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Assignment on Walton


Submitted By mdaa
Words 4711
Pages 19
Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) is a prime government organization entrusted for rapid industrialization of small and cottage Industries in the country. Under the direct or indirect initiative of BSCIC a plenty of entrepreneurs has been created and enterprises has been set up in the country. But the influence of globalization and the free economy impacts upon the traditional manufacturing enterprises. This situation for marketing of small and cottage industries products is a major constraints facing by the sector. BSCIC is to provide facilities to the existing and new entrepreneurs to expand and develop their markets and to stay and sustain in the competitive environment.

Bangladesh Small & Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) was established in 1957 by an Act of Parliament. The establishment of BSCIC was in recognition of the need for a specialised agency to promote the development of Small, Medium & Cottage Industries (SMCIs) in the manufacturing sector through the provision of advisory services, fiscal and financial assistance, infrastructural facilities, market access and other support programme.
BSCIC strives to create resilient and efficient SMCIs, able to compete in a liberalised market environment. SMCIs have to be efficient and knowledge-driven, including using ICT to be globally ‘connected’ and accessible. The Corporation will promote SMCIs to be an integral part of the country’s industrial development capable of producing high value-added manufacturing product & services. BSCIC will serve as the national focal point for the over all development of SMCIs in the country.
The principal goal of the Bangladesh Govt. economic policy is to reduce poverty which is coherent with the MDGs. For achieving the above goal economic growth policy is adopted by the Govt. in the macro-economic policy. In view of the above the BSCIC Vision, Mission, Goal, Strategy, Initiative, Challenges, Needs, Objectives, Services, Function and Programmes are fixed.
To be the leading Organisation in Developing Small, Medium & Cottage Industries that contribute to the economic growth and to create vibrant and resilient SMCIs that enhance Bangladesh is competitiveness in the world market. To transform SMCIs into an economic powerhouse of the country by 2025.
To materialize the vision following mission may be followed :
i) Providing latest technical and managerial assistance to enterprises and communities for the improvement of productivity, quality and environment. ii) Promoting strategic alliance with clients as well as national and international professional bodies in pursuit of economic development. iii) Molding a work place that en courages creativity, innovation, professional growth and positive value. iv) To instill and eventually ingrain deeply the concept of learning organisation into SMCIs and encourage them to be export-oriented.
v) Sharing the rewards of own endeavors with our communities, customers, employees, suppliers, management and our stakeholders.
Success of SMCIs development in Bangladesh needs several inputs. Such as effective policy modus operandi upto date knowledge and information related to business and industry, efficient personnel, capital fund, dependable infrastructures, appropriate and competitive technology and inter-ministerial ties with close co-ordial relationship is very much needed for achievement of goal and vision of BSCIC. Every input must be utilized in the proper time in appropriate way so we can expect the efficient output.

BSCIC Provides
• Pre-investment counselling
• Post-investment extension services
• Technical information
• Design and prototype of handicrafts
• Industrial profiles and fact sheets
• Marketing information
• Infrastructural facilities
• Skill development training
• Entrepreunership developement training
• In-plant advisory services
• Credit facilities etc.

• Entrepreneurship development through counselling and training
• Provide infrastructural facilities by establishing Industrial Estates
• Extend credit facilities to the entrepreneurs from its own fund and also through banks and financial institutions;
• Preparation of Project Profile and project appraisal proposal
• Provide technical and consultancy services for establishing new industrial units and quality improvement of SCI products;
• Development and distribution of new designs and prototype
• Innovation and adaptation of appropriate technology in the SCI sector
• Collect, compilation and dissemination of technical and other information leading to investment, production and marketing of SCI
• Conduct research, studies and survey in the SCI sector
• Other pre and post investment counselling
• Regulatory Functions
• Registration of small and cottage industrial unit
• Recommendation for exemption of duties and taxes
• Recommendation for import entitlement of raw materials and packaging materials

Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) is a scientific research organization and regulatory body of Bangladesh. Its main objective is to pursue scientific research for the betterment of Bangladeshi people. It was established on 1978, after the liberation of Bangladesh.[citation needed]
BCSIR traces its roots back to the days of East Pakistan. East Regional Laboratories of PCSIR was established in Dhaka in 1955. Subsequently, PSCIR laboratories were established in Rajshahi (1965) and in Chittagong (1967). After the independence of Bangladesh in 1971, BCSIR was established by a resolution of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh which subsequently was reconstituted as the Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research through a Presidential Ordinance namely Ordinance No. (V) of 1978.[1]
The aims and objectives of the Council was first formulated during the establishment of the Council in 1973, which was rewritten in 1978 during the promulgation of the Ordinance No. V of 1978 and states as follows:
Aims and Objectives To initiate, promote and guide scientific, industrial and technological research having a bearing on problems connected with the establishment and development of industries and such other allied matters as the Government may refer to it; To establish, maintain and develop laboratories, workshops, institutes, centres and organizations for furtherance of scientific and industrial research with the object of utilizing and exploiting the natural resources of the country in the best possible manner; To give grants-in-aid for scientific, industrial and technological research schemes and projects of the universities established by law and other research institutions; To adopt measures for the commercial utilization of discoveries and invention resulting from the research carried on by the Council, universities or by any other research organization; To establish and award fellows in areas of research covered by the Council; To collect and disseminate information of scientific, industrial and technological matters and publish scientific papers, reports and periodicals on such matters; To encourage establishment of industrial research organizations; To maintain contact with scientific, industrial and technological research organizations of other countries; To take out patents and make arrangements for the industrial utilization of research processes developed in the institutes and laboratories established by the Council: To establish such libraries, museums, experimental plantations and herbaria as the Board may consider appropriate; To do such other acts and things as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of the Ordinance;

About Us Bangladesh Industrial Technical Assistance Centre other-wise known as BITAC is the successor to Pakistan Industrial Technical Centre (PITAC). It was renamed BITAC after the independence of Bangladesh. BITAC was established in 1962 by merging two other productivity oriented public sector organizations namely IRDC & PIPS. With the establishment of BITAC practice oriented activities for productivity Promotion and improvement of Productivity were created through its laboratory and workshops support. The main objective of BITAC is therefore, promotion of the national economy through development of product, process and skilled manpower. BITAC has Five Centres in Bangladesh at Dhaka, Chittagong, Chandpur, Khulna and Bogra.

Activities of BITAC:
• » To upgrade the skills of the industrial personnel in technical fields.
• » To advice industries primarily in the private sector on matters pertaining to industrial productivity.
• » To disseminate modern technical know-how among industrial personnel through seminars,group discussions, demonstrations, publications, film show etc.
• » To extend consulting services to industrial organizations and industries mainly in the private sector.
• » To collect and circulate information relating to industrial productivity in any or all its branches.
• » To-operate with international and national organizations and agencies in activities for increasing industrial productivity and advance technical know-how.
• » To adopt such measures and take such steps and do all such things as may be conducive to the promotion of cordial relations between the centre and person interested in the objectives of the centre.
• » To secure the recognition of the center in Bangladesh and other foreign countries.
In conjunction with the upgrading program and to make it more effective, the BITAC shall:
• » Assist in the design and manufacture of newly developed jigs, fixtures, gauges, moulds, dies, punches, tools and products(proto-type) for industries and agriculture;
• » Develop products, processes and tools etc, to help industries in improving the quality, increasing production, reducing cost and utilizing indigenous raw materials and to increase the scope of indigenous manufacture;
• » Conduct productivity studies in such selected plants as may be determined and recommend ways and means for improvement.
• » To do all such other lawful things as the center may think identical or conducive to the Attainment of any or all the objectives of the center mentioned above. 4. Functions of BITAC 1 To train industrial personnel to upgrade their skills.
2 To provide technical assistance to industries through technology transfer, manufacture of import substitute machinery parts, advisory and consultancy services.
3 To assist industrialization of the country by promoting productivity, quality improvement, cost-effective production, usage of local raw materials and indigenous techniques, etc.
4 To provide technical assistance to the industries in various fields including plastic technology and related tools, jigs, fixtures and metal processing die, etc.

5. Justification of the project for BITAC
BITAC has a very well organized mechanical manufacturing infrastructure having training facilities to achieve its main objectives of research & development, technology transfer and skill development. BITAC activities can be used to comply with government’s emergency crash program to eradicate poverty by employment through providing hands on technical training without expending any extra money.
Also it facilitates the growing industrialization by providing technically skilled manpower. Priority for girls in the project has to be given to reduce the prevailing gender inequity.


