...sure to provide real world examples of where this may be the case to strengthen your position. Provide at least one example of a case where having a monopoly or oligopoly may actually benefit the society. Based on your findings to the questions listed above, write a report with a minimum of 300 words in essay format in APA style (use the APA template in Doc Sharing), using correct economic terms covered in the discussions. If you ONLY write 300 words, you probably won’t be able to fully answer the questions. Key concepts to include in your paper include the following. Monopoly Market Structure Oligopoly Market Structure Barriers to Entry Into the Market Natural Monopoly Government Monopoly Downward Sloping Demand Curve Economies of Scale Price Fixing Collusion Monopoly Pricing Price Maker Market Power Economic Profits Imperfect Competition Rent-Seeking Behavior X-Inefficiency Deadweight Loss to Society Marginal Cost Marginal Revenue Antitrust You must use at minimum at least one article from the DeVry Online Library. Note: Although your textbook is a good source of knowledge, it is NOT an article and cannot be the only source for the assignment. Cite all your references in APA format. You can use the Citations & Bibliography function of Microsoft Word, which is found under the References tab. The U.S. Department of Justice filed an antitrust lawsuit against AT&T on Wednesday...
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...Case Analysis 4: Google’s attempt to but into wireless via 700MHz Spectrum Auction TM583 12/09/2012 Why did Google make this move? What do they hope to accomplish? Google made this move because they wan to compete with the other companies and become innovated. Google has most been known for their website and maps and now, they want to be known for more. “Google interest in the spectrum came after AT&T and other larger broadband providers expressed interest in recent years in getting web-based businesses to pay more for their customers’ use of the broadband networks.”(http://www.cio.com/article/160601/Google_to_Bid_in_700MHz_Spectrum_Auction) Google wanted control of the Internet experience on the device that hosted it. If they got the wireless spectrum, they could control how much the consumer would decide to pay or not pay for their service. However, since they put a bid in for the wireless spectrum, they wanted to do the same thing on their network. The 700MHz spectrum will travel far making it perfect for the wireless industry. How does Google support for Open Access fit into Google’s plans? “Google has said it would bid on the 700MHz spectrum only if the FCC guarantees certain open-access principles; including open access for companies wanting to buy wireless capacity wholesale.” (http://news.cnet.com/Googles-battle-for-wireless-spectrum---page-2/2008-1039_3-6199374-2.html) Open Access for the 700MHz spectrum can be lay down “four freedom” 1.) Open...
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...iPhone is the most sought-after smartphone on the market today. Since 2007, the iPhone is currently available only through AT&T. For years, there have been rumors that other wireless providers, such as Sprint, T-Mobile or Verizon Wireless would get the iPhone. In October, the Wall Street Journal reported that Apple is in the process of producing an iPhone that will be available to Verizon Wireless customers beginning in 2011. With large numbers of customers wanting an iPhone but choosing not to sign with AT&T, competition from other smartphones manufacturers, such as the BlackBerry and Droid, and Apple’s search for new areas of growth, an end to AT&T’s absolute advantage in iPhone sales appears to be on the horizon. For years, AT&T has had an absolute advantage over Verizon Wireless, Sprint and T-Mobile with the iPhone, thanks to an exclusive contract with Apple, who is expected to sell 40 million iPhones worldwide this year. This absolute advantage has led to AT&T’s growth in recent years, making them one of the largest mobile network providers in the United States, second to Verizon Wireless. This growth, however, has slowed in recent years, as most AT&T customers who wanted the iPhone has bought them. People who have wanted an iPhone, but did not want to sign with AT&T, have purchased their iPhones thru AT&T without a contract, or through secondary markets such as eBay, and have “jailbroken” or hacked their iPhones to work outside of AT&T’s...
