...RESULT of Bashundhara City Eid Grand Raffle Draw 2013 ( 25 September 2013) Prize Serial Prize Name New Car (TATA, Indigo ECS) 1193 CC Diamond set New Car (Cherry-QQ3,800 CC) Sony 43" Projection TV Walton 43" 3D LED Television (W47E72-LED 3D) Walton 125CC Motorcycle (Fusion Ex-125 Digital) Walton,110CC Motorcycle TVS Motorcycle 100 CC Walton Generator (superia 6000F) Walton Air conditioner (1 Ton) (W 356 W) Mobile phone Nokia N-97 Walton Refrgerator (w2D 3FS) Sony Refrgerator 12.5 CFT Sony Refrgerator 12.5 CFT Mobile phone Nokia E-61i Mobile phone Nokia E-72 15" LCD Monitor Konka Sony Aiwa Hifi JAZX-TV8 Sony Aiwa Hifi JAX-V3 Sony Aiwa Hifi JAX-V3 21" Colour TV Walton Sony Cybershot Sony Cybershot Sony Electric Oven Sony DVD Player Microwave Oven 17 Ltr (walton) Coupon No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Q-150365 P-290068 T-279645 B-191058 N-175894 B-141136 O-183505 T-117528 F-151229 D-293732 B-198693 L-299851 T-249666 L-295308 D-153575 H-242272 C-254640 T-292359 B-250083 K-143863 A-244406 B-287682 H-114430 H-205524 R-218201 P-117736 Prize Serial Prize Name Microwave Oven 17 Ltr (walton) Microwave Oven 17 Ltr (walton) Microwave Oven 17 Ltr (walton) Sony Enzer DVD Player Sony Enzer DVD Player Sony Enzer DVD Player Sony Enzer DVD Player Sony Enzer DVD Player Sony Enzer DVD Player Sony Enzer DVD Player Sony Enzer DVD Player Sony Enzer DVD Player Sony Enzer DVD Player Sony Panasonic Juicer Sony Panasonic Juicer DVD Player (walton)...
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...[7] The Web we know now, which loads into a browser window in essentially static screenfuls, is only an embryo of the Web to come. The first glimmerings of Web 2.0 are beginning to appear, and we are just starting to see how that embryo might develop. The Web will be understood not as screenfuls of text and graphics but as a transport mechanism, the ether through which interactivity happens. It will [...] appear on your computer screen, [...] on your TV set [...] your car dashboard [...] your cell phone [...] hand-held game machines [...] maybe even your microwave oven. Writing when Palm Inc. was introducing its first web-capable personal digital assistant, supporting web access with WAP, DiNucci saw the web "fragmenting" into a future that extended far beyond the browser/PC combination it was identified with. Her vision of the web's future focused on how the basic information structure and hyperlinking mechanism introduced by HTTP would be used by a variety of devices and platforms. As such, her use of the "2.0" designation refers to a next version of the web that does not directly relate to the term's current use. The term Web 2.0 did not resurface until 2002.[8][9][10][11] These authors focus on the concepts currently associated with the term where, as Scott Dietzen puts it, "the Web becomes a universal, standards-based integration platform".[10] John Robb wrote: "What is Web 2.0? It is a system that breaks with the old model of centralized Web sites and moves the power...
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...Ministry of Higher Education Colleges of Applied Sciences Department of International Business Administration International Business Environment (BUSN 3401) FALL SEMESTER (2012) This assessment contributes to 15 % of the final mark. Submission Date: December 12th 2012 by 2pm Note – * Late submissions will be penalized by 5% per day. * Assignments should be word-processed as per the instructions given. OUTLINE OF ASSIGNMENT: The assigned task is to analyse the international business environment impacts on a representative company (focal firm) in a particular industry. The report must trace the global environment impacts on the representative company. The company may be a locally owned enterprise or a subsidiary operation. It is expected that you will consult firstly newspapers, trade/industry reports, and magazines such as The Economist, Commerce, Business Week, Fortune, etc to identify international business trends, forecasts and changes. * A possible outline that includes major topics for your report is: * 1. Introduction 2. Political Environment (political system, structure, political parties, political risk) 3. Legal environment (legal system, legal issues in international business, legal risk) 4. Economic environment (economic system, main products and services, economic risk) 5. Monetary environment (currency system, currency risk) 6. Trade environment (major exports/imports, main trading...
