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White Earth Pow

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Entering one of the many rooms dedicated to Native American culture at the Minneapolis Institute of Art is an exhilarating experience. My favorite room was home to many Native artifacts, including a large headdress and an embroidered coat. Hung against a simple white wall alone was a work done by Frank Big Bear. This piece caught my eye. It was so busy and lively against such a plain and simple background. The work is titled White Earth Pow Wow #4 and was created with oil pastels in 1984. It is approximately four feet wide and has a height of around three feet. It sticks out a bit in the room considering it is the only piece that is not an artifact from years past. It is vibrant next to washed out earthy tones of animal hide and natural made dye. Generally this work is a scene of a field at sunset with many beings in the foreground and middleground, with clouds filling the background. The artist's uses numerous stimulating elements in the work. There are many aspects to look at. Many shapes to pull …show more content…
The space between each organic shape is almost non existent but there are definitive lines to differentiate between all of them. These forms are also closed which give each of them a mass. The lines to the right are also more linear compared to the painterly lines on the left side. The majority of this space on the left is white with small traces of red, yellow and blue windy lines inside that are open which allows them to have no mass and feel weightless like air. The lines are windy because compared to the lines of beings, they are more relaxed angles in contrast with the sharper angles to the right of the wind where all the action takes place. The chaotic lines are not horizontal, vertical or diagonal but rather move all these ways at once, very squigly and sporadic. The colors in the wind are spontaneous as they pulls toward the sun at the

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