...5/20/2015 How to Open a Bank Account under PMJDY? — JanDhanYojana.Net JanDhanYojana.Net HOW TO OPEN BANKS APPLICATION FORM 0 Tweet CHOTA KHATA IMPLEMENTATION 1 Like 26 RUPAY CARD HIGHLIGHTS LAST DATE 39 How to Open a Bank Account under PMJDY? Zero Account Opening* icicidirect.com/zeroacopening T&C apply. Online Share Trading Made Easy with ICICIdirect.com. Children Investment Plan myuniverse.co.in/ZipSip Invest as low as Rs 1000pm in SIPs in 2Mins & create longterm wealth The Jan Dhan Yojana has made opening an account pretty easily. The Reserve Bank of India has also reduced the strictness of opening the account pretty easily. Previously opening an account was a long process and thus it took a long time. With these new norms creating an account is a pretty Apply Credit Card Online simple and easy. Opening of the account has become a fast bankbazaar.com/Flash_Sale paced process and now if you are looking to open a new Get a Free Rs.1500* Gift Card. Compare over 30 Options. Apply Now! Open Free* Trading A/C rsec.co.in/Request_a_Call Online with Reliance Securities & Enjoy Competitive Brokerage Plans. account t will only take few minutes. A Bank account these days can be opened with the help of an Aadhar card. This card or any identification proof will be helpful in opening an account in the country’s major Public and Private sector bank. For opening an account you will first...
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...H-1B visa From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search |[pic] |This article may contain original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations.| | |Statements consisting only of original research may be removed. (November 2009) | The H-1B is a non-immigrant visa in the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 101(a)(15)(H). It allows US employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. If a foreign worker in H-1B status quits or is dismissed from the sponsoring employer, the worker must either apply for and be granted a change of status to another non-immigrant status, find another employer (subject to application for adjustment of status and/or change of visa), or leave the US. The regulations define a "specialty occupation" as requiring theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge in a field of human endeavor[1] including but not limited to biotechnology, chemistry, architecture, engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, social sciences, medicine and health, education, law, accounting, business specialties, theology, and the arts, and requiring the attainment of a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent as a minimum [2] (with the exception of fashion models, who must be "of distinguished merit and ability").[3] Likewise, the foreign worker must possess at least a bachelor’s degree...
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...HOW WAL-MART USES DISTRIBUTION CENTRES TO REDUCE TRANSPORTATION COSTS AND AT THE SAME REPLENISH INVENTORIES FREQUENTLY 1.0 Introduction Daskin, Snyder and Berger (2003) noted that achieving efficiency and effectiveness in the movement of goods from source through processing, fabrication, finished goods assembly, distribution centres, wholesalers, retailers and right down to the final consumers is highly important in today’s global world especially considering that cost of goods/products in a number of instances can be higher than the value placed on the goods/products by the final consumer. Similarly, Chopra and Meindl (2010, p.41) stated that the ability of supply chain to perform in relation to responsiveness and efficiency is determined by how the logistical and cross functional drivers of supply chain namely facilities, inventory, transport, information, pricing to mention just a few interact with one another. Furthermore, Daskin, Snyder and Berger (2003) also offered that taking decisions on locations constitute the most “critical and difficult” of all decisions required in making supply chain effective and efficient largely because other decisions on the other drivers such as inventory, information, pricing can be more easily changed in response to changes in the market, raw materials, labour to mention just a few. Chopra (2001) offered that distribution entails the process of moving and storing products right from the supplier down to the final consumer within...
