...Individual Field Research To Buy This material Click below link http://www.uoptutors.com/PSYCH-500/PSYCH-500-Week-2-Individual-Field-Research Consider the following: Many products, diets, and services are marketed to parents as beneficial to infant or toddler development. In order to increase sales to parents and caretakers, some companies use marketing strategies that make exaggerated, unfounded, or unrealistic claims about the effects of their product(s) on child development. Select one claim that you suspect to be exaggerated or false (your research may in fact show the claim has validity). Describe in detail what the advertised product, diet, or service is supposed to do. Some examples are: • Educational videos as related to language development • Effects of classical music on cognitive development • Benefits of soy diet or organic food diet on physical and cognitive development • Service promising to teach your 18-month-old how to read • Any other claim made by a manufacturer or service provider, aimed at enhancing infant or toddler development Write a 1,400- to 1,650-word paper addressing the following: • What area or areas of development does the product, diet, or service claim to enhance? • Use the library to investigate the claim. What does the published literature say about the issue or concern that you are investigating? What does the research reveal about how to promote healthy development in this area or areas? What does this reveal about the necessity and...
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...Yes, the authors of this research article do have the appropriate clinical and educational credentials. Patricia Kelly is a Registered Dietician, has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and is a Certified Lactation Consultant (CLC). Patricia is the Co-Founder, CEO and Chairman of Limerick Incorporated, which was developed to support working mothers in meeting their goal of breastfeeding (Limerick, 2016). Patricia Kelly is Joan Ortiz’ mother. In addition to being a Registered Nurse, Joan Ortiz is the Co-Founder of Limerick Incorporated and the President of Limerick Workplace Lactation Program. She is also a CLC. Kathryn Mary McGilligan holds a Master of Science and is a former researcher in nutrition. A strength of this research team is their education, as stated previously, in the field that they are researching. A weakness is that the employers who sponsored the program have a contract with Limerick Incorporated. Therefor their products and services were the only ones used. Leaving to question a bias in favor of their product and services. The CLC’s are the owners are the company who manufacture the product that is being promoting within the workplace environment to support breastfeeding mothers. Another weakness of the team is that it is mother and daughter which could cause conflict depending on their relationship. Their Company, Limerick Incorporated, has only done minimal research according to their research page none of which has been done on competitors’...
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... If the paper is for a class, provide the class name and number, the semester and year, and the name of the instructor. Check the SI Web site to make sure you have listed them correctly. You may not present the same essay in two different UB courses without the prior consent of both instructors. If you are writing for a journal, you may not submit the same manuscript to two different publishers at once. However, it is common practice to turn a conference presentation into a journal article. If you do that, be sure to mention that the current paper was previously presented in a modified form, and provide the details. If the paper was made possible by a grant, or with the help of some entity, provide the details. Abstract and Keywords (Required only if you are submitting a manuscript for publication). An abstract is a one or two paragraph summary of the article. A few keywords, (or key phrases), should be provided to help researchers identify the main topics dealt with in the article. (e.g. Libraries - Workplace hazards; Molds and fungi - Stachybotrys.) Introduction and Statement of the Problem Begin with a commonly held assumption, a piece of anecdotal evidence, or an issue of importance to the field which needs to be examined critically and methodically. Introduce the reader to the topic, and outline...
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...& Hooker, N. (2010). Childhood obesity and schools: evidence from the National Survey of Children's Health. Journal Of School Health, 80(2), 96-103. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2009.00471.x Retrieved July 29, 2012 from EBSCOhost. This is a rather good article that explains why the schools that have lunch programs bring a healthier choice of food for children. It describes that living healthy starts with children and the foods that they eat and their physical activities are two of the most important issues. Child obesity is a growing issue and this article has valuable information. This article states that it is peer reviewed on the detailed record. Baker, T., & Masud, H. (2010). Liability risks for after-hours use of public school property to reduce obesity: a 50-state survey. Journal Of School Health, 80(10), 508-513. doi:10.1111/j.1746-1561.2010.00535.x Retrieved July 29, 2012 from EBSCOhost. This is an interesting article that talks about children and obesity. It goes over why it is important that children are involved in physical activities and how schools can help achieve this. It talks about how school boards and administrators feel as though it is a liability risk for students to be involved in more physical activities. This article states that it is peer reviewed on the detailed record. Murphy, M., & Polivka, B. (2007). Parental perceptions of the schools' role in addressing childhood obesity. Journal Of School Nursing (Allen Press Publishing Services Inc...
