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Submitted By ybme
Words 549
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The Chicago School of Professional Psychology
EIO 604

Original research refers to material that is not attributable to another reliable published source which otherwise and in most cases, appropriate attribution can be provided by simply citing the original article. Thus the proper method of demonstrating that material is not original is to cite the source which provided the information directly related to the research. The sources include the collection, analysis, and integration of ideas that advance the work and all opinions, positions, and arguments. In addition, the source should include the people who are contributing to the work.
In the provided example, Susan has prepared a manuscript based on the results of the research she completed. This research sought to discern the physical affects of light infractions in the workplace. In order to complete the research, Susan obtained assistance from people who can be regarded as reliable, trustworthy, and authoritative with respect to the topic and need at hand. Because the individuals were engaged in providing Susan with data, material, information, and advice they should be regarded as primary sources in her manuscript. The specific role that each individual played was critical to the development and progression of Susan’s research. The psychologist provided information; the electrician was the subject matter expert and author due to his knowledge of electricity and contribution to the methods section. The sleep therapist is also a subject matter expert and the student collected key data.
Since the individuals contributed to the research in a manner that allowed the forward progression of the subject, Susan should assign these persons as creators to indicate where the information came from. Ethically speaking, an author is defined as an individual who responsible for the intellectual content of a document according to Statistics Canada. Legally, the significance of authorship in copyright law provides a form of protection to authors of original works of authorship. Collectively, these positions require designation of the roles of each individual. The electrician should be recognized as an author due to the drafting of the methods section of the paper. This is especially important since the criteria for authorship (as previously mentioned) holds that it is given to one who produces a written work. The psychologist is owed an acknowledgement for the assistance with choosing the research facility for the experiment. The sleep therapist should receive a formal recognition since the advice led to the creation of data which directly impacted the development of data. In addition, the college student should also receive formal recognition as this individual directly impacted the production of survey data.
The decisions of direct attribution of work are Susan’s responsibility however, she should consult with others. There are laws, bodies of governance and responsibilities of the researcher that have provisions for the process and standards code of conduct that can guide her action in providing proper attribution. Consulting with authorities in these areas will help ensure that the proper credit is legally and ethically given to the appropriate persons.


Unites States Patent Office. (2009). Retrieved February 6, 2010 from

World Intellectual Property Organization. (2009). Retrieved February 6, 2010 from

Statistics Canada. (2010) Retrieved February 6, 2010 from http://

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