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...ACCT525 Week 2 Assignment Read “New IASB Leader Embraces Challenges” which can be accessed through the DeVry online library. Choose a country that has already adopted IFRS. In 2-3 pages (12-pt type, double-spaced) answer the following questions: 1. Describe the process that your selected country went through to adopt IFRS, such as how long it took for the country to fully adopt IFRS. IFRS’s are a single set of accounting standards at a global level for all sectors. Accounting standards are trustworthy statements is the reflection of financial statements to be presented to the stakeholders . United kingdom has already adopted IFRS since 2005.I would be discussing on adoption of IFRS by United kingdom for this paper. The United Kingdom has already adopted IFRS for the consolidated financial statements of all companies whose securities trade in a regulated market” (EU Law).The IAS Regulation requires companies with securities either equity or debt acknowledged to trading on a regulated market of any member state of the European Union to use international accounting standards in preparing their consolidated financial statements. As a member state of the European Union, the United Kingdom is subject to IAS Regulation adopted by the European Union in 2002. The EU IAS Regulation requires application of IFRS adopted by the EU for the consolidated financial statements of European companies whose securities trade in a regulated securities market starting in 2005. In the...
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...Sonali Bank Limited a state-owned leading commercial bank in Bangladesh. It is the largest bank of the country. Sonali Bank, the largest & leading commercial bank of the country, came into being in 1972 immediately after the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state. A fully state-owned enterprise, the bank has been discharging its nation-building responsibilities by undertaking government entrusted different socio-economic schemes as well as money market activities of its own volition, covering all spheres of the economy. Sonali Bank singularly enjoys the prestige of being the agent of the Central Bank of Bangladesh in such places where the guardian of the money market has chosen not to act by itself.Sonali Bank is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 7(seven) members headed by a Chairman, who is a renowned economist and a former Vice Chancellor of a reputed University. The other members are distinguished representatives from both private and public sectors.The Bank is headed by the Managing Director (Chief Executive), who is a well-known Banker and a reputed professional. The head office of the bank along with its corporate structure is located at Motijheel, Dhaka, the main commercial center of the capital Introduction: After the end of Second World-war in fact to say the world is involved in another war called the trade war of achieving superiority over other countries through implementing the strategies of free market economy. The conference of GATT...
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...Accounting Equations Johnathan Edward Wallace ACC 205 Principles of Accounting I Brent Beyer February 23, 2015 1. Recognition of normal balances The following items appeared in the accounting records of Triguero’s, a retail music store that also sponsors concerts. Classify each of the items as an asset, liability, revenue, or expense from the company’s viewpoint. Also indicate the normal account balance of each item. Classification Normal Balance A. Amounts paid to a mall for rent EXPENSE DEBIT B. Amounts to be paid in 10 days to suppliers LIABILITY CREDIT C. A new fax machine purchased for office use ASSET DEBIT D. Land held as an investment ASSET DEBIT E. Amounts due from customers ASSET DEBIT F. Daily sales of merchandise sold, REVENUE CREDIT G. Promotional costs to publicize a concert EXPENSE DEBIT H. A long-term loan owed to Citizens Bank LIABILITY CREDIT I. The albums, tapes, and CDs...
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...One of the closures in the book is at page (52), Ahmadi was the one that has been cut into pieces. Although it is all by Marji's imagination, but we can able to predict what is going to happen when they get arrested, this scene helped Marji to create a sense of fear of the unknown ending for those people who get caught. “The Letter” is the fifth chapter in this graphic novel Persepolis. This chapter is really important for the story because it is about the differences between the social classes in Iran. Mehri's family was living in a really low social class and with fifteen children to feed, under the pressure of living they had to give away eight years old Mehri as a maid. After two years Marji was born, they almost did everything together and the social class was irrelevant to them. This chapter focuses mainly on the letters sent between Mehri and Hossein, the neighbour’s son. The case that Marji is writing letters for them relates to the idea of different social classes. Unlike Marji, the lower classes were unable to get well educated, they cannot even write a letter to express their feelings and they cannot fall in love with someone who is living in higher class because all people think that was wrong. Of course, Mehri and Hossein stopped contacting after Hossein knows that Mehri is not Marji’s sister, instead she is an actual maid. This fact brings up a confusion in Marji’s childhood, she could not understand why people must separate each classes specifically. ...