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...METHODOLOGY The objective of this chapter is to define nursing research, analyse methods of research and outline methodological process used to find articles on which to base this extended literature review. In this hypothesis, the reason for literature review is to ascertain whether or not gastric banding is an effective treatment for obesity in young adults as measured by physical functioning. The research process is the step-by-step procedure of developing research paper (Boje, 2001). It normally consists of following stages: detection of the research problem; preparation of search plan; searching and assessing the literature; data collection and evaluation; formulating a research design; and presenting the research findings (Cormack, 1996). The ability of nurses and other health care professionals to locate and identify existing literature on a relevant topic is an essential nursing skill (Burns & Grove, 2003). The sources where they can gain and expand research knowledge from may include personal or specialist experiences and clinical procedures and guidelines (Eccles & Mason, 2001). Before they can be made assessable to health care workers, guidelines and procedures are required to go through rigorous process of dissemination, before they can be made assessable to health care workers to be used in practice (Craig & Smith, 2007). Some of the organisations responsible for underwriting and implementation of clinical guidelines into clinical practice...
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...Donna Salvato Nursing Informatics Journal 2 PubMed and MedLine After reading a fact sheet on the NIH website about the differences between MedLine and PubMed, I was able to understand what each does. MedLine is the National Library of Medicine (NLM) journal citation database. The database provides references to biomedical and life sciences journal articles. Journals that are submitted to the NIH are reviewed by the Literature Selection Technical Review Committee to ensure that MedLine contain only original and important scientific content. MedLine ensures its quality by using the NLM controlled vocabulary, the MeSH, to index citations. It is freely accessible through the PubMed database as well as through Ebsco (National Library of Medicine [NLM], 2014). PubMed is a free database that includes the MedLine database plus in-progress citations, citations to articles that are out-of-scope, ahead of print citations, etc. PubMed citations often offer links to the full-text article (NLM, 2014). The PubMed website has a page that helps you use their search engine. You can search by key concepts, author, and journal name. You can also apply filters to your research to narrow it to journals only. Another tool that PubMed offers is the Clinical Queries tool; this allows you to narrow your research to clinical searches only. Finally, in order to find high-quality citations– usually the ones that come from the MedLine database- PubMed allows you to add MeSH to your search filters (National...
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...the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has had a significant impact on the American health care delivery systems. The passage of this bill mandates that all Americans must have health care coverage and that insurance companies cannot disqualify applicants due to preexisting conditions (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, 2014). These changes will undoubtedly lead to an increase in the number of people seeking medical care, particularly those with chronic diseases. It is estimated that this influx in the number of patients will result in a primary care provider shortage of 20% by the year 2025 (Poghosyan, Boyd & Knutson, 2014). With many new physicians choosing to pursue specialties due to the promise of a larger salary, hospitals and clinics will need to start looking to other health care providers, such as nurse practitioners, to fill this role. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role nurse practitioners play with regards to the Affordable Care Act by examining the history and qualifications of nurse practitioners, the current practice of nurse practitioners, the basics of the Affordable Care Act legislation, and potential nursing challenges. History of Nurse Practitioners The role of the modern day nurse practitioner emerged in the late 1960’s out of necessity for more primary care providers. When Medicare and Medicaid were enacted during this time, there was an influx of people with medical insurance but not enough healthcare providers to take care of them. Many...
