...To compare the theme of exiles into nature in Gilgamesh, the Odyssey, the Iliad, and the Mahabharata is to compare how these exiles were brought upon the heroes and the consequences when the hero returns to society. The difference between the Mahabharata and the other three epics, is that the exile of the Kuravas was imposed on them by others. Though Yudhisthira is technically the only one in the family who brought it upon himself by playing the crooked dice game. For the most part, the exile of the Kuravas is not self-imposed. This is very different to the exiles seen in the western epics. In the Iliad, Achilles exiles himself for feeling shamed by Agamemnon, he chooses not to fight and instead have hundreds of his countrymen die. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh chooses to abandon his kingdom for an unplanned amount of time on a search for immortality somewhere in nature because of Enkidu’s death. Both Achilles and Gilgamesh exile themselves because of strong feelings they get. The exile of Odysseus is about brought on by himself, by making Poseidon extra mad, not leaving Calypso’s Island, among other transgressions against the gods. The results of these exiles are quite similar, when the hero returns to society they hav some form of enhanced ability or thinking process. In Gilgamesh, the hero returns to his kingdom, with the knowledge that physical objects can grant him a form of immortality. In the Iliad, Achilles is already known as the strongest Greek warrior, but when...
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...“By the Waters of Babylon” and “Coyote Kills the Giant” comparison The books “By the Waters of Babylon” and “Coyote Kills the Giant” are very similar. In each book the main character takes on a journey that not everyone would do. In the book “By the Waters of Babylon” the main character’s name is John. John’s journey is going to the god-land. When you go on a journey to the god-lands and you come back eaten up then you will not be a priest and if you do not come home eaten up, then you will be a wonderful priest. In the book “Coyote Kills the Giant” the main character is Coyote. Coyotes main goal on his journey is to kill the giant. The basic situation for both stories are similar because the main character wants to accomplish something big on his journey. Yet they are very similar there are a few little differences. Int the book“By the Waters of Babylon” the story is taking place in New York city. While in the book “Coyote Kills the Giant” the story is mainly taking place in a forest and in the giant’s belly. Coyotes main goal on this journey is to kill the giant. He wants to kill the giant because he wants to be the best of the best. While in the book “By the Waters of Babylon” John goes on this journey because he wants to know if he will be a great priest or not. Before John went on his journey his father told him, “Once I had young dreams. If your dreams do not eat you up, you may be a great priest. If they do eat you up, you are still my son. Now go on your journey.” In...
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...Aylin Sipahi CMLT C110 Final Essay for Epic of Gilgamesh February 19, 2013 The Epic of Gilgamesh serves as a great looking glass into a long lost culture in which most artifacts are lost. The story centers on Gilgamesh, a ruthless king who is two thirds god and one third man. As king, he does not meet his potentials of leadership as he is often self-centered and sometimes depicted as inhumane. When his dear friend Enkidu dies, he sets off to find immortality. He eventually fails, but during his journey, he came to terms with his mortality and became a more compassionate person. Even though the main characters are men, the women play small but vital roles along his journey. The women in this epic reveal that they are solely responsible for the civilization of Gilgamesh and Enkidu by means of dream interpretation, sex, and motherly instincts, because the men of this epic do not have the ability to do them on their own. As king, Gilgamesh does things of his own accord and with his own judgment. He terrifies his city with his ruthless behavior, and even upsets the gods. He takes away sons from families, and has his way with newly wedded brides on their honeymoon before the grooms. As Gilgamesh sees women as merely sex objects, it’s difficult to imagine that when he needs direction he goes to his mother, Ninsun “who is well-beloved and wise (page 66).” It is interesting to see that Gilgamesh sees every other woman as a sex object, except his mother. Some theories to support...
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...Several intriguing similarities between two ancient literary texts are addressed in Esther Hamori’s “Echoes of Gilgamesh in the Jacob Story.” Though fundamentally different, these texts have a series of elements that are quite unusual to other literature of the time which Hamori indicates throughout the article. She discusses a group of seemingly unique features that appear in both The Epic of Gilgamesh and in the scene of the wrestling match between Jacob and God in Genesis 32:22-32. Her argument is that the author of Genesis knew some form of Gilgamesh and used it as a framework while writing the wrestling scene in Genesis. Some of the arguments Hamori makes are solid and defend her initial statements. However, there are several small issues like overlooking several factors and the possibility of making too many assumptions. Several pages into the article, Hamori compares the outcomes of both wrestling matches to illustrate the parallels between the two. She explains that in both matches the two contenders were equals and the protagonists ultimately prevailed. Details from the different stories were analyzed side-by-side, which supported her argument. Jacob and Gilgamesh both had the upper hand in their respective fights and were ultimately blessed by the attacker. The blessing is even phrased with similar form, and Hamori comments on this: “In both cases, the force of the blessing is clear: the hero will continue to prevail as the divinely appointed father or leader...
