...hedonic or utilitarian. Internal Influences: Learning, Perception, Memory, Attitude, Categorisation (cool, uncool) Personality of Consumer: Motivation, Personal Values, Lifestyle, Emotional Expressiveness (Assignment) Consumption Process: Needs, Wants, Exchange, Costs/Benefits, Reactions Value: Utilitarian/Hedonic Relationship Quality External Influences Situational Influencers Affect: feelings Consumer research: defining, establishing and testing individual differences in order to divide market External Influences: interpersonal, social environment (workmates/housemates/family) Situational Influences: time of day Learning Outcome 2: Define consumer value and compare and contrast two key types of value Value: What you get – What you give up eg. 7/11 convenience of opening 24/7 allows the company to introduce a higher premium Utilitarian: utility aspect (product, functionally, does something for you) Hedonic: facebook updates on your phone Learning Outcome 3: Apply the concepts of marketing strategy and marketing tactics to describe the way firms go about creating value for consumers basic benefits, plus augmented benefits, plus 'feel' (hedonic) benefits value co-creation: customers play a part, interaction with each other C2C Learning Outcome 4: Explain the way market characteristics like market segmentation and product differentiation affect marketing strategy Learning Outcome 5:...
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...A STUDY OF ATTITUDES ATTITUDES An attitude is an overall evaluation about some aspect or phenomenon in the world. On a whole our attitude is our belief, feeling and behavior towards any particular object of our attention. In Social Psychology attitudes are defined as positive or negative evaluations of objects of thought and they generally consist of three elements:- • The cognitive component that entails the thoughts and beliefs people hold about the subject matter. • The affective component that entails all emotional feelings responses derived from association with the subject matter. • The behavioral component which is the tendency to respond in a particular manner when exposed to the subject or stimulus These attitudes are normally towards individual people, groups of people, institutions, products, social trends, consumer products, etc. all can be attitudinal objects. Such attitudes may be social conclusions and summary judgments that may either be for or against something. Our attitudes dictate both our over and covert behavior and in as much the same tone manage and influence our decision making. Attitudes contribute a large part to our social and individual mannerisms and relations since they are the primary driving force behind behavior. HOW DO ATTITUDES INFLUENCE BEHAVIORS? The manner in which one chooses to behave is dependent on their attitude towards any situation that they may find themselves in. If the general attitude towards the situation is negative...
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...Ch-2 emotions (pg 21-38) “The success of our strategy depends on knowing the rational and emotional drivers that build customer loyalty for a brand.” Emotions-primary and social – pg 22,23 Mittal affect choice model pg 24 The law of concern pg 25-27 Emotional response events which support or challenge our preferred sense of self The law of apparent reality The importance of seeing and feeling The law of closure Emotions tend to be absolute in their judgements The law of the lightest load The tendency to seek to minimize negative emotion -conceptual model pg 28 Self focus----using own opinion more -pg 32 underlined lines -pg 33 low trust in cases of low-invplvement -pg 35 emotional brand association CH-5 Brand equity -brand equity pg 89 -pg 91 underlined lines -pg 94 underline associations,attitude,awerness Pg 95 the model at the end of page Pg 97 Ch-5 loyalty ,trust,awereness etc Ch-1 Low involvemet pg 10-14 Classic conditioning model The peripheral route to persuasion In our daily lives, we often lack the motivation or ability to carefully consider every piece of persuasive communication in the way characterised by the central route. Attitude (and even behaviour) change can occur nonetheless, as some persuasion processes require little consideration of the arguments contained in a message. In the ELM, such processes are organised under the peripheral route to persuasion...
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...Rationale for choosing ‘Fairtrade UK sales show 12% increase’ The decision to analyse this newspaper article ‘Fairtrade UK sales show 12% increase’ from the Financial Times is because it encourages further analysis of consumer behaviour and aids, understanding many of the concepts and models that are core to consumer behaviour. The article reports that consumers in the UK are increasingly purchasing Fair-trade products, citing a 12% rise in 2011 from 2010. Consumers are more prepared to spend their money to help ensure a better deal for foreign farmers and prevent their exploitation and their very motivation behind this demonstrates many of the core concepts of consumer behaviour. The article provides the background information that the overall market growth for grocery products stood at around 5% and suggests that this market growth isn’t sustainable and also suggests that consumers will continue to increase their purchases of Fair-trade products despite increasing financials hardship amongst UK consumers. The article invites analysis of how consumer’s desire for ethically sourced products is being tapped into by companies and what is motivating the purchase decisions of these consumers. It also offers an insight into the organic food products market, which has seen sales fall year on year for the last 3 years. This essay illustrates how by applying consumer behaviour theory to the facts reported in the article, understanding of the consumer is greatly improved. The essay...
