...to things you have control over, or to forces outside your influence. Which orientation you choose has a bearing on your long-term success. This orientation is known as your "locus of control". Locus of control is concerned with “the question of whether or not an individual believes that his own behavior, skills or internal disposition determine what reinforcements he receives” (Rotter, Change, & Phares, 1972), and refers to a person’s beliefs about control over life events. Those with an internal locus of control believe that the consequences of their behavior are under their personal control and that they are effective in controlling their destiny and determining the occurrence of reinforcement, and feel personally responsible for the things that happen to them; those with an external locus of control believe that the outcomes of their performances in life are determined by forces beyond their control (e. g., fate, chance, luck, powerful others and supernatural forces) and that they determine the occurrence of specified events. As Rotter (1966) pointed out, the effect of reinforcement “depends on whether or not the person perceives a causal relationship between his own behavior and the reward” (p. 1) As cited by Samaei (Samaei, Ramezani, & Semnani, 2012) in his study, to some researchers such as Rotter (1986), Heinrich & Gullone (2006) and Ekwall (2004) one of the researchable and important aspects of personality is the study of locus of control in individuals. According...
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...Behavioral and Social/Cognitive Approaches to Habits PSY/250 March 21, 2011 Behavioral and Social/Cognitive Approaches to Habits One of the earliest memories I can recall is my mother playing records on the turntable in the living room while she cleaned the house. The sounds of Neil Diamond, Barry Manilow, Bread, or Abba filled the house with music. These are some of my most joyful memories. I can still see her vacuuming, dusting, and scrubbing different rooms of the house while pausing for the big fanfares within the songs to dramatically sing along or throw down an awesome air guitar solo on the broom in her hands. These moments are the reasons I always have loved music. The problem is that I have never learned how to settle for a few artists and albums like my mother. I have a habit of liking too many types of music, and too many artists within each type. This has led to the development of my bad habit of collecting too many albums. My mother is my musical role model, encouraging the exploration of music. She promotes trying out different styles and genres of music. She always exposed my sister and me to various types of music, from church hymns to off-Broadway musical productions. My mother bought me my first music album when I was four. It was a Christmas album by The Chipmunks. I love that album and still enjoy it every Christmas. Later in my childhood, I loved Michael Jackson, and had to have all of his albums. I have replaced those records...
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...Teen pregnancy and family history of teen pregnancy research has not been fully studied. A peer-reviewed article that was published by the Journal of Psychology in Africa, entitled “Risk Factors Associated with Adolescent Pregnancy: An Exploratory Study”. This article describes a study done to see if there was a “relationship between Protective factors, risk factors and adolescent pregnancy(Ditsela & Van Dyk, 2011)”. This study gives results of 121 mostly bi-racial females in South Africa. Problem to be solved The problem that this article discusses is about how possible parenting styles or lack they’re of, self-esteem issues, and locus of control may play a large part in adolescent pregnancy. This article give and exploratory study of the risk factors than may be associated with teen pregnancy. This study brakes down how family problems such as divorce, new parents, and low self-esteem are reasons teen pregnancy happens so much. Where as high self-esteem makes you less likely to become involved in risky sexual behavior (RBS). Health Care Administration The growing problem with teen pregnancy is a very important issue all around the world. Health care administration should study this issue so that more kids can be aware of the on going problem of children having children. There are so many issues that teens should be aware of with risky sexual behavior that many people do not think about. Like the sexual transmitted disease, a study was done in 2008 that shows...
