Student Response Appendix VIII – Undergraduate Affairs Focus Groups, Raw Data, 2001 Appendix...
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...Chapter I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The advances in computer technologies have affected everybody’s daily life. Computers support and assist almost every single human activity. Traditional Decision Support Systems (DSS) has focused on computerized support for making decisions with respect to managerial problems (Turban 2005). Information is power. Providing significant and updated information is important to an administration because it is committed to promote transparency in school. It is grateful to a certain place that if it is linked to the rest of the world, it means that people could easily access vital information about the school. This set of web information could include data about the events of school or the school history, its vision and mission, its faculty and staff and its plans and programs. In this age of information, almost all fields of endeavor such as education, manufacturing, research, games, entertainment, and business treat information systems as a need. Indeed, every activity in our daily life today requires people to get involved in the use of information systems. Information technology is playing a crucial role in the development of modern society and social life. It has transformed the whole world into a global village. Now social life has moved to online. People are using discussion board, blogs and social networking sites through web-based technology to communicate digitally. World Wide Web, digital library, e-commerce and...
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...MSc thesis Information security Passport of the Future: Biometrics against Identity Theft? Marijana Kosmerlj NISlab Høgskolen i Gjøvik marijana@erdal.biz 30 June 2004 Sammendrag Formålet med biometriske pass er å forhindre ulovlig adgang av reisende inn i et land og å begrense bruken av forfalskede reisedokumenter ved en mer nøyaktig autentisering av reisende. Etter den 11. september 2001 har interessen for bruk av slike biometriske pass økt kraftig. Biometriske pass vil bestå av et høykapasitets smartkort som vil inneholde et bilde av passinnehaveren i tillegg til annen type identitetsinformasjon. I passkontrollen vil ett foto bli tatt av passeieren og sammenlignet med fotoet lagret i passet. Et systemdefinert parameter vil avgjøre om disse to fotoene er like nok til å fastslå om personen i de to fotoene er en og samme person. Mange utfordringer er knyttet til biometriske systemer slik som feilrater, “spoofing”angrep, ikke-universalitet og interoperabilitetsproblemer. Forskningen har vist hvor lett det er å lure biomtriske systemer ved bruk av for eksempel statiske foto. Denne rapporten går ett skritt videre og tar en nærmere titt på fiender og deres ressurser i et grensekontrollmiljø. Den tradisjonelle måten å beregne feilakseptraten til biometriske systemer på, vil ikke gjenspeile den virkelige feilakseptraten i dette miljøet. For eksempel, vil andelen av fiendene som har minst tyve ”look-alikes” i målpopulasjonen sett fra et biometrisk system’s perspektiv være...
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...Acknowledgement It is a great pleasure for me to acknowledge the assistance and contributions to this assignment; First of all I would like to thank to my lecturer Mr. Kanchana Wimalasurendra who helped me to understand the problems of the scenario that helped me to approach the problems confidently. I would like to acknowledge to the lecturers of ICBT Kandy Campus, my friends and the people who helped me to finish the assignment successfully. Finally, I gratefully acknowledge to the support, encouragement, and patient of my parents. Thank You Ahamed Rikaz Contents Introduction - 4 - Organizational Structure - 5 - Tools Used For Business Analysis - 10 - SWOT Analysis - 11 - New Steps In Strategic Plan - 19 - Market Analysis: - 19 - Risk management, Contingency plan - 26 - Impact of internet on the organizational environments and strategic planning - 28 - Utilization of Information System in Strategic Plan - 31 - Management Information Systems (MIS) - 32 - Discussion of appropriate IT tools - 42 - Recruitment and Employment - 55 - Future Considerations - 87 - Conclusion - 88 - Gantt chart - 89 - References - 90 - Introduction Today’s Managers have to be like artist. They work in a global economy where the relationships among nations and corporations, emerging economies, outstanding partners, and the fast-paced...
