...Auditing and Assurance Standards Council Philippine Auditing Practice Statement 1003Ph GUIDANCE IN DEALING WITH REPORTS REQUIRED BY THE SEC RELATING TO INCREASE IN AUTHORIZED CAPITAL STOCK OF A CORPORATION PAPS 1003Ph PHILIPPINE AUDITING PRACTICE STATEMENT 1003Ph GUIDANCE IN DEALING WITH REPORTS REQUIRED BY THE SEC RELATING TO INCREASE IN AUTHORIZED CAPITAL STOCK OF A CORPORATION CONTENTS Paragraph Introduction………………………………………………………………… 1-2 Objective…………………………………………………………………… 3 Types of Engagements that May be Performed…………………………….. 4-14 Acceptance of an Engagement Relating to Increase in Authorized Capital Stock……………………………………………….. 15-16 Defining the Terms of an Engagement to Perform Agreed-Upon Procedures………………………………………………………………. 17-20 Reporting on Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements……………………… 21-23 Wording of the Auditor’s Representation Letter to Accompany the Agreed-Upon Procedures Report……………………………………. 24-25 Effective Date……………………………………………………………….. 26 Appendix 1: Required SEC Procedures Relating to an Application for Increase in Authorized Capital Stock as Contained in SEC Memorandum Circular No. 6, Series of 2008 Appendix 2: Example Auditor’s Reports on Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements Appendix 3: Illustrative Auditor’s Representation Letters 2 PAPS 1003Ph Philippine Auditing Practice Statements (PAPS or Statements) are issued by the Auditing Standards and Assurance Council...
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...responsibilities for detecting errors and fraud in the financial statements. Answer5: Managements are responsible for presenting fair financial statements in conformity with general accepted accounting principles and auditors are confined to express his or her opinion on the information provided. Auditors are responsible to check if managers are conforming to GAAP with no errors and materiality. Management and auditors both have to conform to GAAP. Question 9: What kind of organization is PCAOB, why was it formed, and what does it do? Answer 9: PCAOB is a quasi-governmental organization (government owned corporation) over seen by the SEC. Formed to provide governmental regulations of the standards used in conducting public company audits because of a perceived failure of the profession to adequately regulate itself. Question 10: What role does the SEC play in the establishment of accounting and...
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...how their actions impact the client and their employer. They must also consider the impact of their actions on others such as the client’s employees, investors, credit providers, and those without direct financial interests in the client such as the broader business and financial community and members of the public. All these people could be reliant on the quality of the auditor’s work, even though they are not party to the contract between the client and the audit firm. The reliability of the financial reports and the audit report is potentially damaged if the auditor does not act with integrity (honesty), objectivity (being independent), with professional competence and due care (executing the work with the required level of skill and attention), confidentiality (discussing the client’s affairs with others inappropriately), and professional behaviour (protecting their reputation and the profession’s reputation). A dishonest auditor could knowingly help publish a materially false, misleading, or reckless financial report. Auditors...
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...INTRODUCTION A financial audit, or more accurately, an audit of financial statements, is the verification of the financial statements of a legal entity, with a view to express an audit opinion. The audit opinion is intended to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, and/or give a true and fair view in accordance with the financial reporting framework. The purpose of an audit is to enhance the degree of confidence of intended users in the financial statements. The general definition of an audit is an evaluation of a person, organization, system, process, enterprise, project or product. The term most commonly refers to audits in accounting, but similar concepts also exist in project management, quality management, and energy conservation. Financial audits are typically performed by firms of practising accountants who are experts in financial reporting. The financial audit is one of many assurance functions provided by accounting firms. Many organizations separately employ or hire internal auditors, who do not attest to financial reports but focus mainly on the internal controls of the organization. External auditors may choose to place limited reliance on the work of internal auditors. Internationally, the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) is considered as the benchmark for audit process. Almost all jurisdictions require auditors...
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...Management Representations 1941 AU Section 333 Management Representations (Supersedes SAS No. 19.) Source: SAS No. 85; SAS No. 89; SAS No. 99; SAS No. 113. See section 9333 for interpretations of this section. Effective for audits of financial statements for periods ending on or after June 30, 1998, unless otherwise indicated. Introduction .01 This section establishes a requirement that the independent auditor obtain written representations from management as a part of an audit of financial statements performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and provides guidance concerning the representations to be obtained. Reliance on Management Representations .02 During an audit, management makes many representations to the auditor, both oral and written, in response to specific inquiries or through the financial statements. Such representations from management are part of the audit evidence the independent auditor obtains, but they are not a substitute for the application of those auditing procedures necessary to afford a reasonable basis for an opinion regarding the financial statements under audit. Written representations from management ordinarily confirm representations explicitly or implicitly given to the auditor, indicate and document the continuing appropriateness of such representations, and reduce the possibility of misunderstanding concerning the matters that are the subject of the representations. [Revised, March 2006, to reflect conforming...
