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Audit Letter


Submitted By djfish01
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Pages 3
Auditing Introduction Letter ACC 546 October 29, 2012 Theresa Robinson, CPA Auditing Introduction Letter October 29, 2012
University of Phoenix
Auditing Introduction Letter

From: Audit Services Firm LLC
To: Apollo Shoes, Inc. Management

RE: Auditing and Assurance services The firm specializes in many features of business risk services such as internal audit start-up, quality assurance reviews, internal audit, internal assurance services, control testing, compliancy with SOX regulations, information technology risk assessments, business risk consulting and assessment, ERM implementation, acquisition due diligence, and fraud investigations (Clifton, 2012). The firm offers the financial statement audit that looks for properly prepared and formatted financial statements in accordance to GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), and provides validity of the information (Arens, Elder, & Beasley, 2012). Through this process the auditors will be looking to achieve a high level of assurance to reassure the confidence of management, board members, and investors. Auditors in the firm are experienced in the specified industry and have complete knowledge and familiarity with retail rules and regulations concerning aspect of accounting procedures. The firm has the responsibility to be versed in various payment settlement systems and other auditing tools. The audits and assurance services provided are performed by CPA’s with formal education accounting or finance. The four different categories of assurance services the firm offers are historical financial statements audits, internal control efficiency regarding financial reporting, reviewing historical financial statements in addition to other attestation services (Arens, Elder, &

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