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Assignment 1: Targeting Specific Consumers


Submitted By chamuco
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Pages 5
This paper will select on model and it will discuss how the commercials of different products are designed to impact various stages of the responses process. It will also evaluate how effectively the commercials impact each stage of the responses process, citing specific examples to support the responses. It will determine if the three commercials are an effective way to communicate with early digital adopters. Everything will be evaluated using the model of communication process presented in chapter 5.

Assignment 2: Advertisement Assessment In order to discuss how commercials are designed to impact various stages of the response process, this paper will examine them using the AIDA model. The AIDA model was developed to represent the stages a salesperson must take a customer through in the personal-selling process. This model depicts the buyers passing successively through attention, interest a, desire and action. (Belch & Belch, 2012)
Kindle Fire, "Placing the things you love at your fingertips." In this commercial we can appreciate the following
Attention is the 1st phase that will spark the interest of a consumer. What sparks attention is usually by its unique design, pricing, and marketing. With's commercial it gives a quick "spark" that the Kindle Fire is a product from the unique and familiar Therefore it gives the sense of trustworthy and special attention to their new product. "it says: for years we have placed the things you love at your doorstep" What it is trying to convey is that you have trust us for years, we are now going to get even better and closer to you "at your finger tips" you must trust us again.
Interest is the 2nd phase that can create a desire for the product/service. A consumer will want to know more about the product/service, its functions and features. Once the attention is put into the item, they go ahead and get the item out of the box and create interest of "at my finger tips? how? and they present the Kindle Fire and it's amazing features. Desire Desire is the 3rd phase that stimulates an action to buy, desire may grow which will lead to the purchase of the product/service. The commercial says: "with apps, games, web browsing and of course reading" thus creating the desire to purchase.
Action is the 4th phase and the last of the AIDA. The consumer will purchase the product/service after completing the 3 phases. Desire triggers action, and the consumer will buy it when the product/service can fulfill his/her desire. And ultimately, a nice low price of $199 is shown. With bold and enlarged fonts focusing on the price tag. The AIDA model helped understand the process that makes consumers tick from the pricing structure to the designs and features. With such valuable data, that marketers will be able to craft a product/service to the consumers satisfaction.
Nook eReader, "B&N Nook with Jane Lynch." Similar product different commercial.
Attention is the 1st phase that will spark the interest of a consumer. What sparks attention is usually by its unique design, pricing, and marketing. In this case B&N in order to create attention it makes use of a famous person, she starts the commercial by presenting herself. "Hi, my name is Jane Lynch" and right after all of the sudden contagious music and choir start singing. This technique definitely gets the attention of the public in seconds.
Interest is the 2nd phase that can create a desire for the product/service. A consumer will want to know more about the product/service, its functions and features. Jane Lynch begins creating interest by explaining what it is and what it does. "It is the fastest, lightest tablet with all my favorite books."
Desire is the 3rd phase that stimulates an action to buy. Jane Lynch also takes advantage of the opportunity to promote her books but quickly she shows that other things can be used, such as movies and games. She is creating desire to purchase the tablet.
Action is the 4th phase and the last of the AIDA. The consumer will purchase the product/service after completing the 3 phases. Therefore in this commercial price is not presented, since it must not be one of their competitive advantage. But it goes further at the end and continues to show what else it does for its customers thus continuing to present itself as the "best." Desire triggers action, and the consumer will buy it when the product/service can fulfill his/her desire. Everyone wants the "best" after all.
Sony e-Book reader
In order to have that sparks attention from viewers Sony presents the in a very visual and graphic way the inconvenience of carrying many books. What would it look like to carry 100 books? it says: "love your books a little too much?"
Interest is the 2nd phase that can create a desire for the product/service. A consumer will want to know more about the product/service, its functions and features. After the viewers realize that they can literally be buried under their books they are interested in finding out how could they solve this problem. The books start disappearing and getting into a small purse, this causes the interest of finding out what is it inside the purse.
Desire is the 3rd phase that stimulates an action to buy. "take them all with you in the Sony reader digital book"
Wouldn't you like to fit all your books inside your purse?

Action Action is the 4th phase and the last of the AIDA. The consumer will purchase the product/service after completing the 3 phases. Desire triggers action, and the consumer will buy it when the product/service can fulfill his/her desire, in this case the desire to fit hundreds of book inside the Sony reader digital book" In order to determine if these three commercials are an effective way to communicate with early digital adopters it becomes necessary to ask the following question: What is it that early digital adopters are looking for? Early digital adopters are looking for simpler and more sophisticated ways of living life. These three products offer that very thing. Making things that once seemed to be impossible, possible. Making bringing more of the things they enjoy doing together, such as music, reading, web surfing, movies all in one device. Therefore they are offering value and convenience, thus communicating effectively with early digital adopters. This paper analyzed the AIDA model and it discussed how three commercials of different products were designed to impact various stages of the responses process.
It also evaluated how effectively the commercials impacted each stage of the responses process, citing specific examples to support the responses. It determined that these commercial had an effective way to communicate with early digital adopters. All these was evaluated using the model of communication process presented in chapter 5.

Belch, G., & Belch, M. (2012). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective. (9th ed. ed.). New York City: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

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