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...5/22/2015 Attitudes Attitudes What are Attitudes? • The attitude “object” • Attitudes are a learned predisposition • Attitudes have consistency • Attitudes occur within a situation Tricomponent Attitude Model A learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object. Structural Models of Attitudes • Tricomponent Attitude Model • Muliattribute Attitude Model • The Trying-to-Consume Model • Attitude-toward-the-Ad Model The Tricomponent Model • Cognitive Component • The knowledge and perceptions that are acquired by a combination of direct experience with the attitude object and related information from various sources. • A consumer belief is a psychological association between a product or brand and an attribute or feature of that product or brand 1 5/22/2015 The Tricomponent Model • Affective Component • A consumer’s emotions or feelings about a particular product or brand. • Purchase decisions are continually influenced by affective response • It is comprised of both our knowledge of stimuli and our evaluations of them Attitude models that examine the composition of consumer attitudes in terms of selected product attributes or beliefs. Multiattribute Attitude Models • Conative Component • The likelihood or tendency that an individual will undertake a specific action or behave in a particular way with regard to the attitude object. A model that...
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...Chapter 7 1. An attitude is a lasting, general evaluation of people (including oneself), objects, advertisements, or issues. 2. The functional theory of attitudes was initially developed to explain how attitudes facilitate social behavior. 3. The knowledge function of attitudes applies when a person is in an ambiguous situation and needs order, structure, or meaning. 4. Which of the following attitude functions is associated with a focus on particular social identities and lifestyles (e.g., “What sort of man reads Playboy)? Value-expressive 5. What do the “A, B, Cs” of the ABC model of attitudes stand for? Affect, behavior, and cognition 6. According to the basic of ABC model of attitudes, _____ refers to the beliefs a consumer has about an attitude object. Cognition 7. What is the first step in the standard learning theory hierarchy approach? Cognition 8. The _____ hierarchy assumes the consumer does not initially have a strong preference from one brand over another. Instead, he acts on the basis of limited knowledge and then forms an evaluation only after the products has been purchased or used. Low-involvement 9. According to the _______ hierarchy, the consumer considers purchases based on an attitude of hedonic consumption (such as how the product makes him or her feel or the fun its use will provide). Experiential 10. Researchers agree that there are various levels of commitment to an attitude. The highest level of involvement...
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...Course code: PSY-379-GS001 Course name: Social Psychology Assignment 4 1. Discuss the phenomena of persuasion and the cognitive processes that underlie it. Persuasion is a phenomenon that is a form of social influence in which an audience is deliberately encouraged to accept an idea, attitude, or course of action by symbolic means. We are persuaded to go along with someone's suggestion if we think that person is a credible expert (authority), if we think he or she as a trusted friend or attractive (likeability), if we feel we owe them one (reciprocity), or if doing so will be consistent with our beliefs or prior commitments (consistency). We are also inclined to make choices that we think are popular (consensus), and that will net us a scarce commodity (scarcity). We follow these general rules because they usually work to lead us to make the right choice. However, because we often use them unthinkingly, they are usually defeated by con artists, many of them wearing nice business suits or reassuringly friendly smiles. The cognitive processes that underlie the phenomena of persuasion are the central processing or systematic route to persuasion, people attend carefully to the message, and they consider relevant evidence and underlying logic in detail. People are especially likely to go through this route when the message is relevant to them, when they have knowledge in the domain, and when the message evokes a sense of personal responsibility. When going through...