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...1. It turns out that professionals, such as science journalists, make mistakes as well in reporting their news stories. Since there are millions of peer-reviewed papers published annually and many science journalists do not specialize in any particular field, it is common for them to make mistakes. A question arises then, what are common mistakes made by science journalists, and how can they be corrected? 2. One example of misunderstanding and confusion in science reporting is about the news stories regarding a condition called ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). There is a possibility that it is a precursor of breast cancer; however, that is all it is, a possibility. Doctors differ on the subject matter. All the same, when a study about the condition appeared in a peer-reviewed medical journal about cancer, different news outlets made varying...
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...Environmental science Dr. Smith 11/02/13 Project part 2: Project sources 5 peer reviewed articles: 1. http://www.cmaj.ca/content/163/7/851.short * In this article they explain the effects of losing our ozone and the dangers this can bring like skin cancer, cataracts, hodgkins disease, lupus, skin tuberculosis smallpox. This shows in my research by giving us evidence on how the ozone can affect our health and everyday life style and the radical changes we would have to make within a short amount of time if this continues and we actually create a huge hole in our ozone. 2. http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/csd/assessments/ozone/2010/preface.html * This is a great article with multiple resources talking about a wide range ozone effects and how to counter act them and the potential future of our ozone if we can try and make the changes now then late. They talk about the policies in place to prevent manufacturers to use when using gases or harmful substances in every day products. This can be used in my research by showing what every day products that we use for our showers or hair, cars, gas, garbage, pollution can affect our ozone and this will give us ways to better our ozone. 3. http://ucanr.org/repository/cao/landingpage.cfm?article=ca.v049n03p24&fulltext=yes * This article gives you information on what the ozone is and how its created and what this does for our planet and this goes into how the ozone can be depleted and also gives you a lot of information...
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...enabling the realistic pursuit of higher intellectual learning for paraprofessionals and unconventional students. Task 1 Annotated Bibliography Smith, David E., Mitry, Darryl J. (2008). Investigation of Higher Education: The Real Costs and Quality of Online Programs. Journal of Education for Business; Jan/Feb2008, Vol. 83 Issue 3, p147-152, 6p, 1 Chart. Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?hid=7&sid=2eb08f08-6338-4b77-9193-45add548c475%40sessionmgr14&vid=2 This article by Smith and Mitry (2008) addresses via analytical inquiry the cost and quality of online teaching in college education. These authors are doctors in their respective fields at National University, and this article was published in a peer-reviewed journal. Using a variety of different scientific tools Smith and Mitry (2008) clearly explain the problems, illuminate the solutions, and discuss, imply, and recommend ways to help online education realize its true potential. While there is a lot of information about many different facets of online education, this article shines with the recommendations that the authors pose. It also gives a balanced look at the realities of the business of online education and where this can lead to less than stellar e-learning. The conclusion being that we cannot realize the true potential of e-learning until all universities adheres to the higher academic standard of full-time faculty expertise, which may be a goal to grand to be realized. (Smith and...
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...DDBA-8005 Handout What is Scholarly Writing? If you are just beginning your graduate studies, much of the next few years of your life will be devoted to scholarly writing. You will be reading, discussing, and producing scholarly writing. You will get feedback from peers, instructors, and the Writing Center staff about how to adapt to the expectations of scholarly writing. You hear about it so much, in fact, that you may hesitate to ask the basic question: "What is scholarly writing?" Scholarly writing is a type of writing rather than a level of writing (there is no hierarchy in writing genres). Scholarly writing is not any better than journalism, fiction, or poetry; it is just a different category. As with any type of writing, scholarly writing has traditions and expectations that you know about only if you read or write in that style. Because most of us do not use scholarly writing in our daily practice, it can feel unfamiliar and intimidating, but it is a skill that can be learned. The more you are immersed in it, the more you will get a feeling for its hallmarks. Here are a few of the most common characteristics of scholarly writing: • The wording in scholarly writing is specialized, requiring previous knowledge on the part of the reader. You will not be able to pick up a scholarly journal in another field and easily understand its contents (although you should be able to follow the writing itself). Scholarly authors assume that their audience is familiar...