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...Gaviola, Harold Dave B. BSA-V Assignment in COMED421/0180/8:30-9:30PM PSA 401: Auditing in a Computer Information Systems Environment - The increasing availability of computer-based accounting systems that is capable of meeting both functional and economic circumstances of even the smallest entity impacts on the audits of those entities. Small entities’ accounting systems often make use of personal computers. Philippine Auditing Practice Statement 1001, “CIS Environments—Stand-Alone Personal Computers” gives additional guidance regarding the special considerations of such an environment. - Small entities are likely to use less sophisticated hardware and software packages than large entities (often “packaged” rather than developed “in house”). Nevertheless, the auditor has sufficient knowledge of the computer information system to plan, direct, supervise, and review the work performed. The auditor may consider whether specialized skills are needed in an audit. - Because of the limited segregation of duties, the use of computer facilities by a small entity may have the effect of increasing control risk. For example, it is common for users to be able to perform two or more of the following functions in the accounting system. • Initiating and authorizing source documents. • Entering data into the system. • Operating the computer. • Changing programs and data files. • Using or distributing output. • Modifying the operating systems. - The use of computer information...
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...departments, groups, or individuals who first created them to their final destinations. * How is the accounting information system documented? 6. An accounting information system is a collection of data and processing procedures that creates needed information for its users. An information system's components: Data or information is input, processed, and output as information for planning, decision-making, and control purposes. 1. Data flow diagrams provide both a physical and a logical view of a system, but concentrate more on the flow and transformation of data than on the physical devices or timing of inputs, processing, or outputs. 2. A document flowchart describes the physical flow of documents through an AIS, for example, by providing an overview of where documents are created, sent, reviewed, and stored, and what activities they trigger. 3. A system flowchart describes the...
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...AUO1 – Auditing and Information Systems Additional Study Questions Accounting Information Systems Competency 302.1.1: Nature and Purpose The student understands the nature and purpose of information systems. * What is the difference between transaction processing systems, management information systems, and decision support systems? Transaction processing systems - document financial activities Management information systems - used to collect qualitative as well as quantitative information for decision making within organizations Decision support systems - help the developers of an AIS identify what information they need for their planning, decision making, and control functions * How is a flowchart used? A document flowchart traces the physical flow of documents through an organization—that is, the flow of documents from the departments, groups, or individuals who first created them to their final destinations. * How is the accounting information system documented? An accounting information system is a collection of data and processing procedures that creates needed information for its users. An information system's components: Data or information is input, processed, and output as information for planning, decision-making, and control purposes. Nine reasons to document an AIS are (1) to explain how the system works, (2) to train others, (3) to help developers design new systems, (4) to control system development and maintenance costs, (5) to standardize...
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...in the Audit Report An International Perspective on the PCAOB Proposal By Jason Bergner and Ling Lin n December 4, 2013, the PCAOB conducted an open meeting to reconsider its proposal to require the disclosure of the engagement partner (and certain other participants) in the audit report, as part of its efforts to improve transparency. The PCAOB is carefully considering the likely costs and benefits of this requirement before making a final decision (http://pcaobus.org/News/Speech/Pages/120 42013_Harris_Transparency.aspx). The authors present arguments for and against requiring audit partner disclosure and summarize the current practice and empirical findings in foreign jurisdictions, such as the EU and China. While the debate for the past five years has been an argument about the possible costs and benefits of a signature or disclosure requirement, the authors believe that the movement of the international community toward adopting common standards may eventually warrant a similar U.S. approach. O Debating the Issue The signature/disclosure requirement has been an issue for almost a decade, first appearing on the PCAOB’s agenda in 2005 (Tammy Whitehouse, “Divided PCAOB Presses for Names in Audit Report,” December 4, 2013, Compliance Week, http://www.complianceweek.com/dividedpcaob-presses-for-names-in-audit-report/article/323604/). The current proposal to disclose of the engagement partner in the audit report stemmed, at least in part, from the 2008 Final Report of the...
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...Before You Sue The Accountants Daniel J. Hurson Even if it looks like a strong case, be careful—there are some surprising defenses. IN THE WAKE OF the corporate accounting scandals that have dominated the business news for the last few years, as well as recurring announcements of large settlements in class action suits against major accounting firms, the prospect of a malpractice case against an accounting firm would at first glance seem attractive. Juries are presumably more predisposed to view accountants with renewed skepticism, when hardly a news cycle passes without some reference to accounting fraud, investigations, and the occasional large-scale debacles like the demise of Arthur Andersen, not to mention the high-profile criminal prosecutions that have recently gone to trial. Daniel J. Hurson, formerly Assistant Chief Litigation Counsel at the SEC, practices securities enforcement and accounting malpractice law in Washington, D.C. His website is www.hursonlaw.com. 25 26 The Practical Lawyer April 2006 Accountant malpractice litigation is a minefield of arcane judicial doctrines layered over pleading and discovery traps that can bury the best plaintiffs’ counsel. Indeed, among the players in these sagas, the accountants sometimes offer the best litigation target. The companies themselves have often tanked; the errant executives dismissed, awash in legal problems, and without insurance coverage; but the accountants (Andersen notwithstanding)...