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...purposes, OSIM’s will be researched and evaluated upon below. Persuasion In definition, persuasion from an organization is a conscious effort to influence by appealing to a consumers’ reason. At the base of marketing communications, persuasion serves to advise consumers on the benefits of a product and ultimately lead to acceptance of an attitude, belief or behaviour. A suitable approach in persuasion may be to adopt the consumer processing model (CPM) for appealing to intellectual consumers or the hedonic, experiential model (HEM) for those in pursuit of sensory stimulation or fantasies. Elaborating on the persuasion process, it comprises of four fundamental factors. Aspects of persuasion that are controlled by the marketer consist of peripheral cues and message arguments while characteristics of the person being persuaded are the receiver’s involvement and initial position. Relating to a study by Lakhani (2005) persuasion is considered as "the art of getting what you want," whereas Perloff (2003) defines persuasion as "a symbolic process. This happens when communicators attempt convincing others to change their attitudes or behaviours regarding an issue through the transmission of a message in an atmosphere of free choice”. Elaboration Likelihood Model...
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...the thesis sample chapter 1, 2 , 3 CHAPTER I The Problem Introduction Tertiary education or post-secondary schooling is referred to in Education Act of 1982 as “higher education leading to a degree in a specific profession or discipline.” This is to provide a general education program that will promote national identity, cultural consciousness, moral integrity and spiritual vigor, train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for national development, to develop the profession that will provide leadership for the nation; and to advance knowledge through research work and apply new knowledge for improving the quality of human life and responding effectively to changing societal needs and conditions. (Aquino, 2003) According to Aquino (2003), a careful scrutiny of the aforementioned objectives will suffice to impress in the people’s minds the crucial importance of tertiary or college education. There are numerous reasons that college education is important. Among these reasons are gaining advantage over competition, demonstrating aptitude in a specific area and the fact that many job opening require a college degree are few of the top reasons. (http://www.degreedirectory.com). Moreover, college education many more opportunities in working life, especially for higher paid jobs and the chance to work with and be taught by some of the finest and most knowledgeable people. (http://www.importanceofcollege.com). McGuire (2010) stressed that getting a college education is...
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...Discuss the relationship between persuasion and attitude change? Persuasion is the use of appeals to reasons, values, beliefs, and emotions to convince a listener or reader to think or act in a particular way. We face persuasive advertisements particularly on a daily basis; from the television to magazines. To explain the psychology of persuasion there are various models; the Hovland-Yale model and the elaboration likelihood model. The Hovland-Yale model states that there several factors that will affect how likely a change of attitude through persuasion is, after all behavioural change cannot occur without attitude change also having taken place. The three most prominent factors are the source, the message and the audience. Hovland et al found that source characteristics played an important role in determining the persuasive nature of any communication. The theory states that people more likely to be persuaded when a source presents itself as credible. For example, people were more likely to be persuaded when hearing the information from an expert. This was supported by Bochner and Insko study, where they found that people were more likely to trust a sleep expert than a non-sleep expert, on matters surrounding sleep. The creditable sources were more influencing towards the audience, where with the non-expert source the audience tried to find ways of discrediting the communicator. The Hovland-Yale model says the content of the message is an important factor. When trying...
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...Attitude a marketing strategy for marketers Oluwajimi Taiwo Minnesota State University Moorhead Fall semester Term paper Attitude is everything. A good example of attitude is an iceberg in the artic. In real life you see 10% of the iceberg which is visible above sea level and the remainder of the iceberg 90% is below sea level. From the example 10% is how we behave as a result of attitude we have below the sea level. The 90% which comprises of attitude mostly also include beliefs, values, motives and culture. Attitude is more important than facts. Attitude how does it affect people? It affects people by changing their mood. According to Charles Swindell, people are now convinced that life is ten percent of what happens to people and ninety percent of how people react to it. What people mean by this, is that most of what happens to people is because of the way they react. The other part of life is what happens because of the reaction. Another simple way of putting it, is that attitudes controls what happens. A popularize definition of attitude is: “an enduring organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of the individual’s world (Wrenn et al., 2014). Attitude has become one of the most valuable topic or subject marketers and academicians focus their attention because of the power influence it has in the field of marketing. Attitude is the central part of human individuality. Many examples can be found for people...