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...Our website: http://hwsoloutions.com/ Product Description PRODUCT DESCRIPTION STR 581 Week 3 External and Environmental Analysis, Introduction The organization considered in the present situation is Verizon Wireless. An environmental scan of this organization is to be carried out. Regarding the environmental scan, there are certain points which are to be taken into consideration. The most important environmental factor, in the industry shall be considered. Most important internal strength and weakness of the organization shall also be considered. Competitive position and possibility of organization and its organizational structure shall be included in the present paper. Most Important External Environment Factor Here, most important external environment factor of Verizon Wireless is to be taken. For Verizon Wireless, most important external environment factor in industry is the factor of competition. The organization does face a lot of competition from other organizations. Verizon Wireless is the second US telecom service provider after AT & T. The top competitors of this organization are AT & T, T-Mobile US and Sprint Corporation. These organizations have an important place in the market (Jones, 2012). Regarding these organizations, Verizon Wireless has to ensure that it provides high quality services to customers at a reasonable price so that customers are attracted towards the organizational products. In the remote environment, the most important external environmental...
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...mobile market continued to grow and updates its quality and service to the customer. T mobile and AT & T are the top two successful mobile companies that provide telecommunication service to the users. In the following paper will analyze how the company attempt to make profit from rising consumer demand after the crash. It will evaluate the change in consumer demand trends after the crash for T mobile and AT &T. The paper will discuss at least two strategies that multinational corporations can undertake in order to make profit by leveraging the growing consumer demand. Companies that attempted to make profit from rising consumer demand after the crash. How they attempted to make a profit after the crash and discuss any unethical practices. T-Mobile USA and AT&T provide mobile wireless communication services. The Companies offer wireless services including digital voice, messaging, and high-speed wireless data services, as well as phones and accessories. The companies serve customers throughout the United States. T-Mobile USA, Inc. is a global marketing-information-services firm, ranked the company highest among major wireless carriers for retail-store satisfaction four years consecutively and highest for wireless customer care for the past two years consecutively. Deutsche Telekom Case Study (2012) discusses that T-Mobile USA, Inc. which operates as the U.S. operating entity of T-Mobile International AG, the mobile-communications holding company and...
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...SPSS DaIu I:llc B SAS D m Flle The wireless service provider market in the United States is \extremely competitive. The wireless market for individuals and/or families (nonenterprise market) is the most competitive segment. In this segment, there are a few big wireless service providers (wireless carriers), four of which can be categorized as having substantia1,market share. There has been some consolidation. Although these acquisitions have somewhat changed the dynamics of the market, there are still many players. An oligopoly market is considered to have three to four players, and such markets are typically stable in terms of growth, technical innovation, and pricing policies. It seems that the wireless carrier market will require a few more years before it becomes an oligopoly. Also, the rate of innovation in wirelcss technologies is frantic. A pathbreaking technical innovation by one of the big players has the potential to change the industry dynamic. The major players and thc number of subscribcrs that they have are as follows: 3. Sprint Nextel (53.8 million subscribers). 4. T-Mobile (28 million subscribers). 5. AllTel Inc. (12 million subscribers). In 2007,Alltel completed its merger with an affiliate of TPG Capital and GS Capital Partners and ceased trading on the New York Stock Exchange. 6. US Cellular(6,1 million subscriben). 1. AT&T (70.1 million subscribers). In 2004, Cingular Wireless acquired AT&T Wireless. That acquisition gave Cingular nationwide coverage...
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...competitive with other wireless carriers. However, as a result of the increasing competition within industry, some companies are expecting their churn to increase. Future growth opportunities will be dependent on expanding the penetration of network services, offering innovative wireless devices for both consumer and business customers and increasing the number of ways that customers can connect with network and services. Service and equipment pricing play an important role in the wireless competitive landscape. As the demand for wireless services continues to grow, wireless service providers are offering service plans that include unlimited voice minutes and text messages and a specific amount of data access in varying megabyte or gigabyte sizes or, in some cases, unlimited data usage at competitive prices. T-Mobile has changed the industry by also allowing customers to rollover unused data allowances to the next billing period and are also offering installment plans that decouple service pricing from equipment pricing and blur the traditional boundary between prepaid and postpaid plans. It is expected that customers will continue to adopt these installment plans, which also offer discounts on the cost of wireless service. Furthermore, T-Mobile is offering new customers price plans that undercut pricing under the customer’s service plan with its current wireless provider and provide a credit to reimburse early termination fees paid to their former wireless service provider...