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...The key areas of concern for students writing the PA exams are as follows: 1) Time management 2) Missing level 3 of the competency and jumping directly to level 4 3) Missing the competencies to be found in the exhibits in the case questions. Another concern is when students are writing both PA1 and PA2 at the same time. It is critical that those students “switch hats” from being a public practitioner in PA1 to a comptroller in PA2. And for those writing only one exam, make sure you write from the correct perspective. Consider the following for each case: 1) Type of communication (memo, letter or report) 2) Who is writing 3) To whom the case is being written to 4) The time frame. a. ie when in the audit: beginning, middle, end; there is no point writing about issues at beginning of audit if the audit is over and there is a draft audit report b. ie regarding purchase or sale of property: has the decision already been made to buy the property (shares or assets) or not; and if so, has the financing been decided. Or maybe there is an issue such as in Feed & Grow with the auditor owning shares of company to be consolidated with client; the extra shares to result in >50% ownership have not yet been bought so it is next year’s issue. The issue must still be addressed but the recommendation might be to consider the issue further. Not all issues have to be answered today; just that they must be addressed. The recommendation can be to explore...
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...to integrity or professional behaviour may be created from, for example, questionable issues associated with the client -Client issues that, if known, could threaten compliance with the fundamental principles include, for example, client involvement in illegal activities (such as money laundering), dishonesty or questionable financial reporting practices. -A professional accountant in public practice shall evaluate the significance of any threats and apply safeguards when necessary to eliminate them or reduce them to an acceptable level. b) responsibility of director - try to make the co. a success, using your skills, experience and judgment - follow the co’s rules, shown in its AOA - make decisions for the benefit of the co. - tell other shareholders if you might personally benefit from a transaction the co. makes - make sure the co’s accounts are a true and fair view of the business’ finances. c) – auditing is the analysis of the financial accounts/records, by a qualified accountant, and procedures of a firm organization. - this is essential in order to gain a fair perspective on the co’s financial statement - potential investors and creditors can look at financial statement to decide whether to invest in a business o not - important as it also protects the public from scams and corrupt business procedures d) Financial Audits,Compliance Audits, Information Technology Audits, Departmental Audits e) – duty to carry out...
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...Internal Audit Guidebook Providing a framework for understanding and delivering Grant Thornton’s Internal Audit Services in a consistent, high-quality way 2012 Internal audit guidebook 1 Contents Page Introduction 2 Common service delivery methodology 6 Determine client needs 8 Scope and arrange work 10 Plan 13 Analyze and assess 20 Report and recommend 28 Implement 32 Evaluate 33 Determine business and technology context 36 Manage engagement performance, quality and risk 38 Communicate and enable change 40 Appendix 42 Internal audit engagement checklist 43 © Grant Thornton LLP. All rights reserved. Updated August 1, 2012 Internal audit guidebook 2 Introduction What is internal audit? The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) defines internal auditing as: Internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. (1010) An internal audit objectively assesses the management of risks that a company faces. (2100 series) The aim is to • understand the current state, • assess the current state using appropriate standards and criteria, and • develop findings and recommendations...
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...Compilation of Financial Statements 2011 AR Section 80 Compilation of Financial Statements Issue date, unless otherwise indicated: December 2009 See section 9080 for interpretations of this section. Source: SSARS No. 19 .01 This section establishes standards and provides guidance on compilations of financial statements. The accountant is required to comply with the provisions of this section whenever he or she is engaged to report on compiled financial statements or submits financial statements to a client or to third parties. Establishing an Understanding .02 The accountant should establish an understanding with management regarding the services to be performed for compilation engagements1 and should document the understanding through a written communication with management. Such an understanding reduces the risks that either the accountant or management may misinterpret the needs or expectations of the other party. For example, it reduces the risk that management may inappropriately rely on the accountant to protect the entity against certain risks or to perform certain functions that are management's responsibility. The accountant should ensure that the understanding includes the objectives of the engagement, management's responsibilities, the accountant's responsibilities, and the limitations of the engagement. In some cases, the accountant may establish such understanding with those charged with governance. .03 An understanding with management and...
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...Public Practice Audit Case [BC2] Marker’s Comment Sheet/Deficiency List Assignment 5 – Task 10 The purpose of the Comment Sheet/Deficiency List is not to provide answers but to provide guidance on areas for improvement, and to encourage students to review sections where more work was needed to complete the audit file correctly. Marks breakdown for Assignment 5, Task 10 – Complete the audit a) Correct amortization adjustment (with supporting schedule) 3 b) Correct FIT adjustment (with supporting schedule 3 c) Completion of subsequent events section of working papers 2 d) Completion of W/P 15-1 and determination of final materiality 1 e) Correct completion of W/P 15-3 (with appropriate cross references) 3 f) Correct audit conclusions on W/P 15-4 1 g) Completion of requirements re client rep letter and management letter 3 h) All journal entries documented and posted correctly 4 i) Quality control review properly completed 2 j) Financial statement disclosure checklist properly completed 2 k) Audit report meets all requirements 3 l) Financial statements proper meet all requirements, including references to notes 4 m) Notes are complete, accurate, and properly worded 4 Total 35 Professional Standards Errors in any of the key items (k), (l), or (m) (considered as professional standards) can result in failure regardless of the performance on the rest of the tasks. Task 10 – Complete the audit a) Correct...
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