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Asthma And Lung Cancer

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Blake creates a dark undertone to the poem that shows the dystopian world that this human realm is, these children maintain the high living standard of the aristocracy in London and Great Britain. Blake uses symbolism throughout the play, he writes about the conditions of the poor in the first line of the first stanza, “When my mother died I was very young (Line 1). At this time human medicine had not progressed enough to prevent maternal mortality and this was a widespread health concern that caused abnormally high female mortality rates. Many children were left motherless through the process of childbirth. Blake writes about the dire consequences about loss of a partner that were felt by both child and parent in the next two lines. “And …show more content…
He writes, “So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep”,(Line 4). Blake makes the point of how they do work that is labor intensive but yet they live in dirt and dust that can cause diseases. Asthma and Lung Cancer is a health concern in this environment that does not provide respiratory protection. In the first and second line of the second stanza, Blake talks about the fear of transmission of any illnesses. “There’s little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head,/That curled like a lamb’s back, was shaved”,(Line 5-6). The reason for the hair being cut could be a method to control Lice amongst the workers that may live together. Since they already were dirty they acted as a breeding ground for sicknesses so the employees “cleaned” them. Then Blake comments on the inhumane attitude the employers had towards the children. “Hush, Tom! never mind it , for when your head’s bare/You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair”,(Line 7-8). The children support their fellow laborer by comforting him with the fact that his hair would not get soiled by the aerated soot in the chimneys. This criticises the fact that the employers are so selfish that they do not provide a clean environment to the …show more content…
In their dreams they only wish for things that normal boys and girls have, they wish for parents, love, play and freedom. But to these children this is a fantastical world that is never achievable, if they do give up their responsibilities then they are sure to die. Blake discusses that this is not the story of one but of the thousands,”That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack,”(Line 11). This shows that Tom is not alone, the other impoverished children want to live a life of enjoyment. This dream is hindered by the financial position of their parents. From birth they were at a disadvantage, they only could afford housing that were severely neglected. The orphans are encapsulated by their fate and cannot escape the cruel world. Blake shows this in the next line,”Were all of them locked up in coffins of black”(Line 12). The children are enslaved by society because of the lack of generosity that the employers had and their greedy pockets that never feel fulfilled. Darkness surrounds them in many manifestations and they like to haunt the orphans while they are asleep. They cause agonizing pain when the children are awake. In the fourth stanza, Blake writes about the physiological and physical sanctuary that their dreams provide.”And by came an angel who had a bright key,”(Line 13). Blake shows that the children are devout

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