MIDAS is a not-for-profit organization established in 1982 with USAID assistance to address the challenge of poverty alleviation in a most practical way. Its main focus is on creation of employment opportunities in the country by promoting the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME). It has greatly helped individuals with limited resources start small businesses and contribute to innovation and competition.

To stand out as a front-line business development service provider in Bangladesh.

To help generation of employment to reduce poverty and promote socio-economic development.


MIDAS is committed to the development of a sound and rapidly growing micro, small and medium enterprises sector in Bangladesh. Accordingly, it aims at
 Identifying promising micro, small and medium-scale enterprises by providing financial, managerial and technical assistance.
 Developing entrepreneurship and helping entrepreneurs explore and exploit new business opportunities.
 Facilitating capacity building of micro, small and medium enterprises promotion organizations.
 Serving as a catalytic force for the growth of micro, small and medium-scale business enterprises in the country.
 Continuously developing its institutional capability to operate on self-sustainable basis.


The core services of MIDAS include:
(i). Study and Research
(ii). Human Resource Development
(iii). Private sector Development
(iv). Information and Counselling
(v). Project Implementation, Monitoring & Evaluation
(vi). Marketing Assistance for Women Entrepreneurs

Mission : To help generation of employment to reduce poverty and facilitate development.
Vision : To stand out as a front-line business development service provider in the country.


Micro Industries Development Assistance and Services (MIDAS) is a promotional organisation in the private sector. It was set up in 1982 with the objective of supporting the development of micro, small and medium enterprises. Over the period, it has gained unique professional competence in effective delivery of both technical and financial assistance services to diverse and wide ranging target groups.MIDAS firmly believes that micro and small enterprises provide the best opportunity to create new employment and develop a new base of entrepreneurship in the country. MIDAS renders financial and technical assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises and existing and would-be entrepreneurs. MIDAS also offers training, information and consulting services to national and multinational companies, government organizations, NGOs, donor agencies and individuals in various areas relating to technology, management, production, marketing, finance, export development, etc. Financing small enterprises is one of the most important functions ofMIDAS. The lending operation ofMIDAS, however, is now being handled by its subsidiary company named MIDAS Financing Ltd., which is a public company limited by shares.

• Consulting services to support growth of business
• Human Resource Development Services
• Information Services


MIDAS is one of the pioneers in the field of entrepreneurship development and business management training in the country. Its training capabilities are acknowledged within and outside the country. MIDAS has provided training to entrepreneurs/ individuals, executives, officials of various govt. agencies, national and multinational companies, NGOs, donor assisted projects, commercial banks, etc in the field of

• Entrepreneurship Development
• Business Management
• Leadership Development
• Training of Trainers (TOT)
• Marketing and Salesmanship
• Executive Development
• Micro Credit Management, etc.
MIDAS conducted more than 350 training courses for more than 7,500 participants (as of June2005).

Major clients of MIDAS training services include, ActionAid, BRAC, BRDB, BADC, British American Tobacco, Bangladesh Employers Federation, Department of Women?s Affairs (GOB), GTZ, German Red Cross, Humber College-Canada, IDE, ITDG, ILO ,IVS, ICDDR-B, Jatio Mohila Sangstha (JMS), JOBS, Janata Bank, MCC, NRDP/DANIDA, National Minor Irrigation Development Project (NMIDP), NORAD, NASCIB, PACT-Bangladesh, PROSHIKA, Palli Daridro Bimochon Foundation, RDRS, SABINCO, Sonali Bank, Islami Bank, USAID, World Food Programme and rural and urban entrepreneurs.

5. DFIs:

Development finance institution (DFI) is generic term used to refer to a range of alternative financial institutions includingmicrofinance institutions, community development financial institution and revolving loan funds.[1] These institutions provide a crucial role in providing credit in the form of higher risk loans, equity positions and risk guarantee instruments to private sector investments in developing countries.[2] DFIs are backed by states with developed economies. In 2005, total commitments (as loans, equity, guarantees and debt securities) of the major regional, multilateral and bilateral DFIs totalled US$45 billion (US$21.3 billion of which went to support the private sector).[2]
DFIs have a general mandate to provide finance to the private sector for investments that promote development.[2] The purpose of DFIs is to ensure investment in areas where otherwise, the market fails to invest sufficiently.[2] DFIs aim to be catalysts, helping companies implement investment plans and especially seek to engage in countries where there is restricted access to domestic and foreign capital markets and provide risk mitigation that enables investors to proceed with plans they might otherwise abandon.[2] DFIs specialise in loans with longer maturities and other financial products. DFIs have a unique advantage in providing finance that is related to the design and implementation of reforms and capacity-building programmes adopted by governments.[2]

