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Athena Greek Goddess

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Words 482
Pages 2
Dayanne Gomez
B period
December 16, 2014

Athena was the goddess of wisdom, war, and craft. She was also the most courageous, and wisest of all the olympian gods and goddess. Athena is suppose to be zeus' offspring. Zeus swallowed Oceanid and her unborn child. Zeus was later then pregnant with Athena. Since he wasn't able to deliver a baby, the baby apparently was in his head. The goddess had to be born and kept applying pressuring in his head trying to get out. His step son Hepaetus opened his head with an axe releasing the goddess. Later on Athena had a son, but was a virgin. Hepaetus attempted to rape Athena and his seed spilled on her; she wiped it off and it fell to earth. Gaia then became part mother. Athena, Gaia, and Hapaetus were all parents of Erichthonius. …show more content…
She was his ally, protector, and advisor. She had a spear and wore a helmet. The helmet pushed back and revealed her beauty, but she was mostly known for her role in judgment, than actually fighting in war. Her decision making was on fairness and compassion. She always tried to prevent war, but if it happened she would always fight her hardest for her side. In her attempt to prevent the Trojan war; she descended from Olympus and walked in between the two armies. She made both armies swear oaths, but one soldier named Pandaros violated the oath and shot an arrow, which led to the start of the war. Athena was in great displeasure by his cowardice, so she helped the other side, and lead them to victory. The goddess would also offer heroes her advice and protection in battle. Athena shaped herself into men, women, and children and helped safely guide Odysseus

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