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...Routing Algorithm for Multi-Channel Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Xiaojun Lin and Shahzada Rasool School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907, U.S.A. {linx,srasool}@ecn.purdue.edu Abstract— The capacity of ad hoc wireless networks can be substantially increased by equipping each network node with multiple radio interfaces that can operate on multiple non-overlapping channels. However, new scheduling, channelassignment, and routing algorithms are required to fully utilize the increased bandwidth in multi-channel multi-radio ad hoc networks. In this paper, we develop a fully distributed algorithm that jointly solves the channel-assignment, scheduling and routing problem. Our algorithm is an online algorithm, i.e., it does not require prior information on the offered load to the network, and can adapt automatically to the changes in the network topology and offered load. We show that our algorithm is provably efficient. That is, even compared with the optimal centralized and offline algorithm, our proposed distributed algorithm can achieve a provable fraction of the maximum system capacity. Further, the achievable fraction that we can guarantee is larger than that of some other comparable algorithms in the literature. I. I NTRODUCTION Multi-channel multi-radio ad hoc wireless networks have recently received a substantial amount of interest, especially under the context of wireless mesh networks [1]–[13]. It has been shown...
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...SWOT ANALYSIS Daneva Harrell Minnesota School of Business MG533 Case Studies in Marketing Management Mr. Nebojsa Cirkovic March 14, 2016 SWOT Analysis AT&T, Inc. AT&T has been growing as a company for more than a century. AT&T provides its customers with wireless/fixed telecommunication products and services for residential, commercial, and governmental customers internationally. AT&T provides a variety of telecom services to their customers like domestic long-distance, caller ID, internet access, roaming, and other related services. Their mission is to connect people with their world; everywhere they live and work, and do it better than anyone else. Strengths AT&T has many strengths. This can be accounted for with them being placed in the Fortune 500 ranking. One of its strengths include managing the nation’s largest Wi-Fi network. AT&T has a broad portfolio of products and services that include wireless communication, long-distance services, telecommunications equipment, and video services. AT&T also offers wireless data coverage in more than 200 countries. AT&T is one of the oldest telecommunication service providers in the world. AT&T has a very well-known brand name and has one of the largest broadband service provide in US. Weakness Although AT&T is a strong company it still has its weaknesses like any other company. AT&T’s lost the exclusiveness of the iPhone to its competitor Sprint, which resulted in increasingly...
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...Name of Student: Case#: Case Analysis 4 Name of Couse/#: Strategic management of technology (NETW583) Date: 1. Why did Google make this move? What do hope to accomplish Answer Google made this move so that they could become innovative. Google wanted to be known for a broader scope of activity instead of just for web site and maps . “Google interest in the spectrum came after AT&T and other larger broad band provider expressed interest in recent years getting web base business to pay more fir their customer use of broad band network.” (http://www.cio.com/article/160601/Google_to_Bid_in_700MHz_Spectrum_Auction). Google wants monopoly over internet experience and the device that host it. If they won the bid they could control sales for their services. Google wanted the same bid on their network. Due to the 700 MHz spectrum it was perfect for wireless industry as it could travel farther than others wireless network 2. How does Google support for open access fits into Google plans Answer “Google has said it would bid on the 700MHz spectrum only if the FCC guarantees certain open-access principles; including open access for companies wanting to buy wireless capacity wholesale.” (http://news.cnet.com/Googles-battle-for-wireless-spectrum---page-2/2008-1039_3-6199374-2.html). The four freedom laid down by Google was i. Use any application on any device they want ii. Other company would be able to license their spectrum at wholesale price iii. Limiting...
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...2013 Executive Summary Major Player’s in the U.S Voice-over Internet Protocol market namely Comcast Corporation, Time Warner Cable, Cox Enterprises and Vonage have embraced internet technology and wireless broadband making VOIP one of the most sought out service. Skype’s partnership with AT&T only fuels the boost usage of Voice- over Internet Protocol usage over land line usage. In the wake of these technology advancements, it became clear to entrepreneurs that offered voice traffic and internet service would be one of the next major applications to take full advantage of Voice-over Internet Protocol. There are more advances than innovations in the VOIP world. That’s because some of the most important developments had more to do with commercial and political maneuvers than with technical creativity. One of the most prominent developments was net net neutrality which enables user access to participating networks that advocates no restrictions to materials throughout the modes of communication allowed online ("The mobile World," 2011, para. 4). Further, this industry also have to consider pressures influenced by the government ( FCC) that could dismantle net neutrality by limited user access as well as decrease the power of big wireless communication giants like AT&T. Still, such maneuvers often helped spread the benefits of VOIP much more than technical innovation. And collectively, the advances brought some already evident trends in the increasing integration of...
