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Assignment: Error Analysis


Submitted By suria2490
Words 5261
Pages 22
(International Conference on Challenges and Prospects in Teacher Education, Concorde Hotel Shah Alam 1 16 & 17 July 2001)

The Using of Model Context. Input, Process and Products (CIPP) In Learning Programs Assessment. AZIZI HJ. YAHAYA Ph.D Jabatan Pendidikan Asas Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai, Johor.
ABSTACT: Assessment is one process to determine problem, choose relevant information, and collect and analyze information to report useful summary to decision maker. Evaluation model discussed in this topic was CIPP Stufflebeam’s model. CIPP assessment's model selected because his effectiveness to get revenue formative and summative and to find decision and problem-solving ability. CIPP assessment's model may be made assessment whether before, during or after the project conducted. This very different with Stake's approach assume that researcher may make level current study implementation or during the programme running. CIPP assessment's model also be formed to satisfy programme mastermind and administration not just filling individual ' wish. Lastly CIPP is not designed to prove a decision but act as to improve where information derivative later can be made as a guide to planning something programme. Introduction Assessment is one continuous process to determine method proposed applies in lesson by teachers and at the same time supervisor can give guidance and guide to them to overcome the shortage that exists. The assessment questionnaire and interview also should be used so that the feedback is total and real. This feedback result might be noted when conducting other courses at future time. A few assessment techniques can be and have been used before to evaluate implementation of curriculum. It is observation, including interview with teacher, principal and subject pupils and subject teachers. Assessment Models Model is a conceptual

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