The term ‘subsidy’ is used here in its broadest terms (an explicit or implicit transfer from the public sector (here: the state backing the DFI) to the private sector).[2] These transfers result in different conditions available in DFI operations than would be normal practice in the commercial financial sector.[2] Transfers can be aimed at private sector beneficiaries directly (e.g. in the form of interest rate subsidies) or indirectly through its effects on the conditions under which DFIs are allowed to operate (e.g. lower costs of capital because public shareholders do not require commercial rates of return on their investments).[2]
This definition includes a broad spectrum of issues, and goes beyond technical assistance grants in infrastructure to the raison d’etre of DFIs because without some transfer of finance or guarantees, DFIs would not be able to invest in infrastructure as they do at present.[2]There are three main forms of subsidies in the operations of DFIs in practice[2]:
1. High level of liquidity;
2. An ability to access technical assistance funds; and
3. Subsidies passed on directly to beneficiaries.

An ability to access technical assistance funds
DFIs also provide a substantial amount of technical assistance (TA), and a survey by researchers at the Overseas Development Institutefound that DFIs spend over US$ 200 million on TA to both the private and public sectors to help develop private investment projects.[2]Services are either other paid for with a fee (on a cost sharing basis) or in the form of a grant, funded by the DFI’s retained earnings.[2]TA funds are sometimes tailor made for specific projects and clients, while others for cater for a broader, upstream, investment climate or financial reform programmes.[2] Not all these TA funds are directly administered and controlled by DFIs, some are merely accessed or influenced by them.[2]

Subsidies passed on directly to beneficiaries
The subsidy directly passed on to the client is usually in the form of a risk guarantee and/or a longer repayment period.[2] DFIs can often provide loans for between 10 to 15 years, far longer than a commercial bank's loan of usually 3–5 years.[2] In the case of the EIB, loans can last up to 25 years.[2] Other benefits provided directly to beneficiaries include: longer grace periods; subordinated debt or other forms of quasi-equity finance characterised by higher risk; equity investments in frontier markets and sectors; and the higher risks that accompany the syndication of loans.[2] Yet these loans are not understood to damage the competitiveness of the commercial banks, as the lending policies of DFIs reflect their mandate that debt should be priced at a mark-up which reflects genuine country and project risk, and includes administration costs and fees at market rates.[2] Despite differences amongst DFIs at project level, this mandate tends to be properly applied in practise.[2]

2008 Global Financial Crisis
DFIs, however, cannot take on more risk without paying heed to accessibility of credit in the wider international financial markets.[2]However, DFIs are less directly affected by the 2008 global financial crisis, because of their mainly fixed rate loans and high levels of liquidity.[2] DFIs could thus play an important role in being the lender who is not only the ‘first to enter’ a market, but also the ‘last to leave’.[2] This may reduce the problems caused by herding behaviour of private capital flows.[2]

6. NGO:

A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a legally constituted organization created by natural or legal persons that operates independently from any form of government. The term originated from the United Nations (UN), and is normally used to refer to organizations that are not a part of the government and are not conventional for-profit business. In the cases in which NGOs are funded totally or partially by governments, the NGO maintains its non-governmental status by excluding government representatives from membership in the organization. The term is usually applied only to organizations that pursue wider social aims that have politicalaspects, but are not openly political organizations such as political parties.
The number of Nationally operating NGOs is estimated at 40,000.[1] International numbers are even higher: Russia has 277,000 NGOs;[2] India is estimated to have around 3.3 million NGOs in year 2009, which is just over one NGO per 400 Indians, and many times the number of primary schools and primary health centres in India.[3][4]

