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Athletes Watching Rhetorical Analysis

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We watch sports to watch the athletes; in this day and age they are trained to ignore technology on the field, but it is always there to frustrate and distract those focused playing. The current number two and number one tennis players in the world, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, were one of the first athletes to play with the Hawk-Eye. It was during the 2007 Wimbledon when Federer asked for the machine to be turned off because he had been disagreeing with the majority of its calls as they contradicted his own. There have been other cases where the athletes become annoyed with the Hawk-Eye but transitioning to technology was the roughest patch for athletes. In an interview with Kendall Jefferies, I began to understand what it was like to …show more content…
Baseball viewers who watch from the television, including my own mother, find the strike zone that is illustrated in front of the batter annoying. There are not any setting to remove the box, and now most sports broadcasting channels show the strike zone box. My little brother is currently eleven years old, and he watches a lot of baseball on T.V. He is used to the strike box that is shown and has the ability to forget that it is there. To him, the box makes him feel like an umpire who can make the calls for himself. For my mother, it’s an annoying distraction that ruins the way that she watches Major League Baseball. During my interview with Sam Osman, I realized that the intention of distracting fans is discarded and the purpose of technology is directed towards those whose understanding of the sport is minimal. Mr. Osman explains that sports entertainment technology was created for: “people who aren’t really fans [so they] can understand the sport better. The more they understand it, the more they are into watching more games, and that’s the …show more content…
Baseball is a slower moving game that takes patience and time to develop, but because of the way the technology has been a part of developing a modern child’s brain, the younger generation is more used to fast-paced, less complicated games (Hanby Hudgens). Baseball takes patience to enjoy, but for someone who has not grown up in the game, learning how to stand in the outfield staring into space and waiting to yell that the sky is falling, it can be difficult to watch the game without becoming extremely bored. It takes passion to have an interest in the sport and a passion in the tradition of the ball game. Technology changes the way that we see traditional sports like baseball because video games and modern television exercise the idea of

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