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...and the blog “Matt Patterson & The New York Post Clueless About The Climate” the authors Matt Patterson and Jerrald Hayes are having very different opinions and points of view on the subject global warming and climate-change. Matt Patterson, the author of “Warming, not!”, is a conservative political writer and the article is published in New York Post. Patterson claims that the evidence for global warming has been exaggerated and is just plain wrong. He states that the climate-change theory is facing a sudden collapse, because of two recent arguments: The first argument being the observations that Monnett and fellow researcher Jeffrey Gleason made in 2004 - of four polar bears drowning after being forced to swim long distances in the open sea, because of the climate changes - are now being questioned and investigated. Monnett has now been put on “leave” due to integrity issues. The other argument being a paper published in the peer-reviewed journal ‘Remote Sensing’ by Drs. Roy Spencer and Danny Braswell. The two scientists had compared the predictions about what the atmosphere ‘should’ do and what satellite data actually showed during the 18 months before and after warming event. They found that the computer models vastly overestimated the greenhouse effect. According to the two scientists the Earth is far more capable of equalizing its own temperature than people might think. Matt Patterson closes the article saying that there is a huge discrepancy between global-warming...
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...discharge after a heart failure hospitalization. American Heart Journal, 164(3). 365-372. Retrieved from: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/771215_print This article sought to find an appropriate model to predict the risk of unplanned heart failure readmissions. The primary outcome from chart reviews also included death of heart failure patients within 30 days of discharge. The study looked at Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) models and the LACE+ index, to mention two of many that looked at prediction ability. The LACE+ index is a model that looks at length of stay, acuity, the Charlson comorbidity score and age, to predict readmissions. They found that no one model was appropriate in predicting the 30-day readmission rates, although using a combination of the models was an improvement to that predictor. The authors are all physicians, PhDs, or have a Master’s degree- helping to establish credibility. The authors also make a statement as to the funding of the project and that they (the authors) were solely responsible for all data collection, design and submission approval writing for the project, also lending credibility to the study. The references used for this study were appropriate in age, of the 28; 13 were within the last five years. Statistical data was gathered by experts and calculations made through third party experts, lending validity to the study. This article does not use the words ‘Evidence-Based Practice’ (EBP), but the CMC model is an EBP model...
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...strategy: To get an insight in what operations strategy is all about, it is defined as "a set of competitive priorities coupled with supply chain structural and infrastructural design choices intended to create capabilities that support a set of value propositions targeted to address the needs of critical customers." (Operations and Supply Chain Strategy, 2009). A supply chain consists of multiple organizations linked together in a partnership and their overall goal is to satisfy the needs of the end customer. As the lecture notes (n.d.) points out, operations manage the activities of the entire supply chain from start to end. Because of the operations management's nature of spanning across the functional level and being integrative, it is involved in many other strategic areas. (Operations and Supply Chain Strategy, 2009). This means that strategic decisions regarding operations must reflect and involve these areas. Increasingly fierce competition and challenges like fast changing market demands and needs, demand uncertainty and decreasing product life cycle means organizations have to do things differently to stay in the game. In today’s competitive environment there is a need to excel in multiple performance objectives like flexibility, speed, cost, dependability and quality (Slack and Lewis, 2011, p.16). To cope with these challenges, an integrated approach to the supply chain is required to create a competitive advantage. This leads us to a statement by Gunasekaran...
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...University of Phoenix Material Literature Search Worksheet Select a literature search topic relevant to your practice. The topic must be sufficiently delineated in scope without being trivial. You will revisit this article in the Week Five presentation. Possible topics include but are not limited to: o Non-pharmacological pain relief with childbirth o Effects of shift work and fatigue on medication errors o Best practices for pin site care o Nurse satisfaction in magnet hospitals o Accurate temperature assessment methods in neonates o Pain assessment in the cognitively impaired o Childhood type II diabetes and obesity o Complementary and alternative therapies for control of menopausal symptoms o Best practices in nurse-led smoking cessation classes o Thermoregulation in the operating room o Best practices for pain assessment and management in specified area of practice Complete the table below: |Which topic did you choose? | |I chose Non-pharmacological pain relief with childbirth. | |Which three databases will you use? | |1. EBSCOhost | |2. ProQuest...
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