NGOs are difficult to define and classify, and the term 'NGO' is not used consistently. As a result, there are many different classifications in use. The most common use a framework that includes orientation and level of operation. An NGO's orientation refers to the type of activities it takes on. These activities might include human rights, environmental, or development work. An NGO's level of operation indicates the scale at which an organization works, such as local, international or national. "Confronting the Classification Problem: Toward a Taxonomy of NGOs"
One of the earliest mentions of the acronym "NGO" was in 1945, when the UN was created. The UN, which is an inter-governmental organization, made it possible for certain approved specialized international non-state agencies - or non-governmental organisations - to be awarded observer status at its assemblies and some of its meetings. Later the term became used more widely. Today, according to the UN, any kind of private organization that is independent from government control can be termed an "NGO", provided it is not-profit, non-criminal and not simply an opposition political party.
Professor Peter Willetts, from the University of London, argues the definition of NGOs can be interpreted differently by various organizations and depending on a situation’s context. He defines an NGO as “"an independent voluntary association of people acting together on a continuous basis for some common purpose other than achieving government office, making money or illegal activities."[5]In this view, two main types of NGOs are recognized according to the activities they pursue: operational NGOs that deliver services and campaigning NGOs. Although Willetts proposes the operational and campaigning NGOs as a tool to differentiate the main activities of these organizations, he also explains that a single NGO may often be engaged in both activities. Many NGOs also see them as mutually reinforcing.
Professor Akira Iriye defines NGO as "a voluntary nonstate, nonprofit, nonreligious, and nonmilitary association."[6]

There are also numerous classifications of NGOs. The typology the World Bank uses divides them into Operational and Advocacy:[10]
NGOs vary in their methods. Some act primarily as lobbyists, while others primarily conduct programs and activities. For instance, an NGO such as Oxfam, concerned with poverty alleviation, might provide needy people with the equipment and skills to find food and cleandrinking water, whereas an NGO like the FFDA helps through investigation and documentation of human rights violations and provides legal assistance to victims of human rights abuses. Others, such as Afghanistan Information Management Services, provide specialized technical products and services to support development activities implemented on the ground by other organizations.
NGOs were intended to fill a gap in government services, but in countries like India, NGOs are gaining a powerful stronghold in decision making. In the interest of sustainability, most donors require that NGOs demonstrate a relationship with governments. State Governments themselves are vulnerable because they lack strategic planning and vision. They are therefore sometimes tightly bound by a nexus of NGOs, political bodies, commercial organizations and major donors/funders, making decisions that have short term outputs but no long term affect. NGOs in India are under regulated, political, and recipients of large government and international donor funds. NGOs often take up responsibilities outside their skill ambit. Governments have no access to the number of projects or amount of funding received by these NGOs. There is a pressing need to regulate this group while not curtailing their unique role as a supplement to government services.

Operational NGOs seek to "achieve small scale change directly through projects."[5] They mobilize financial resources, materials and volunteers to create localized programs in the field. They hold large scale fundraising events, apply to governments and organizations for grants and contracts in order to raise money for projects. They often operate in a hierarchical structure; with a main headquarters staffed by professionals who plan projects, create budgets, keep accounts, report, and communicate with operational fieldworkers who work directly on projects[5] Operational NGOs deal with a wide range of issues, but are most often associated with the delivery of services and welfare, emergency relief and environmental issues. Operational NGOs can be further categorized, one frequently used categorization is the division into relief-oriented versus development-oriented organizations; they can also be classified according to whether they stress service delivery or participation; or whether they are religious or secular; and whether they are more public or private-oriented. Operational NGOs can be community-based, national or international. The defining activity of operational NGOs is implementing projects.[5]

Whether the NGOs are small or large, various NGOs need budgets to operate. The amount of budget that they need would differ from NGOs to NGOs. Unlike small NGOs, large NGOs may have annual budgets in the hundreds of millions or billions of dollars. For instance, the budget of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) was over US$540 million in 1999.[12] Funding such large budgets demands significant fundraising efforts on the part of most NGOs. Major sources of NGO funding are membership dues, the sale of goods and services, grants from international institutions or national governments, and private donations. Several EU-grants provide funds accessible to NGOs.
Even though the term "non-governmental organization" implies independence from governments, many NGOs depend heavily on governments for their funding.[13] A quarter of the US$162 million income in 1998 of the famine-relief organization Oxfam was donated by the British government and the EU. The Christian relief and development organization World Vision United States collected US$55 million worth of goods in 1998 from the American government. Nobel Prize winner Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) (known in the USA as Doctors Without Borders) gets 46% of its income from government sources.[14]
Government funding of NGOs is controversial, since, according to David Rieff, writing in The New Republic, "the whole point of humanitarian intervention was precisely that NGOs and civil society had both a right and an obligation to respond with acts of aid and solidarity to people in need or being subjected to repression or want by the forces that controlled them, whatever the governments concerned might think about the matter."[15] Some NGOs, such as Greenpeace do not accept funding from governments or intergovernmental organizations.[16][17]