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...Chapter 7 – Attitudes The Power of Attitudes Attitude: A lasting, general evaluation of people, (including oneself), objects, or issues. • Is lasting because it tends to endure over time • It is general because it applies to more than a momentary event • Can be very product-specific behaviours (Crest toothpaste rather than Colgate) • Can be toward more general consumption-related behaviours (how often they should brush their teeth) Attitude Object (A0): Anything toward which a person has an attitude, whether it is tangible or intangible. The Functions of Attitudes Functional Theory of Attitudes: Attitudes exist because they serve some function for the person; that is, they are determined by a person’s motives. • Developed by psychologist Danial Katz Attitude Functions 1. Utilitarian Function a. Related to the basic principles of reward and punishment b. Develop attitudes based on whether these products provide pleasure or pain c. Ads that stress straightforward product benefits appeal to the utilitarian function 2. Value-expressive Function a. Express the consumer’s central values or self-concept b. Product attitude not because of its objective benefits c. Of what the product says about him/her as a person d. Highly relevant to lifestyle analyses, where consumers cultivate a cluster of activities, interest and opinions to express a particular social identity 3. Ego-defensive Function a. Formed to protect the person, either from external threats...
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...l l l l l l l l l ~l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 0 1135 0297253 3 Emerson College library Richard lvey School of Business The University of Western Ontario 907A11 HOW ADVERTISING WORKS Peter Voyer wrote this note solely to provide material for class discussion. The author does not intend to provide legal, tax, accounting or other professional advice. Such advice should be obtained from a qualified professional. lvey Management SeNices prohibits any form of reproduction, storage or transmittal without its written permission. Reproduction of this material is not covered under authorization by any reproduction rights organization. To order copies or request permission to reproduce materials, contact lvey Publishing, lvey Management SeNices, clo Richard lvey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3K7; phone (519) 661-3208; fax (519) 661-3882; e-mail cases@ivey.uwo.ca. Copyright © 2007, lvey Management Services Version: (A) 2007-08-08 In order to design and implement effective marketing communications, managers must develop a solid understanding of consumer behavior in general, and consumers' interpretation of and response to advertising in particular. Consequently, this note presents a useful perspective on understanding how advertising works from a consumer point of view. The note takes the perspective of the elaborationlikelihood model (ELM) developed by Petty and Cacioppo. 1 Understanding how advertising...
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...presents excellent strategies on how to become a better persuader. To reach any goal, business people need support and cooperation, but many fail to realize the contribution compromise brings to a “debate”: it motivates the other party to consider the opposite point of view. Conger’s insistence that compromise be part of a persuasive strategy recognizes the value of a win-win mentality in business. Business is rarely a zero-sum game. Many novice businessmen/women miss this point. The novice believes logic, persistence and dispute change opinions. Conger says as much. But they are not enough to make people change their opinion or position because more pressure often increases the audience’s resistance to the message. Conger fails to make this point: the more insistent the speaker, the more resistant the audience, logic and facts notwithstanding. At this point, compromise offers a logical alternative. An astute persuader provides a dialogue with the audience which reduces resistance and softens the listener to be more receptive to an idea. “Dialogue” is Conger’s main point in reaching an intended audience. Through dialogue, “wants” and “needs” are discovered leading a good listener to clues on how to turn the other’s position – and if not, how to reach a reasonable compromise. Too often business parties see “persuasion” as an adversarial exercise listing demands rather than attempting to find a solution. Conger exhorts the reader to dismiss this attitude and work cooperatively...
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...Learning from Mass Media Campaigns for HIV/AIDS Prevention Reviews of mass media campaigns have a special interest for me. They demonstrate what can be done, and as importantly, what cannot be done, by relying on a 1P approach. I have talked about the 5% Solution before, and noted another review of mass media campaigns for changing health behaviors. This post focuses on the findings from a review of recent campaigns to prevent HIV/AIDS. What is interesting in this report are the comparisons it draws to reviews of earlier campaigns in this area as well as the current state of the art and science. The authors used seven principles to guide their analysis: (1) conducting formative research on and about the target audience; (2) using theory as a conceptual foundation; (3) segmenting one’s audience into meaningful subgroups; (4) using a message design approach that is targeted to the audience segment(s); (5) utilizing effective channels widely viewed by and persuasive with the target audience; (6) conducting process evaluation and ensuring high message exposure; and (7) using a sensitive outcome evaluation design that reduces threats to internal validity and allows causal inferences about campaign impact to be made. The question they explore is: to what extent have recent HIV/AIDS campaigns in the literature adhered to these principles? Noar et al (2009) began with a search of peer-reviewed articles appearing from late 1998 through October 2007. Mass media had to be a central or...
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