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...Kari Moore Unit 6 – Final Research Paper AC504 April 19, 2013 Abstract In the history of the world, there has never really been a dominate, widely accepted set of ethical standards, unless you count the ten commandments, and as we all know, they didn’t end up widely accepted either. The world is in an ethical tail-spin, trying to be the best, the most profitable, the most dominant, and it is leaving its ethics in the dust. In this paper I will discuss the importance of an ethical system, a global set of ethics, and discuss the pros and cons on a global system. Global Ethical Standards In a perfect world, there would be a single set of standards for everything, taxes, banking, business, accounting, etc. We don’t live in a perfect world, period. We live in a world where ethical decisions stare us in the face every day, some of the decisions are easy, and some aren’t. It is how we deal with them that defines us, and makes us who we are. In the United States history, mainly in the last decade or so, we have made some very bad ethical decisions that have cost many people their jobs, their livelihoods, their retirements, and most importantly, their faith in the system that is supposed to protect them. You might ask yourself, “Shouldn’t these people know better?” The answer isn’t so clear, we hold the men and women in charge to a higher standard because, simply, they are in charge. The truth is, that just like people, every ethical decision is different, and everyone...
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...MINI-CASES | |Question | |Case |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 | | | | | | | | | | |1. Andersen: An Obstruction of Justice? |C.83 |C.83 |C.83 |C.83 |C.83 |B.63 |C.83 | |2. PTL Club—The Harbinger of Things to Come | | | | | | | | |3. GM |11.74 |11.74 |11.74 |11.74 |11.74 |11.74 | | | |12.65 |12.65 |12.65 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |4. Unhealthy Accounting at HealthSouth |4.64 |4.64 |5.70 |5.70 |C.82 |G.84 | | | | | | | | | | ...
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...THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN DIRECTORATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION TERM PAPER ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTISE BY DIFFERENT COMPANIES OF INDIA AND OTHER COUNTRIES. COURSE: MASTERS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PAPER: BUSINESS LAWS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE. PAPER CODE: MBD 107. SEMESTAR: 1ST SUBMITTED BY SOUMYA KANTI BOSE ENROLLMENT NO: DDE/MBA/JUL2013/14. REGISTRATION NO: APPLIED FOR. SESSION: JULY 2013 - JUNE 2015. INDEX PARTICULARS | PAGE NO | Introduction | 03 | Objectives of Study | 03 | World Scenario in Corporate Governance | 03 | Indian Scenario in Corporate Governance | 03-04 | Corporate Governance Practices By State Bank of India, India | 04-05 | Corporate Governance Practices By Axis Bank Ltd, India | 05-13 | Corporate Governance Practices by National Australia Bank, NAB | 13-18 | Corporate Governance By HSBC, London | 19-23 | Conclusion | 23 | Reference | 23 | Introduction: The issue of corporate governance has come up mainly in the wake up economic reforms characterized by liberalization and deregulation. Corporate governance has at its backbone a set of transparent relationships between an institution’s management its board, shareholders and other stakeholders. Corporate governance has come up mainly in the wake up of economic reforms characterized by liberalization and deregulation. According to OECD, the corporate governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation...
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...Section 404 of Sarbanes-Oxley Act Introduction Before 2002, many U.S. companies, such as Enron, WorldCom and Xerox went bankrupt and caused the serious global issues and financial responsibilities of managers in the world. The primary issue was about an ethical leadership and maintained the clean audit system. Well known examples perhaps were Enron and WorldCom scandals. Dyck and Neubert (2010) mentioned that “Ironically, the lucrative rewards for performance and innovation were keys to Enron’s early success and growth, before excesses in pursuit of these goals contributed to the ethical failures that ultimately destroyed the company. ” (p. 151). According to Dyck and Neubert (2010), both Ebbers as C.E.O of WolrdCom and Skilling as C.E.O of Enron went to a prison for their unethical behavior within their organizational structure caused (p. 449). According to Noreen and colleagues’ (2008), these scandals were involved at the highest level to the former C.E.O including the misuse company money and fraud financial reports (p. 25). In particular, Sadka (2006) indicated that in the case of WorldCom, its financial fraud includes mispricing of its products (p. 439) Moreover, due to WorldCom’s financial fraud, investors of WorldCom’s competitors lose $7.8 billion with additional losses of $49 billion social welfare (p. 463). That is to say, the bankruptcy of one of the biggest company caused a lot of problems in the U.S. As a result, not only investors lost billions of dollars but...