Monitoring and control
In a March 2000 report on United Nations Reform priorities, former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan wrote in favor of international humanitarian intervention, arguing that the international community has a "right to protect"[24] citizens of the world against ethnic cleansing, genocide, and crimes against humanity. On the heels of the report, the Canadian government launched the Responsibility to Protect R2P[25] project, outlining the issue of humanitarian intervention. While the R2P doctrine has wide applications, among the more controversial has been the Canadian government's use of R2P to justify its intervention and support of the coup in Haiti.[26] Years after R2P, the World Federalist Movement, an organization which supports "the creation of democratic global structures accountable to the citizens of the world and call for the division of international authority among separate agencies", has launched Responsibility to Protect - Engaging Civil Society (R2PCS). A collaboration between the WFM and the Canadian government, this project aims to bring NGOs into lockstep with the principles outlined under the original R2P project.
The governments of the countries an NGO works or is registered in may require reporting or other monitoring and oversight. Funders generally require reporting and assessment, such information is not necessarily publicly available. There may also be associations and watchdog organizations that research and publish details on the actions of NGOs working in particular geographic or program areas.[citation needed]
In recent years, many large corporations have increased their corporate social responsibility departments in an attempt to preempt NGO campaigns against certain corporate practices. As the logic goes, if corporations work with NGOs, NGOs will not work againstcorporations.
In December 2007, The United States Department of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) S. Ward Casscellsestablished an International Health Division under Force Health Protection & Readiness.[27] Part of International Health's mission is to communicate with NGOs in areas of mutual interest. Department of Defense Directive 3000.05,[28] in 2005, requires DoD to regard stability-enhancing activities as a mission of importance equal to combat. In compliance with international law, DoD has necessarily built a capacity to improve essential services in areas of conflict such as Iraq, where the customary lead agencies (State Departmentand USAID) find it difficult to operate. Unlike the "co-option" strategy described for corporations, the OASD(HA) recognizes the neutrality of health as an essential service. International Health cultivates collaborative relationships with NGOs, albeit at arms-length, recognizing their traditional independence, expertise and honest broker status. While the goals of DoD and NGOs may seem incongruent, the DoD's emphasis on stability and security to reduce and prevent conflict suggests, on careful analysis, important mutual interests.

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...Your book review assignment is to 1) read Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz’s ethnography, Labor and Legality, and 2) write a book review by 11am, November 3rd. 1. The point of a review is to take a position with respect to the book and to present a cogent, all-argued paper. Depth, originality and critical thinking in your arguments will be important part of grading. You should use concepts we have been discussing in class (structural violence, colonialism, etc.) to guide your argument. However, the concept of the paper is open-ended. Please develop your thoughts based on the book Labor and Legality. 1. A quality paper will have a strong analysis that draws from concepts learned from the book and also from class. Your arguments should be supported by proper evidence from the book. In other words, your thoughts must be fully engaged with the reading. Thus, proper citations, a clear structure, and also format requirements listed below would be important. 1. Format requirement. 1) Your review should be 3-5 pages (with a separate references cited page), which is a small adjustment from the syllabus. You will still need to use 1-inch margins, double-spaced, 12-point font. 2) Please review the section of the syllabus labeled “2” under “expectations” for information on academic integrity. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Use in-text citations per the Chicago Style Manual when directly quoting or paraphrasing an author and make sure to include a “works cited” section. If there is any...

Words: 1676 - Pages: 7

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Walton Bd

...15 WALTON BANGLADESH Role of Walton Hi-Tech Industry in the Economy of Bangladesh By Group Five An assignment on “Role of Walton Hi-Tech Industry in the Economy of Bangladesh” Prepared to: Professor Dr. Farah Hasin Faculty of School of Business BUS-525 North South University (NSU) Prepared by: Group: Five (Section – 03) SL NO | NAME | ID | 1. | Md. Easir Arafat | 1512679660 | 2. | Md. Asif Morshed Azad | 1513028660 | 3. | Md Owahiduzzaman Bhuiyan | 1512678660 | 4. | Md. Rowshan Ali Khan | 1512716660 | North South University Date of Submission: 17 August, 2015 Table of Content S.L No | Particulars | Page No. | | Executive Summary | 1 | 1. | Company Background | 2 | 1.1 | Walton HIL | 2-3 | 1.2 | Primary industry | 3 | 1.3 | Standard Industrial Classification | 3 | 1.4 | Mission | 3 | 1.5 | Vision | 4 | 2. | Describing the Walton Customer | 4 | 2.1 | Electronics Market in Bangladesh | 4 | 2.2 | International Market of Walton Hi-Tech Industry | 5 | 3. | Major Determinants of Demand of Walton hi-Tech Industry | 6 | 3.1 | Choice of variables...

