Submitted by:
Saurabh Kumar saurabhkumar.in@gmail.com +91 9764 88 3889
Athavaya A complimentary plug-in module for class 5
Introduction “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.” – Swami Vivekananda
This project is intended to bring in light the scope to illustrate ways in which our school education stands and in which direction it should develop. It is not intended to be a coherent historical survey of this field, nor can it claim to be a balanced selection from theorists of current influence and future pathways. For this reason it seems useful here to clarify the lines of thought developed in the contents of this proposal, so that the reader can appreciate the context in which we must put our strategies and sincere efforts. An actual situation will be explored and real life experiences will be taken in, as well as problems, which might be thought more intrinsic to formulation of aims, content, methods (and so on) of a particular primary school education system. In the proposal I wish to create the context, take it through the framework of reasoning the context, bringing out relevance and defining the objective and the way to meet it.
The project Context India needs entrepreneurs and innovators, more than just support executives
Education in the context of current technology With the advent of new technologies, available so widely in today’s time has given numerous other opportunities than the traditional ones. The complementary plug-in module should to new technologies in new contexts. It should also be