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Australian Bottle Industry


Submitted By bipu10
Words 1284
Pages 6
There are mainly two styles of bottled water: sparkling, and still water.
But there are many variations of these waters, which undergo different processes and encompass different characteristics.
Sparkling or carbonated water, is usually consumed as a refreshment beverage, whilst still or non-sparkling waters are consumed as drinking water.
Consumer research suggests that bottled water is consumed by people of varying age groups and occupations. The large majority however tend to be young singles and couples, in particular females aged between 14-35 years.
Generally bottled water consumers can be described as being more health conscious, contemporary and socially aware.
Regardless of the seasons and the weather, your need for water remains the same. Remember that 95% of human blood is water.
In these health conscious days water makes a great contribution to overall hydration.It is fat and kilojoule free and a great thirst quencher, which makes it a great choice for the health conscious consumer. Many people wish to get back to basics and drink something that is refreshing and pure.
Some people also wish to avoid certain chemicals used in the treatment of public water supplies, such as chlorine and fluoride, and are therefore turning to the chemical free alternative.
With the development of more widespread leisure and activities and the expansion of travel, for business and pleasure, consumers are increasingly turning to the convenience of bottled water for their refreshment.
One of the main reasons why people buy bottle water is its taste! With the variation in tastes of the different local water supplies across the country, more people prefer the consistent refreshing taste of bottled water.

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