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...DEVELOPMENT OF LEGENDA ONLINE STUDENT TIME TABLE SYSTEM FINAL YEAR PROJECT FINAL REPORT ABUBAKAR MAGIRA TOM U0957657 A thesis submitted in part fulfillment of the degree of B.sc (Hons.) In Software Engineering with the supervision of Dr. Mia Torrez and moderated by Mdm Teo Siew School of Computer Science and Information Technology Linton University College In Collaboration with University of East London December 2012 DECLARATION I Abubakar Magira Tom, hereby declare that the project work entitled “[LEGENDA ONLINE STUDENT TIME TABLE]” submitted to [LINTON UNIVERSTIY COLLEGE], is a record of an original work done by me under the guidance of [Dr. MIA TORREZ], and this project work has not performed the basis for the award of any Degree or diploma/ associate ship /fellowship and similar project if any. ___________________ [ABUBAKAR MAGIRA TOM] Student Date: __________________ [Dr. MIA TORREZ] Supervisor Date: ___________________ Mdm TEO SIEW Project Coordinator Date: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The special thank goes to my helpful supervisor, Dr Mia Torrez. The supervision and support that she gave truly help the progression and smoothness of my research topic. The cooperation is much indeed appreciated sir. My grateful thanks also go to both Mdm. TEO SIE. A big contribution and hard worked from both of you during the eight week is very great indeed. All projects during the program would be nothing without the enthusiasm and imagination...
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...Scheme and Syllabus of B.E. (Computer Science and Engineering) 3 rd th TO 8 Semester 2014-2015 University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh DEPARTMENT: COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING VISION: To be recognized as an international leader in Computer Science and Engineering education and research to benefit society globally. MISSION: · · · · To move forward as frontiers of human knowledge to enrich the citizen, the nation, and the world. To excel in research and innovation that discovers new knowledge and enables new technologies and systems. To develop technocrats, entrepreneurs, and business leaders of future who will strive to improve the quality of human life. To create world class computing infrastructure for the enhancement of technical knowledge in field of Computer Science and Engineering. PROGRAMME: B.E. CSE (UG PROGRAMME) PROGRAMME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: I. Graduates will work as software professional in industry of repute. II. Graduates will pursue higher studies and research in engineering and management disciplines. III. Graduates will work as entrepreneurs by establishing startups to take up projects for societal and environmental cause. PROGRAMME OUTCOMES: A. Ability to effectively apply knowledge of computing, applied sciences and mathematics to computer science & engineering problems. B. Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex computer science & engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions...
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...INTRODUCTION Welcome to Research Rundowns, a blog intended to simplify research methods in educational settings. I hope this site can serve as a quick, practical, and more importantly, relevant resource on how to read, conduct, and write research. The contents are an expansion and revision of my class materials, intended for use as a refresher or as a free introductory research methods course. Topics are organized into five main sections, with subsections (in parentheses): * Introduction (INTRO)–a brief overview of educational research methods (3) * Quantitative Methods (QUANT)–descriptive and inferential statistics (5) * Qualitative Methods (QUAL)–descriptive and thematic analysis (2) * Mixed Methods (MIXED)–integrated, synthesis, and multi-method approaches (1) * Research Writing (WRITING)–literature review and research report guides (5) Most subsection contains a non-technical description of the topic, a how-to interpret guide, a how-to set-up and analyze guide using free online calculators or Excel, and a wording results guide. All materials are available for general use, following the Creative Commons License. Introduction (INTRO)–a brief overview of educational research methods 1. What is Educational Research? (uploaded 7.17.09) 2. Writing Research Questions (uploaded 7.20.09) 3. Experimental Design (uploaded 7.20.09) ------------------------------------------------- Experimental Design The basic idea of experimental design involves...
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...GCE Specification Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary GCE in Applied Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (Single Award: 8751)/(Double Award: 8752) Edexcel Advanced GCE in Applied Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (Single Award: 9751)/(Double Award: 9752) Edexcel Advanced GCE with Advanced Subsidiary (Additional) in Applied Information and Communication Technology (ICT) (9753) Issue 4 September 2010 Edexcel, a Pearson company, is the UK’s largest awarding body, offering academic and vocational qualifications and testing to more than 25,000 schools, colleges, employers and other places of learning in the UK and in over 100 countries worldwide. Qualifications include GCSE, AS and A Level, NVQ and our BTEC suite of vocational qualifications from entry level to BTEC Higher National Diplomas, recognised by employers and higher education institutions worldwide. We deliver 9.4 million exam scripts each year, with more than 90% of exam papers marked onscreen annually. As part of Pearson, Edexcel continues to invest in cutting-edge technology that has revolutionised the examinations and assessment system. This includes the ability to provide detailed performance data to teachers and students which helps to raise attainment. This specification is Issue 4. Key changes are sidelined. We will inform centres of any changes to this issue. The latest issue can be found on the Edexcel website: www.edexcel.com Acknowledgements This specification...
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