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...The comparison and contrast of “The Story of the Flood” and “Noah’s Ark” The Epic of Gilgamesh “The Story of the Flood” and the biblical story of “Noah’s Ark” founded in (Genesis 6-9) story titles are very similar. The flood occurred in the Mesopotamian plains. The tale of the “Great Flood” was around before the story of Noah’s Ark. Some say that the biblical story of Noah was a revised copy of “The Story of the Flood”. Although, the details in each story is different, there are so many smalls ways they similar. Things that both stories have in common were, that Utnapishtim and Noah were warned to build a boat to escape the flood, told to save himself, his family, and a sampling if animals, boats came to rest on a mountain top, birds were released to see if the water receded from the earth. Noah and Utnapishtim both made sacrifices and offerings to their God. Each man were given the assignment to warn and save mankind from the destruction that was about to come upon the earth. Noah’s story the earth was full of people who once pleased God. They were people who had ambition to continue making the earth a booming place until the sons of God went to the daughters of human and started having children with them. Furthermore, the people became violent and corrupted in their ways. And the Lord was very sorry that he had even made mankind because of their wickedness. Utnapishtim story the land was prosperous and full of wealth. However, the humans became excessively noisy, and disturbed...
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...Crearea brandului de tara al Romaniei Imaginea unei ţări reflectă modul în care vedem aceaţară ca o destinaţie turistică, ca loc pentru investiţii sau ca sursă de provenienţă a bunurilor. Astfel, brandingul deţară devine parte a unui ciclu care se autosusţine: pe măsură ce oţară îşi promovează mărcile, acele mărci vor promovaţara respectivă. După cum Anholt (2004) subliniază, imagineaşi progresul merg mână în mână, deoarece imaginea pozitivă este consecinţa progresului, mai degrabă decât viceversa, iar atunci când cele două sunt coordonate în tandem se ajută una pe cealaltă şi creează o schimbare accelerată. Brandul uneiţ ări poate modela destinul ei economic, culturalşi politic, caşi competitivitatea pe plan internaţional. Crearea imaginii uneiţări (prin marketing de ţară) constă în utilizarea marketingului strategic pentru apromova imagineaţ ării, produsele, turismulşi investiţiile străine directe.Principalul obiectiv al acestui capitol este analiza situaţiei curente a eforturilor României de a creaşi de a promova propria imagine deţară, în general, darşi concentrându-se pe domenii ca: exporturi, turism, investiţii străine directe, diplomaţie publică, sportşi cultură. Analiza s-a axat pe studierea eforturilor făcute de România până în prezent pentru crearea unei imagini deţară pozitive, darşi pe trecerea în revistă a activităţilor organismelor care joacă un rol major în activităţile de turism, în promovarea exporturilor României, în atragerea investiţiilor străineşi în diplomaţia...
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...Aspecte moderne ale marketingului promovat prin internet Introducere în marketingul pe internet Odată cu creşterea exponenţială a popularitătii Webului - instrument primordial de utilizare a Internetului - o activitate din ce în ce mai profitabilă a început să fie exploatată de către un număr crescând de companii: publicitatea şi marketingul electronic, instrumente ce oferă posibilităţi enorme la un cost minimal. Cu mai mult de 30 milioane de utilizatori în toată lumea şi o rată de creştere a numărului de utilizatori de 10-15% pe lună, activitatea de marketing pe Internet devine mult mai uşoară decât cea prin metodele clasice. Dacă se ia în consideraţie faptul că o campanie tipic de marketing determină o rată de răspuns de cel puţin 2%, teoretic rezultă un număr de răspunsuri pe Internet de câteva mii, cel puţin. Din ce în ce mai multe întreprinderi - din toate sectoarele economice - încep să realizeze potenţialul enorm al noului mediu de comunicaţie electronică, internetul. Pentru a avea acces la un auditoriu de câteva milioane de "spectatori" - şi potenţiali clienţi - marile reţele de televiziune oferă preţuri de ordinul zecilor sau sutelor de mii de dolari pentru spoturi publicitare de 30 de secunde; pentru a atinge o asemenea audienţă, doar giganţi ca IBM, Coca Cola sau Ford îşi puteau permite campanii publicitare de milioane de dolari. Însă prin Internet, orice companie îşi poate asigura o prezenţă neântreruptã, 24 de ore pe zi, 365 de zile pe an, pentru preţuri...