Words: 5712 - Pages: 23

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Walmart Employee Satisfaction

...Express. Number of stores as of December 31, 2009 The first Wal-Mart was opened in Rogers Arkansas on July 2, 1962 by local business man Sam Walton. Walton had previously worked at J.C. Penny before becoming a franchise owner of a Ben Franklin. During his years at Ben Franklin, Walton discovered that the key to profits was dealing directly with the suppliers and passing the savings on to the customers through volume. Wal-Mart was incorporated as a public company 1970, with 38 stores in five states: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri and Oklahoma. That same year the first distribution center was opened in Bentonville, Arkansas. Wal-Mart grew rapidly and by 1987 they had 1,198 stores. How did Wal-Mart become so successful? Many say it was because Sam Walton was “Cheap”. Not only did he demand rock bottom prices from suppliers, he required everyone on his staff to fly coach and share hotel rooms on business trips. Cost-cutting became an obsession at Wal-Mart. Walton knew that the key component to keeping costs down was controlling the payroll. He wrote in his 1992 autobiography, Made in America, "No matter how you slice it in the retail business, payroll is one of the most important parts of overhead, and overhead is one of the most crucial things you have to fight to maintain your profit margin." Not only did Walton prefer to hire as few...

Words: 3010 - Pages: 13

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Frankenstein History

...Reading Between the Lines: An analysis of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, or, the Modern Prometheus, using Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto as an example of male discourse about women Louise Othello Knudsen English Almen, 10th semester Master’s Thesis 31-07-2012 Tabel of Contents Abstract ................................................................................................................................................ 3 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Historical Context .............................................................................................................................. 10 The View on Women and Their Expected Roles in the late 18th and 19th Century ....................... 11 - Mary Shelley disowns herself .................................................................................................. 11 - Mary Shelley’s Background .................................................................................................... 12 Women’s Role in Frankenstein ..................................................................................................... 13 Men’s Role in Frankenstein ........................................................................................................... 13 - Women in Society and Women as Writers .........................................................

Words: 30015 - Pages: 121

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Business Valuation

...UCLA EXTENSION – BUSINESS VALUATION MGMNT X 430.132 – Professor Walton WALTON DRILLING LLC VALUATION REPORT By James Lin & Lea Jovanovic for ‘Mike’ (a seller) Spring Quarter 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Identification of the Interest Appraised page 4 2. Date of the Report page 4 3. Standard of Value page 4 4. Intended Use of the Report page 4 5. Name of Client page 4 6. Names of Appraisers page 4 7. Valuation Approaches Considered and Used page 4 8. Sources of Information Relied On page 4 9. Description of Business & Recent Developments page 6 10. Relevant Economic and Industry Analysis page 6 11. Risk Factors page 7 12. Disclosure Regarding Forward Projections page 8 13. Financial Outlook page 8 14.1 Selected Financial Data from 10K (2008-2012) page 8 14.2 Income Statement (2008-2012) page 9 14.3 Cash Flow (2010-2012) page 9 14. The Income Approach page 10 15.4 Net Cash Flow page 10 15.5 Discounting page 10 15.6 The Build-Up Model page 10 15.7 Risk-Free Rate page 10 15.8 Equity Risk Premium page 10 15.9 Size Premium page 11 15.10 Industry Adjustment page 11 15.11 Company-Specific Risk Adjustment page 11 15.12 Estimated Equity Discount Rate page 11 ...