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...Issue 1 - September 2012 Department of Financial Services Ministry of Finance Government of India Banking, Insurance, Pension A Journal of the Department of Financial Services Theme : Financial Inclusion Contents • Editorial and Messages • Financial Inclusion • Recent developments in Banking • Recent developments in Insurance • Recent developments in Pensions • Important appointments Publication issued by the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India odern economies depend upon efficient allocation and optimal utilisation of savings and credit. Banks, Insurance companies and Financial Institutions (FIs) play a pivotal role in undertaking this function and ensuring that high economic growth is sustained. In India, these institutions have facilitated the growth in the economy and have displayed remarkable resilience in the post financial crisis period. In the recent past, though the Indian economy has slowed down, Financing, Insurance, Real Estate and Business Services continue to record impressive growth of over 9 per cent. To improve the functioning of various FIs, the Department of Financial Services (DFS) has taken several initiatives and many more on the anvil. These include steps aimed to achieve effective financial inclusion, improve flow of agriculture credit and lending to minorities and for education, payments and receipts through electronic mode, infrastructure financing, debt recovery, timely settlement of insurance...
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...Alexandre Ducatte Bachelor 2 Idrac paris PROJECT INTERNATIONAL MARKETING THE SIGN « NICOLAS » IS EXPORTED IN CHINA !!! ANNEE 2012-2013 ATTESTATION DE NON PLAGIAT Je, soussigné(e), ……………………………………………………………………. Etudiant (e) dans le programme ……………………………………….de l’IDRAC atteste sur l’honneur que le présent dossier a été écrit de ma main, que ce travail est personnel et que toutes les sources d’informations externes et les citations d’auteurs ont été mentionnées conformément aux usages en vigueur (Nom de l’auteur, nom de l’article, éditeur, lieu d’édition, année, page). Je certifie par ailleurs que je n’ai ni contrefait, ni falsifié, ni copié l’œuvre d’autrui afin de la faire passer pour mienne. J’ai été informé des sanctions prévues au Guide de l’Etudiant de l’Idrac en cas de plagiat. Fait à ……………………….., le ………………………. Signature de l’étudiant (e). I) Introduction As part of our international marketing project, we were asked to choose a company in order to implement it in a country where it was not present so that we can carry out the various studies that should realize that his ambition was to develop a commercial activity and thus expand its network. This is why I decided to choose the brand of French wine "NICOLAS" I choose to locate in a country where French wine is appreciated but not...
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...20th May, 2014 Important Announcement Attention: Intermediate (IPC) and Final Course students- May 2015 examinations and onwards Subject: Revision of the syllabus for May 2015 examinations and onwards pursuant to enactment of the Companies Act, 2013 As students may be aware, the Companies Act, 2013 has been notified in the Official Gazette on 30th August, 2013 stating that different dates may be appointed for enforcement of different provisions of this Act through notification of the Central Government in this regard. Having regard to the above development, the Council at its 333th meeting, revised the syllabus in a comprehensive manner in the following papers of Intermediate (IPC) and Final Course(s) as annexed herewith (shown in Bold cum Italics): Intermediate (IPC) Course Paper 1: Accounting (Group I) Paper 2: Business Laws, Ethics and Communication (Group I) Paper 5: Advanced Accounting (Group II) Paper 6: Auditing and Assurance (Group II) Final Course Paper 3: Advanced Auditing and Professional Ethics (Group I) Paper 4: Corporate and Allied Laws (Group I) Director, Board of Studies Annexure SYLLABUS PAPER 1: ACCOUNTING (One paper – Three hours – 100 Marks) Level of Knowledge : Working Knowledge Objectives : (a) To lay a foundation for the preparation and presentation of financial statements, (b) To gain working knowledge of the principles and procedures of accounting and their application to different practical situations, (c) To gain the ability to solve simple problems...
