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Submitted By rg17188
Words 339
Pages 2
TOPIC: Attrition in organizations

Group 7: Rahul Kumar Gupta: 12P157 Rajesh Choudhary: 12P158 Rajiv Gupta: 12P159 Rakshit Sharma: 12P160 Ravi Goel: 12P161 Ravi Kant Singla: 12P162


The reduction in staff and employees in a company through normal means, such as retirement and resignation is called attrition. Attrition leads to loss of key employees who have thorough knowledge of the company and its practices. Appointing new employees in place of old involves cost of recruiting and training them. Experience in a field is very important for better performance. New employees lack this and this might lead to some pitfalls during their work. If there is high attrition, it also results in a negative impact on new employees about the work environment of the company.

Attrition is not bad always if it happens in a controlled manner. Some attrition is always desirable and necessary for organizational growth and development. The only concern is how organizations differentiate “good attrition” from “bad attrition”. The term “healthy attrition” or “good attrition” signifies the importance of less productive employees

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