Words: 12693 - Pages: 51

Free Essay


...Submission date: 09/10/15 | Submitted on: 5/10/15 | Programme: | Unit: | Assignment reference and title:The organisation Pfizer assignment | Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence Task ref. | Evidence submitted | Page numbers ordescription | | | | | | | | | | | | | Additional comments to the Assessor: | Learner declarationI certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.Learner signature: Maddie johnson Date: 05/10/15 | RESUBMISSION AUTHORISATION A resubmission has been authorised as the learner: * Has met all agreed deadlines * Is judged to be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance | Assessor Name | | Assessor Signature | | Lead IV Name | | Lead IV signature | | Date agreed | | Resubmission Deadline date | | Learner Assessment RESubmission and Declaration Submission date: | Submitted on: | RESUBMISSION EVIDENCE | Task ref. | New evidence submitted | Page numbers ordescription | | | | | | | Additional comments to the Assessor: | Learner declarationI certify that the work resubmitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand...

Words: 1523 - Pages: 7

Premium Essay


...Frankenstein Essay Assignment For this essay, you will choose a focus in the novel, Frankenstein, and create an original argument based on it. Your writing may be strictly literary analysis or it may take the form of a compare/contrast essay that works to connect an aspect of the novel to concepts or events outside the book. You are free to choose whatever focus you like in the novel. A good starting point is to consider what aspects of Frankenstein interest you most as you read it; for example you might be particularly drawn to the monster’s development, the relationship between Victor and Walton, Victor and the monster, the role of women, the nature vs. nurture debate, the importance of companionship, or the role of nature in the book. Here are some topic ideas that you may choose if you would like to connect the novel to outside sources: 1) Psychology/Identity formation- research child development, nature vs. nurture, and connect what you find to the monster’s development in the novel. What does Shelley’s novel seem to suggest about how identity is formed? Compare and contrast Shelley’s views with your research. 2) Philosophy- Shelley was heavily influenced by Locke and Rousseau, two major philosophical thinkers. Read excerpts of their works, and apply concepts from their writings to the novel. 3) Shelley’s biography- If you are interested in learning more about the writer behind the story, this is a good option for you. It won’t take you long to see...

Words: 654 - Pages: 3

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...WAL-MART'S SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Do No tC op y OPER - 020 This case was written by P. Mohan Chandran, under the direction of Vivek Gupta, ICFAI Center for Management Research (ICMR). It is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. The case was compiled from published sources.  2003, ICFAI Center for Management Research. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, used in a spreadsheet, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic or mechanical, without permission. To order copies, call 0091-40-2343-0462/63/64 or write to ICFAI Center for Management Research, Plot # 49, Nagarjuna Hills, Hyderabad 500 082, India or email Website: OPER/020 WAL-MART'S SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PRACTICES “When you start to collapse the supply chain, accuracy in execution becomes critical. Any lack of accurate information and processes creates costly bottlenecks in the flow of goods and materials.” -- Bruce Richmond, Global head, Andersen Consulting. y INTRODUCTION tC op The US-based Wal-Mart ranked first in the global Fortune 500 list in the financial year 2001-02 earning revenues of $219.81 billion (Refer Table I). Wal-Mart was the largest retailing company in the world. The company was much bigger than its competitors in the US –...

Words: 6415 - Pages: 26

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Case Sutdy

...|BUSM3082 Entre and Intrapreneurship | | |Assignment 1 | | |Semester 2 - 2013/14 | |Words: |2000 (Individual Report) | |Weighting: |50% | |Learning Outcomes Assessed: |1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | |Submission date: |12th March 2014 | |Module Leader: |Nigel Walton | |Verified by: |Robin Bell | |Electronic copy available: |Blackboard Learning System | Assignment task(s) Using appropriate research sources, select a business entrepreneur and critically evaluate the reasons for their success and...

Words: 700 - Pages: 3

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Wall Mart

...LONDON SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Assignment submitted by: Sawkat Hossain Student ID: L0369SZSZ1011 Course: BABMS Semester: 05(Group A). Assignment submitted to: Mervyn Sookun Lecturer of SM, London School of Commerce Date of Submission: 20.08.2012. Table of Contents: Pages 1. Executive summary..................................................................................... 3 2. Introduction................................................................................................ 3 3. Company overview..................................................................................... 3 4. Importance of business strategy................................................................... 4 5. Mission of Wal-Mart.................................................................................. 4 6. Objectives of Wal-Mart.............................................................................. 4 7. SWOT analysis of Wal-Mart...................................................................... 4-5 8. Application of Porter’s five forces in Wal-Mart............................................ 6-7 9. Wal-Mart Focus on Low-cost..................................................................... ...

Words: 2259 - Pages: 10