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...CAP. III. COMUNICAREA ÎN ORGANIZAŢII ŞI IMPUNEREA IMAGINII FIRMEI ŞI PRODUSELOR SALE Comunicarea în interiorul sau în exteriorul organizaţiei are loc pe două planuri: pe plan strict managerial şi pe cel al marketingului. Pot fi identificate astfel două tipuri de reţele de comunicare: comunicaţii manageriale şi comunicaţii de marketing: - comunicaţiile manageriale au rolul de a asigura transmiterea acelor mesaje care permit derularea proceselor de management şi de execuţie specifice oricărei organizaţii. Procesul de comunicare managerială reprezintă, de altfel, suportul realizării mai ales a uneia dintre funcţiile managementului. - comunicaţiile de marketing, în schimb, au un rol ceva mai specific, contribuind la atingerea obiectivelor prevăzute în planurile de marketing ale organizaţiei. În prezent, literatura de specialitate nu oferă un punct de vedere care să indice unanimitatea opiniilor cu privire la conţinutul comunicaţiei de marketing. Astfel, unii autori pun semn de egalitate între comunicaţia de marketing şi promovare. Potrivit lui Michael Ray, comunicaţia de marketing reprezintă un mix format din patru elemente (publicitate, vânzări personale, promovarea vânzărilor şi relaţii publice), sau din mesaje specifice, elaborate pentru a evoca anumite opinii, sentimente sau comportamente; comunicaţia de marketing corespunde unei anumite situaţii şi face parte din mix-ul de marketing alături de produs, preţ şi distribuţie. Definiţia indică faptul că autorul nu face...
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...UNIVERSITATEA BABEŞ-BOLYAI CLUJ-NAPOCA Centrul de Formare Continuă şi Învăţământ la Distanţă Facultatea de Ştiinţe Politice, Administrative şi ale Comunicării Master Publicitate Publicitate online Lect. dr. Ioan Hosu Cluj-Napoca 2012 Informaţii generale • Date de identificare a cursului |Date de contact ale titularului de curs: |Date de identificare curs şi contact tutori: | | | | |Nume: Hosu Ioan |Publicitate online | |Birou: str. Traian Moşoiu nr. 71, et. V, sala V/1 |Codul cursului: MP 1206 | |Telefon: 0264-431505 |An I, sem II | |Fax: 0264-406054 |Curs obligatoriu | |E-mail: crp.ubb@gmail.com |Tutore: | | |Lect.dr. Kadar Magor | |Consultaţii: în fiecare marţi în intervalul orar...
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...A abandon s.n. 1. {de drepturî) (dr.) desertion/renunciation of rights 2. (a/ navei, al încărcăturiî) (mar.) abandonment 3. (retragerea dintr-o operaţiune cu primâ contra cedării unei prime) {bur.) abandon ~ pe mare rea - abandon in heavy sea abandona v.t. 1. (drepttiri, pretenţii) to relinquish, to waive 2. (nava, încarcătura etc.) to abandon, to leave abandonare s.f. 1. (de drepturi, pretenţii) relinquishment 2. abandonment, abandoning ~ a navei - (de întregul echipqf, când nava nu mai poate fi salvaîa) abandonment of ship ~ a postului - dereliction ofduty ~ a produsului - (a prodncerii şi a comercializăru acestuia) product abandonment/elimination ~ a unui bun - (asig. mar.) dereliction abandonat adj. {asig. mar.) abandoned, derelict ~ temporar - temporarily abandoned abata v.t. (a exploata un zâcâmdnî} to work abataj s.f. 1. (loc) coal-face. stope, workings 2. (acţiune') mining. cutting, hewing 3. (al arborilor) felling 4. (al vitelor) slaughter abate v.t. 1. (din drnm) to turn oft7 aside/away, to divert, to deviate: to sheer, to v.'ander, 10 escape 2. (mar.} to steer off 3. (a/'boti) to fcll v.r. {de la} (dr.) to iniriiige, to vioîaie, to transgress abatere s.f. 1. tuming off/away, diverting, deviation 2. (dr.) infringe-ment, violation, transgression; trespass(ing) 3. {de la regulă) exception ~ de la datorie - breach ofduty ~ din drum - (niar.) deviation ~ disciplinară - misbehaviour, infraction ofdiscipline ~ medie - mean deviation ~ standard (concept statistic care indicâ...
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