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Daughter Of Zeus Research Paper

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Daughter of Zeus the mightiest God of all and Metis the Goddess of Prudence which also one out of seven Zeus’s wives. Athena's birth "is a desperate theological expedient to rid her of matriarchal conditions" says J. E. Harrison. However, no matter what the legend is, she never has a ‘real’ mother as Metis, her mom, was cursed by her dad Zeus and turned Metis onto a fly and swallowed her when she was pregnant. Although Athena’s nascency sound unreal for todays society, the legend stated that after Zeus swallowed his own wife, he was extremely plagued by a painful headache and run to Hephaestus (Smith God) and begged him to open his head. Hephaestus did as he was told and out popped Athena, full grown, ready for battle. Athena’s extravagant ability in battling was presumed came from her parent’s myth that ‘if Zeus had a son by Metis this child would be mightier than him’. …show more content…
She invented so many utensils that brought so many gratefulness to her people. Athena grown up being loved by most everyone for her personality of being humble towards each other and also for her intelligence in battle field. But she loved everyone in fraternal sense and was completely uninterested in sex therefore she became one of the three virgin goddess in Greek history regardless on numerous Gods who would have given their eyes to marry her even if she was still disgusted by the idea. She once asked a favour to Hephaestus to make her set of armor and weapons and in return she offered him money. But the only payment Hephaestus accept was love. Athena soon agreed to this because she was mistakenly took the idea of love and didn’t take that in sexual way. When Athena came to his place to grab her weapons, Hephaestus came to her and tried to rape her. The thing didn’t happened however she didn’t move quick enough and he ejaculate on her

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