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... September 18, 2012 The Research Process and the Problems in Health Care Teen pregnancy and family history of teen pregnancy research has not been fully studied. A peer-reviewed article that was published by the Journal of Psychology in Africa, entitled “Risk Factors Associated with Adolescent Pregnancy: An Exploratory Study”. This article describes a study done to see if there was a “relationship between Protective factors, risk factors and adolescent pregnancy(Ditsela & Van Dyk, 2011)”. This study gives results of 121 mostly bi-racial females in South Africa. Problem to be solved The problem that this article discusses is about how possible parenting styles or lack they’re of, self-esteem issues, and locus of control may play a large part in adolescent pregnancy. This article give and exploratory study of the risk factors than may be associated with teen pregnancy. This study brakes down how family problems such as divorce, new parents, and low self-esteem are reasons teen pregnancy happens so much. Where as high self-esteem makes you less likely to become involved in risky sexual behavior (RBS). Health Care Administration The growing problem with teen pregnancy is a very important issue all around the world. Health care administration should study this issue so that more kids can be aware of the on going problem of children having children. There are so many issues that teens should be aware of with risky sexual behavior that many people...
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...People who consistently believe that events are caused by factors beyond their personal control are called externalizers. He would describe them of having external locus of control. People who consistently take responsibility for their own actions, or who feel they have the power to do something about a situation, are said to have an internal locus of control. The social learning theory explains that your environment does have an effect on our personality. If you are talking about someone’s personality you also have to include the environment they have been in. Rotter also saw the personality and the behavior always changing. Rotter believed if you could change the thoughts and someone’s environment that you could also change the person’s behavior. Rotter looked at people in a optimistic way. In Rotter’s social learning theory there were four...
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...JOB SATISFACTION INTRODUCTION According to Yang (2012) job satisfaction is deemed an attitude rather than a behaviour. It is the most and frequently studied and widely discussed work attitude Mc Clenney (1992). Robbins (2001) defined it as a general attitude toward one’s job; the difference between the level of reward workers receive and the level of reward they believe they should receive. Moreover, Locke (1976) defined job satisfaction as an enjoyable or positive emotional state as a result of evaluating one’s job and job experience. In empirical studies, researchers have often measured job satisfaction as having two distinct facets: intrinsic, that is, level of satisfaction with features associated with the job itself and extrinsic, that is, level of satisfaction with various facets associated with the environment in which the work is performed (Bogler, 2001) Job satisfaction is said to be a vital factor of productivity at work along with having the appropriate training, interests and motivation. Frustrations at work may derive from different aspects of the job itself or the work environment Tomina & Sorana (2011). Satisfied employees are more likely to stay with their organisation and contribute to the success of the company rather than unsatisfied employees. “Employee attitudes and intentions have impacts on employee effectiveness, customer satisfaction and organisational performance” Tomina & Sorana (2011). FACTORS THAT CAN LEAD TO SATISFIED AND DISSATISED EMPLOYEES ...
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...Explain how learning theories influence perception of interpersonal relationships. The belief that environmental forces determine how new behave is best seen in the work of B. F. Skinner. He argued that nearly all behavior is directly governed by environmental contingencies of reinforcement. In his view, to explain behavior we need only analyze the functional relations between observable action and observable consequences (Hjelle & Ziegler, 1992). Skinner believed that psychology must not explain behavior on the basis of physiological or constitutional components of the organism but rather on the basis of environmental stimuli (Feist & Feist, 2010). Skinner also assumed that all behavior is lawfully determined, predictable, and able to e brought under environmental control (Hjelle & Ziegler, 1992). Bandura believed that psychological functioning is best understood in terms of a continuous reciprocal interplay among behavioral, cognitive, and environmental influences. In terms of behavior, personal factors, and social forces all operate as interlocking determinants of one another-that behavior is influenced by the environment but that people also play an active role in creating the social milieu and other circumstances that arise in their daily transactions. The most distinctive feature of Bandrsa’s social cognitive theory is the belief that most human behavior is learned through observation or by example. Social cognitive theory proposes hat modeling influences generate learning...