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...INDIAN COUNCIL FOR CULTURAL RELATIONS APPLICATION FORM FOR ICCR SCHOLARSHIPS FOR FOREIGN NATIONALS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15 Please tick Scholarship Scheme for which application is being made: | | | |( ) |General Scholarship Scheme (GSS; formerly known as General Cultural Scholarship Scheme or GCSS) | |( ) |Scholarships under bilateral Cultural Exchange Programmes (CEP Scholarship) | |( ) |Scholarships for students from Commonwealth Countries (ICCR’s Commonwealth Scholarship Plan) | |( ) |Scholarships for students from African Countries | |( ) |Scholarships for students from SAARC Countries | |( ) |Scholarships for students from Mekong Ganga Co-operation (MGC) Countries | |( ) |AYUSH Scholarships to study Indian Traditional Medicine Systems such as Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha...
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Words: 2065 - Pages: 9
...MAHESHWARI & CO. Advocates & Legal Consultants An Overview on Indian Real Estate Prepared by:Mr. Ashish Mittal (Associate) Ms. Khusboo Bhargava, 5 Year, (BBA. LL.B. (Hons.)) th MAHESHWARI & CO. Advocates & Legal Consultants INDEX Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Particulars An Introduction to Investment in Indian Real Estate …………… Indian Residential Real Estate ……………………………………... Indian Commercial Real Estate ……………………………………. Challenges Faced By Real Estate Sector & Sectors Facilitating Growth ………………………………………………………………... 4.1 4.2 5. Retail Sector Special Economic Zone 9-12 Page No. 1- 4 5-6 6-7 7-8 FDI ……………………………………………………………………. 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 FDI Projects Current Scenario FDI Guidelines For Application In Sector Sector Where FDI is not allowed FDI V/s FII 6. NRI Investment In Indian Real Estate …………………………... 6.1 6.2 6.3 Acquisition /Transfer of Immovable Property by POI Repatriation of Sale Proceed by NRI/POI Investment by Foreign Companies 12-15 7. 8. Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) & Major Foreign Investors In Real Estate Sector ……………………………………………….. Model Real Estate Law …………………………………………….. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Establishment of Real Estate Regulatory Authority Registration of Property Promoters Powers of Regulatory Authority12 Establishment of Appellant Tribunal Offences And Penalties Analysis of the Act 15-17 18-19 9. Legislative Issues …………………………………………………… 9.1 9.2 Various Laws In Real Estate Transaction Five Group of Laws in real...
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...BUSINESS AND PROFESSION INCOME FROM OTHER SOURCES TAX COMPUTATIONS PART III INTRODUCTION TO TAX PLANNING & TAX RELIEF TAX MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES TAX COMPLIANCE MATTERS PART IV ESTATE PLANNING Detail Contents PART 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Income Tax Mechanism in India 2. Basic concepts 1. Person 2. Assessee 3. Assessment year 4. Previous year 5. Rates of Tax 6. Accounting Method 7. Capital and Revenue Receipts 8. Income 9. Casual Income 3. Permanent account number CHAPTER 2 SCOPE OF TOTAL INCOME AND RESIDENTIAL STATUS 1. Definition of total income 2. Residential Status 3. Importance of residential status 4. Basic rule for determining residential status 1. Individual 2. HUF 3. Firms and association of person 4. Company 5. Every other person 5. Scope of income as per residential status 1. Resident 2. Not ordinarily resident 3. Non resident 6. Various kinds of income 1. Income received in India 2. Income deemed to be received in India 3. Income accruing or arising in India 4. Income deemed to be accrue or arise in India CHAPTER 3 INCOME EXEMPT FROM TAX 1. Understanding exempted income 2. Classification of exempted income 1. Fully exempted income 1. Income in the hands of an individual 2. Income of certain authorities 3. Income of non citizens 4. Income of non residents 5. Miscellaneous...
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