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...TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENTS | PAGES | 1 Question 1: Three-generational genogram | 2 | 2.Question 2: Ecomap | 4 | 3. Question 3: a) Story as seen from perspective of each family members | 6 | b) The story from the vantage point of the family position in the family life cycle | 7 | 4. Question 4: First-order cybernetic description | 9 | 5. Question 5: Second-order cybernetic description | 12 | 6. Reference | 15 | Ecosystemic Assignment no: 3 PYC4808 UNIQUE NO: 536936 QUESTION 1 Three-generational genogram of the Bird family Mavis’ stepmom Mavis’ stepmom John’s mom John’s mom Family A (John’s family) Family B(Mavis’s family) Mavis’s father Mavis’s father Mavis’s mom Mavis’s mom ? ? John’s father John’s father Alex Alex ? ? B.F’ Mom B.F’ Mom S S B2 B2 Alexandra (John' stepbrother Alexandra (John' stepbrother John (45yrs) John (45yrs) B3 B3 B.F B.F Mavis (42) Mavis (42) Howard (50yrs) Howard (50yrs) Weak relationship April (15yrs) April (15yrs) KEY : Male: Female: Marriage: Divorce: Relationship abuse: Moved to: Foster home: S: Mavis’s sister B1: Mavis’s brother number 1 B2: Mavis’s brother number 2 B.F: Mavis’s best friend Mavis’s deceased friend : B.F mom : Best friend’s mom Weak relationship: _ _ _ Affected: alcoholic: QUESTION 2 Ecomap of the Bird family John’s dad John’s dad Mavis’s brother Mavis’s brother Mavis’s dad Mavis’s dad Mavis’s stepmom Mavis’s stepmom ...
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...Everyone is entitled to quality health care , no matter what their financial or social status may be. Often times thousands of our fellow citizens right here in our very own community suffer from and many even die from health related issues that are treatable or even preventable with the proper care. With the decline in the economy millions of hard working people lost their jobs along with the much needed benefit having health care coverage for themselves and their families. No human being should have to suffer needlessly when there are endless possibilities that lye right here the palm of our hand. After meeting with the board of trustees at Memorial Health Care Systems it has been decided that we can and will do more to help the community live healthier lives, by opening the Memorial Health Care Helping Hand Community Health and Wellness Center in Pembroke Pines. The goal is to provide quality and affordable healthcare and wellness programs to educate and raise awareness in the community. This will be a full service facility that will be equipped to handle a wide variety of health care issues such immunizations, wellness checks , treatment for those living with HIV and AIDS and countless other things. The center will be opened Monday through Sunday from 8:00 am to 12:00 am , and will be staffed with an excellent selection of qualified physicians who will over see and work with the resident physicians from our local medical area medical schools. The board of trustees...
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...Berk (2013, p.127) Infants “from the outset, display many complex abilities” – (X 3 Major Areas) 1. EARLY LEARNING 3. PERCEPTUAL CAPACITIES 2. MOTOR SKILLS REFLEXES * Inborn, automatic response form of stimulation. * Neonate’s 1st form of organized patterns of behavior. * Survival value * Foundation for motor skills * Establishment of interaction of parent and child | Cephalocaudal Trend Motor control of the head comes before the arms and the trunk.Proximodistal Trend PMotor control of the head, trunk and arm is more advanced than co-ordination of hands and fingers. | TASTE AND SMELL * Newborns show preference to sweeter tastes and smells.st before being * Will know his caregiver through his/her smell first before being able to identify facial features. | STEATES OF ARROUSAL * Most of baby’s time spent sleeping * Sleep, consists of REM & NREM * REM essential for stimulation of central nervous system. * REM ensures oxygenation of eye | Dynamic Systems Theory – Each new skill is a joint product of the development of * Central nervous system development * Any movement possibilities of the body. * The desired goal/action of the child * Environmental supports for the skill. | Vision * Least mature of baby’s other senses. ...
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...Unit 1 Assignment 1 Voice VS Data Cell phone-cells phone are a data network. There is many small networks you can use for your provider. This network come with many data packages and you can use your phone for many things such as check your email IM, and tweet so cell phones are used for more than phone calls. Landline phones-use both of these networks using both of these network because your voice is being transferred through the wire as packets that are essentially data SMS/ Text Messaging- short message services also known as SMS. Text messages are a way to send and receive messages over the mobile network anywhere you are. SMS and text messaging uses data and cost. Fax machines- Fax machines is sent it immediately get digitized and package in secure TCP packets and send the original data. Fax machines is a analog data signal. Pagers- uses a data signal to notify an individual by a tone of incoming calls VOIP (voice over IP) phones-phone uses a digital technology to make phone calls on the internet rather than through phone lines. The VOIP will allow you to bypass the phone companies and it uses there data networks. Skype/ FaceTime-you have to use a data network in order to get on the internet. These two services are both internet calling applications. The purpose of these applications are to allow users to communicate with other people over the internet local and in other countries. http://www.wired.com/2010/05/data-overtakes-voice-in-cellphone-use/ http://www.e-accessibilitytoolkit...