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...Middle Childhood PSY/103 Middle Childhood There are various aspects of human development, including physical, cognitive, social, moral, and personality development. In this paper the author will discuss the middle childhood (6-12 years) stage of human development. Incorporated will be the factors that affect physical and cognitive development both hereditary and environmental. I will also discuss the factors that affect social, moral, and personality development. Developmentally, middle childhood is a big time in a child’s life. During this time, they begin their academic journey. “During middle childhood, defined by psychologists as the period between 6 and 12 years of age children develop the emotional, cognitive, and social skills necessary to become educable members of society” (Campbell, 2011). They are growing and changing in so many ways. Children begin learning how to relate to others outside the home. They also learn to respect others and how to treat others properly. A child’s physical and cognitive development can be affected by many things. Genetics, nutrition, home environment, income, and parenting affect how a child will develop during middle childhood. Culture also comes into play when a person looks at social, moral, and personality development. All of these things will affect how a child thinks and feels about the world around him or her. Genes have an effect on middle childhood development. Everything from height and weight to hair color are determined...
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...Locus of Control Scale This questionnaire assesses your opinions about certain issues. Each item consists of a pair of alternatives marked with a or b. Select the alternative with which you most agree. If you believe both alternatives to some extent, select the one with which you most strongly agree. If you do not believe either alternative, mark the one with which you least strongly disagree. Since this is an assessment of opinions, there are obviously no right or wrong answers. When you have finished each item, turn to the scoring key for instructions on how to tabulate the results and for comparison data. This questionnaire is similar, but not identical, to the original locus of control scale developed by Julian Rotter. The comparison data provided in the scoring key comes from research using Rotter’s scale instead of this one. However, the two instruments assess the same concept, are the same length, and their mean scores are similar. 1. a. Leaders are born, not made. b. Leaders are made, not born. 2. a. People often succeed because they are in the right place at the right time. b. Success is mostly dependent on hard work and ability. 3. a. When things go wrong in my life, it’s generally because I have made mistakes. b. Misfortunes occur in my life...
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...more on the big picture. This explained why, ever since high school, I asked my teacher why we had to learn a certain topic and how we can use it in our everyday lives in the future. The test also showed that when making decisions, I tended to be a feeling type. This cleared up why when I had to make an important decision, like what course to take and where to study college, I consider how it will affect the people in my life (friends, family, etc.). As to how I approach life, the test showed that I perceiving nature than a judgemental one. This explained why I had little trouble adjusting from my city’s culture to Manila’s culture. Another test that I took, the Rotter’s locus of control scale, explained why I tended to rely on myself than hope that things will get better by itself; I had an internal locus of control. I always knew that I was a very lively and spontaneous person. Having energetic and extrovert friends, I can say my environment affected me a lot in terms of my personality. Although my parents are very serious people, I had not grown up to be the same. Since I am half-Chinese, half-Filipino, I had a sort-of combination between the two cultures. I had a very happy approach to life (Filipino) and tended to show much emphasis on respect (Chinese). I think I have a behavioral approach on psychology because I can honestly say that my upbringing (nurture) affected me more than my heredity (nature) 2. The Nature...
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...Factors in Student Motivation Authored by: Steven C. Howey Educators across the country are frustrated with the challenge of how to motivate the ever increasing number of freshmen students entering college who are psychologically, socially, and academically unprepared for the demands of college life. Such students often exhibit maladaptive behavior such as tardiness, hostility towards authority, and unrealistic aspirations. The standard approach is to address the problem as an academic issue through remedial or developmental instruction. Developmental education programs however do not address the whole problem. Lack of motivation is not limited to the academically weak student. Successful remedial and study strategies courses aimed at the underprepared student have demonstrated that students who really want to improve their skills can do so when motivated. However, even the best remedial instruction programs have failed to positively impact the student who is both underprepared academically and unmotivated. When students have both a lack of academic skills and lack motivation, the greater problem is motivation (Kelly, 1988). Faculty often have neither the time or inclination to address difficult motivational issues in the classroom, consequently, the task of trying to effectively motivate such students often falls to academic advisors. Opinions about the role of motivation in academic achievement and what can be done about it vary widely among college faculty, administrators...