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...consumers. With the information from market analysts, alongside the opinions of many involved, the fact of the matter is that there is an impact on every decision made within this mobile market, which will affect the United States in the long run . As we can tell by the history of the rise and fall of cell phone competition in the United States, we started out with numbers of telephone companies, maintaining a healthy competition. However as time passed by, especially in the case of the original AT&T, it all ended up with one company eating up the rest, achieving absolute control over the market. In this particular instance, the original AT&T was forced to split into seven “Baby Bells,” by the United States Department of Justice in a long-running antitrust suit. While this stimulated a growth in competition and awareness of possibilities within the industry, all but one “Baby Bell,” Bell Atlantic, merged together to recreate the behemoth that was AT&T. Luckily, Bell Atlantic grew to become Verizon Wireless, preserving a sense of competition in a vastly unsaturated mobile market. In the market of today, these four players reign supreme, and because of this they have the ability to affect the market as they...
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...Michael John P. Sabalboro BSHM-III Organizational Behavior Case Study: T-Mobile – Intensifying the Learning Gain T-Mobile, US, is a part of T-Mobile international, one of the top three global wireless carriers and a proud subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom AG. ‘In a world full of busy and fragmented lives…wireless communication can help’. This is what T-Mobile believes. With its headquarters at Bellevue, Washington, T-Mobile reaches 268 million Americans, with the support of a 29,000 strong workforce. In the year 2006, T-Mobile introduced Smart phones with solutions and received the highest ranking in wireless customer care by J.D. Power and Associates. They continued to receive such high ranking in wireless customer care for several consecutive years. With the back up of learning organizations, principles, and practices, T-Mobile is truly emerging as a world-class wireless communication organization for others to emulate. T-Mobile’s customer service division is a compelling place to work in. People enjoy their work and get continuous opportunities to learn and develop. The focus on customer services at T-mobile is not just limited to sharing information, but also to adding value for customers through knowledge acquisition. Their philosophy is to support the learning of their employees not just by training and development programmes, but also by creating a mutually supportive happy work environment. T-Mobile’s customer contact centers are standardized and have cyber café and...
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...expansion. Businesses may find that entering into new product areas or branching out into new potential sales areas can be a bit daunting when these products and new areas are virtually inaccessible without the right tools or accessibility. However, by acquiring or combining with other companies, more opportunities may arise if these other companies have knowledge of these new product areas or sales areas. For example, telecommunications is a major market that has seen several changes within the past thirty years. SBC Communications was a able to significantly increase its service area by combining with other telecommunication companies Pacific Telesis and Ameritech. It later acquired AT&T and adopted its name and successively combined with BellSouth (Baker, R. E., Christensen, T., & Cottrell, D., 2011). In...
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...The Department of Justice has begun looking into whether large U.S. telecommunications companies such as AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. are abusing the market power they have amassed in recent years, according to people familiar with the matter. The review, while in its early stages, is an indication of the Obama administration's aggressive stance on antitrust enforcement. The Justice Department's antitrust chief, Christine Varney, has said she wants to reassert the government's role in policing monopolistic and anticompetitive practices by powerful companies. Christine Varney testifies at a Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing in March. ENLARGE Christine Varney testifies at a Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing in March. Bloomberg News The law that covers such behavior, the Sherman Antitrust Act, has been used in the past against giants ranging from Standard Oil to Microsoft Corp. It lay essentially dormant during the Bush years, with the agency bringing no major case. The telecom industry is among several sectors now coming under scrutiny. Others include health care and agriculture. The Justice Department is already cracking down on certain agreements. It recently filed an objection to plans by airlines in the global Star Alliance to cooperate more closely on international routes and fares. It has targeted payments large pharmaceutical producers sometimes make to generic-drug makers to delay cheap copies of medicines. In addition...
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