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Submitted By joycelynsmith
Words 785
Pages 4
Athena was the virgin daughter of the great God Zeus, and she was also one of the great
Olympian Idols. She was not only known only as the Goddess of wisdom, but she was also called the Goddess of war, and the personal guardian and protector of arts and crafts. This guided her and help her to become an intense and compassionate leader. Athena was born beside the river Triton where she was nurtured by three fairs. When she was a little girl one of the fairs loved and cared for her so much that the fairy was known as Pallas who became Athena playmate. As a brave and playful child Athena accidentally killed Pallas, as a symbol of Athena’s sadness she place the name of the fairy Palls before her own name. This causes others to know her as Pallas Athena which is not her name given at birth. She was a very gifted child from birth, her mother was Metis which means which means crafty of could be called evil, so of which Athena inherited. Athena enjoy having the power of her father and the craftiness and aggressiveness from her mother, she uses these tools as great weapon to help deliver her people.
Athena was considered a real hero because she represented the true qualities of loyal a woman who had no fear of what her obstacle was. Her main concern was to take care of her people, and her country. She made up in her mind that no matter what the situation, she will find a way to delivery country and not bring them to shame, or defeat. During the Trojan War Athena inspired Odysseus to build a hollow wooden horse, she told him to build it bigger and taller than the gates of the Troy this would allow the Trojans to destroy their own wall to bring in the gifts to the Gods, which help to bring victory to her people. Athena also came to aid of Hercules and help delivered, when he was forced to clean Augean messy stables.
Athena imparts to us how to regard to authority and give respect to leadership. By her learning how to subdue, and when to rise up and fight, or give and important advice it teaches society that no matter your title you can do the same. Even though she had a very huge role and title she still portray great qualities, she was a woman of wisdom, and she shows it to all, her skills her talent and her gifts was use not in a proud and selfish way,
Based on the historical perspective of the ancient Greece Athena was an original Greek Historian, and both books and movie was done on her heroic existence.
The epic qualities of the summary is the courageous life and work of a young woman who decide to take charge regardless of the situation. Athena in Greek mythology, is the patron goddess of Athens, Greece. She was known as the goddess of planned warfare and heroic attempted. When Athena is called upon for help, advice, or protection when would fall right into the role. She was called upon by many heroes for advice and protection. She was also a virgin goddess which made her very determine and strong. Even though Zeus's had more children, Athena was known as his favorite daughter, she stood in the role of caregiver and played a very fair and honest part to everyone. I will say the theme of the selection for the story is the bravery and willingness of one young women who demonstrate honesty and wisdom.
One of the most important visual pieces is the owl symbol. The Athena's owl is an owl in ancient Greece simply represent Athena. A lot of time she was a part of unstable situation and she would sometimes appear as an owl. The owl signifies the wisdom that Athena portrays. Athena also wears a helmet on her head and carries a spear, and on her vest she carries her shield is the symbol of a gorgon's head. She wears an aegis, which is either a vest or shield, which is fringed with snakes. She was the patroness of Athens and the olive tree was special to her too.
The reason for giving this story an A rating is that, this book is about Athena’s determination to fight or battle for the good of everyone. She is known by all as the women of power but never brags or boast on anyone about it. She was a brave, strong and confident women. She knew she was the Goddess of Wisdom, and she uses it in a good way and never abuse the title.

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