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...UNIT 4 ASSIGNMENT 2 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Ethics Statement People have the uncanny knack of communicating something even if they didn’t intend to do it. It’s the way that the way our body moves is able to tell the real story, sometimes though what we physically say is not re enforced by our body language. Most people who take the time to study your disposition enough are able to gather more information about you than if they just listened to you. I know I have to be careful that I’m not meaning one thing but say another. What people hear and what is actually said is sometimes very different. If we’re not careful we can all have unethical behavior that demeans others. For example, if you speak in a patronizing vocal tone, if you scream at the less powerful, or if you touch people inappropriately, you are engaging in unethical nonverbal communication. Similarly, if you respond to others' communication in a way that misrepresents how you actually feel, you are being unethical. Thus if you laugh at a racist joke even though you dislike it, your behavior is unethical both because it degrades others, and because it misrepresents your true reaction to the joke. Nonverbal behaviors reflect your real attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Without being aware of it we could be using our nonverbal behavior to intimidate, coerce, or even silence someone. Always try to remember that you are just as responsible for your nonverbal communication as you are for your verbal communication...
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...Written Assinment #2-Theme THEA 1013-X01 Summer 6/01/2011 Sunset Boulevard, a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, performed Sunday February 13, 2011 At the Signature Theatre in Arlington, VA. Theme: The is the desire to be a famous celebrity or to prove that you don't have to go that far to show love, care, and devotion, which is clearly evident in the attention the maniacal Norma gets. I think this is the theme due to my interpretations from watching the play. The play is based around Norma Desmond and Joe Gillis. Norma is a onetime super star of the silent screen era. Norma is living in the past in her dilapidated mansion on the Los Angeles street. When washed Joe a washed up, down on his luck screenwriter accidentally crosses her path, she sees in him an opportunity to make her comeback to the big screen. When Joe accidently meets her he comments, "You used to be in pictures — you used to be big," to which she retorts, "I am big ... it's the pictures that got small!" Norma courts Joe hoping to for a return to pictures, she eventually finds out that this is not to be due to Joes true love and she is being used. It all really goes wrong when Joe leaves his true love Betty because he enjoys the lavish life style Norma allows him. Joe eventually comes to his senses and attempts to leave Norma to go home. He tells Norma that her movie will never be filmed and that her fans have all but abandoned her. Angry and grief-stricken partially because...
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...Kyakulukuku co. ltd works with partners to make a sustainable improvenment in the lives of the poor. Our program implementation focuses on supporting communities to fulfill their economic rights and achieve sustainable lilvehoods, capacity building and natural resource management. Our operations are guided by core values of excellence, accountability , respect, intergrity and transparency. In order to fulfill its current mandate and to achieve all tis objectives and planned activities, kyakulukuku co. ltd wishes to recruit a middle management officer at the secretaria. Applications for the post of an administrative secretary are invited from qualified individuals from the Republic of Uganda. Job title: administrative Secretary Job Salary scale: G5 Reports to: Director human resource and administration Age: 25-30 Main purpose of the job: To carryout effective mannagment and administration and on the basis thereof to provide efficient secretarial services. Key duties and responsibilities Handle effieciently and effective information management system in the office of the Deputy executive secretary. Professionally handling all incoming and outgoing correspondence; Provide timley responses to routine letters addressed to the company Effective handling of itinerary for the company Effective mangemnent of official events of the company Taking dictation and typping letters other documents during meetings Preparations of quality, accurate and informative speeches...
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...BTEC Level 3 -60credits Diploma Unit13. Recruitment and Selection in Business Level 3 10 Credits ASSINMENT BRIEF BAILEY BUS & COACH COMPANY You work as an administrative officer in the Human Resources department of Bailey Bus & Coach Company, a large, family-owned company located in your town. The Human Resources Manager is Ahmed Fawzi and you report directly to him. The company has expanded a great deal in the past 12 months, mainly because of the acquisition of new contracts and the expansion of the coach tours into Europe. A development project is also ongoing which is investigating the feasibility of starting a new taxi or private hire vehicle business in the near future. This expansion in the business has increased the workload on the administrators. There are more drivers, more bus routes, and an increase in tours which have all led to more customers, more enquiries and a greater volume of incoming telephone calls and paperwork. The current senior administrative officer working in the General Office, Frances Duggan is struggling to hold things together and it has been decided to create a new post of Office Manager. Ahmed has asked you to help him with recruiting the new Office Manager and he will send you an email detailing the duties for this new post. Ahmed’s email is given overleaf. EMAIL FROM HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER |From: |Ahmed Fawzi ...
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