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...Academic Locus of Control of High and Low Achieving Students Syeda Salma Hasan, *2 Ruhi Khalid Email: s.salmahasan@hotmail.com *1 The study investigated the academic locus of control of high and low achieving undergraduate students. It also explored the gender differences in terms of academic locus of control and the relationship between academic locus of control and academic achievement . Sample of the study consisted of 187 (126 high and 61 low) achieving BSc final year students. Independent group research design and purposive sampling technique was used in this study. Academic locus of control scale developed by Trice (1985) was administered. The scale classifies the students having scores from 0-14 as internals and with the score above than 14 as externals. Two –Factor ANOVA, correlation and simple linear regression was used to analyze the data. Results indicated a significant main effect of achiever and gender and no interaction between gender and achiever was found. High achieving students scored low on academic locus of control which indicates their strong internal academic orientation than low achieving students. Interestingly study indicated that high as well as low achieving students both hold an internal academic belief system towards the academic situations. Women are significantly high on an internal academic locus of control indicating less internal academic orientation than men. Results also indicated a significant inverse relationship between academic locus of control...
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...make up human personality. Raymond Cattell’s theory identified 16 personality traits that he believed could be utilized to understand and measure individual differences in personality. Where as Robert McCrae and Paul Costa: Introduced the big five theory, which identifies five key dimensions of personality: 1) extraversion, 2) neuroticism, 3) openness to experience, 4) conscientiousness and 5) agreeableness. Socio-cognitive theorists argue that personalities are direct results of personal histories and interpretations. Because these can only be experienced individually, persons have entirely unique personalities and no two are the same. Concepts like self-efficacy are common within the socio-cognitive theory, and Julian Rotter's theory of the "locus of control" holds that a person’s focus on external or internal occurrences largely...
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...Involvement, Locus of Control and Managerial Performance Journal: Manuscript ID: Manuscript Type: 23rd Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference draft Paper just-in-time < 15. Technology, Innovation and Supply Chain Management, manufacturing technology < 15. Technology, Innovation and Supply Chain Management, operations management < 15. Technology, Innovation and Supply Chain Management, performance measurement < 15. Technology, Innovation and Supply Chain Management Keywords (Select the keywords for the Track(s) which you have selected on the previous step): Page 1 of 25 ANZAM 2009 Manager’s Degree of JIT Involvement, Locus of Control and Managerial Performance ABSTRACT The competitive global environment has lead many firms into adopting practices that focus on eliminating inefficiencies across the enterprise and its supply chain. The Just-in-Time philosophy is one such practice, however, research has predominantly focused on its technical features and on organisational variables, with surprising little research at the individual level. This paper examines JIT at an individual level and argues that the manager’s locus of control orientation would interact with their degree of JIT involvement to affect managerial performance. The results of a survey of 60 managers employing JIT, demonstrate that an increased degree of JIT involvement leads to a more positive effect on managerial performance for internal locus of control managers than...
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...Positive Psychology Name: Professor: Institution: Course: Date: Positive Psychology scientifically studies the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to prosper. The field is based on the belief that humans long to live meaningful and fulfilling lives, to achieve what is best within themselves, and therefore enhance their experiences of love, work, and play (ppc.sas.upenn.edu). Psychology has often been a misunderstood subject; from solving mental problems to solving complicated crime scenes, people, I included associate the subject with negativity. It may be that the assertions are based on the frequent use of the word “psychology” in cases of mental instability. Courts of law often rely on psychiatrists to determine if the accused individuals are sane enough for trial. These assertions have however been dispelled during my undertaking of the psychology class (Goodtherapy.com). I now recognize that the subject also deals with positive issues that improve one’s life if adopted. I am the subject in the essay and intend to analyze the surveys I undertook to analyze my strengths and weaknesses. The aim of undertaking and analyzing the surveys is to improve my personality and consequently improve my career goals. Undertaking the surveys was not easy as...
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