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Assignment 3: The Pioneers

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The Pioneers

1. I think the purpose of the introduction is to make people think about fast food and how it got started, where the food comes from, who makes it, what in it, and how it affects your body.

2. The thing that changed people’s views on hamburgers was White Castles because they cooked their food in front of their customers so they know that it’s not poisonous and that it is fresh. Also, a medical student helped by eating hamburgers for 13 days and he was pretty healthy by the end, that’s how people liked hamburgers again.

The Youngster Business

3. The 2 nags I chose are the pleading nag and a persistent nag. A pleading nag is when a person says the same word over and over …show more content…
Then they would start crying and their mom or dad would eventually give in and say “Stop crying and I’ll get you a toy” and then they stop crying because they wanted a toy.

4. Kids clubs are good for you and businesses because you make new friends and you can learn about other kids. It’s fun to play with other kids you don’t know because you make new friends if you don’t know them. “ It’s in effective way both to advertise and to learn about kids”from page 39. “These clubs appeal to a child’s need for friendship “ from page …show more content…
The reason she went to try to stop the pop was because of all the cavities and how they kept sending more and more soda on planes so that they could get more money. Eskimos didn’t have a lot of dentist where they lived, they had fast food places. They even had vending machines filled with soda and it was open all day for people with dental problems and overweight people.


1. Well one thing is if you eat too much food you’ll turn fat. And not be able to play all the games you like to play. And you’ll have to take a lot of breaks when playing a game like basketball. And if you don’t exercise you won’t be strong you’ll be weak and people might make fun of you.

3. I don’t think it was a good idea to get the surgery because he had almost died. Because of the surgery and he had to stay in the hospital for 11 days in the hospital. He almost died from a blockage in his leg that went to his lungs.

Your Way

1. Mcdonald's and KFC both got a ton of places blown up by people not liking that cows were feed dead cows. “Mcdonald’s and other fast food chains have added healthier items to their menus”. They added fruits like apples and salads with lots of different things in the salad. “ Mcdonald's is the largest purchasers of apples in the US, and it now sells the most salades than any other

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