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Submitted By agbortabetando
Words 1329
Pages 6
Weston Smith
Environmental science
Dr. Smith
Project part 2: Project sources

5 peer reviewed articles: 1. * In this article they explain the effects of losing our ozone and the dangers this can bring like skin cancer, cataracts, hodgkins disease, lupus, skin tuberculosis smallpox. This shows in my research by giving us evidence on how the ozone can affect our health and everyday life style and the radical changes we would have to make within a short amount of time if this continues and we actually create a huge hole in our ozone. 2. * This is a great article with multiple resources talking about a wide range ozone effects and how to counter act them and the potential future of our ozone if we can try and make the changes now then late. They talk about the policies in place to prevent manufacturers to use when using gases or harmful substances in every day products. This can be used in my research by showing what every day products that we use for our showers or hair, cars, gas, garbage, pollution can affect our ozone and this will give us ways to better our ozone. 3. * This article gives you information on what the ozone is and how its created and what this does for our planet and this goes into how the ozone can be depleted and also gives you a lot of information on the agriculture part of how our economy can be affected with crops and farmers and important vegetation we have to grow. This can be used in my research for how the ozone effects multiple aspects of our planet 4. * This article talks about how the ozone protects our world and our skies and us pretty much every day from harmful UV radiation from outer space and the sun. 5. * This article talks about a vast look at the climate change and depletion of the ozone, this is a PDF article from united nation environment program, this assessment was done back on 2010 and just looking at how our ozone was rapidly changing and being investigated back then to now will be crazy to look after 3 years.
5 articles of ozone: 1. * This article goes into more health effects of losing our ozone and what the consequences could be from this if our ozone continues to deplete at a fast rate. Losing our ozone can force us to change our economy very fast and even outlaw certain products that are created or important gases that we need for manufacturers 2. * This article works in conjunction with how we in Texas can help reduce our harmful effects to the ozone in our state and what can we change locally here to help globally. This is a look on how texas is taking a step to change what we can do to help the ozone holes and since were the second biggest state we have a lot of opportunity here to get the push out there to do this everyday. 3. * This article talks about the same effects with losing our ozone and the harmful effects this has on our ozone with losing marine life, volcanic eruptions, cancer diseases to all man kind and the natural disasters that we are headed for if we do not clean up our environment 4. * This is an article about ways we can help repair the holes in our ozone and what laws we have in place for us to do this. This articles also talks about everyday use of machines or things we use in our houses like air conditioning that hurts our ozone and with everyone using air conditioning units years round. What we can do to change how we use air conditioning units at home and what we can do to reduce or change this process. 5. * This is a great read from nasa talking about or climate change and how the ozone plays a drastic part in changing this. With losing our ozone rapidly repairing itself and then creating holes all over the world, we have to understand how this can create drastic changes in weather with heat to cold weather and what this could means for our vegetation and crops that we try and grow organically instead of using in house gases and growth hormones to create our food. Potentially poisoning our economy by not making these small changes to everyday life.
More Peer reviewed journals and non peer reviewed journals: 1. Author: Hagemeier, Paul….. 1 journal not peer reviewed
Source: fort Worth business press. 11/2/2009 energy report supplement
Abstract: talks about how nitrogen dioxide (NOx) and other volatile compounds can contribute to the ozone formation and how NOx reduces the ozone in North central Texas

2. Author: carol, Lynda F….. 1 journal that is .gov
Source: federal register, 9/19/2012. United States environmental protection agency
Abstract: this is an article about the EPA planning to revise the 8 hour ozone implementation plan for Houston. Trying to create a plan against volatile organic compound (VOC) and Nitrogen dioxide (NOx)

3. Author: Schade, Gunnar W, Siraj Khan, Park.Changhyoun, Boedeker, Ian.
Source: peer reviewed journal from Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
Abstract: The authors conducted air quality measurements of the criteria pollutants carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and ozone together with meteorological measurements at a park site southeast of College Station, TX, during the 2006 Texas AirQuality Study II (TexAQS). 4. Author: Darby, Lisa..
Source: Peer Journal of Applied Meteorology. Dec2005, Vol. 44 Issue 12, p1788-1806. 19p. 6 Charts, 7 Graphs.
Abstract: With the dates coinciding with the Texas Air Quality Study 2000 (TexAQS 2000). Hourly averaged winds were partitioned into 16 independent clusters, or wind patterns, while simultaneously keeping track of the maximum ozone in the network for each hour all for the city of Houston since they have high petrochemical plants that produce mass ozone toxins. 5. Authors: Farooqui, Zuber M.John, KuruvillaBiswas, JhumoorSule, Neelesh
Source: Atmospheric Pollution Research; Jan2013, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p33-42, 10p peer reviewed journal.
Abstract: Through a source apportionment analysis of emissions influencing the 8- hour ozone concentrations, NOx and VOC limited areas were identified. The model results showed that the net effect of all anthropogenic emissions for Victoria, Corpus Christi and Austin and San Antonio,

Sites that I visited in order: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Common Errors in Research Report Writing

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