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Aztec Empire Research Paper

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The Aztec people had a rich and diverse culture that burned bright and quick. From the years 1100 to 1525, the Aztec empire rose and fell, leaving behind one of the greatest and well known legacies of all time. During this period, advances had been made in government, agriculture, warfare, food, textiles jewelry, and religion. Farmers used new methods of planting crops to provide themselves and their families with more food while keeping the land fertile. Prisoners of war were often sold into slavery or sacrificed to the gods. Nobles often times kept themselves in a life of luxury while riding on the broken backs of workers that are under their control. Recipes were concocted by the Aztec people that have not only continued to be eaten in Mexico, …show more content…
According to legend, the wanderers saw an eagle sitting on top of a cactus with a snake in its mouth. This was the omen they had been waiting for, a sign from the gods telling them to sit down, unpack their bags, and begin to build the great city of Tenochtitlan. They worked for the local tribes surrounding the lake where their great omen was seen until around 1325, when they built artificial islands in the drained swampy marshes of the area. The foundations for this great city were established in 1325, where they could also grow the food they eat, such as maize (corn), beans, squashes, potatoes, tomatoes, and avocados (“Aztecs” 1). The Aztec people not only grew food in gardens, but had huge fields that came from the slash and burn technique of farming, where trees are cut down, the timber is used, and the rest of the foliage is burned. The ashes produced by the fire help fertilize the ground for crops to grow (Browne et al. 1). The city of Tenochtitlan was enormous, larger than London and spread out like Venice. The Aztec were polytheistic, which means that they believed in and worshipped more than one god. There are over eight hundred gods and goddesses that have been recorded and some scholars believe that there may have been more lost to the ages. They had quite the variety of deities, including Quetzalcoatl, the feathered winged serpent and also …show more content…
Depending on their rank and success, they could live just as well as the noblemen of the time did. They lived in lavish two story houses with their own inner courtyards (Smith 3), and windows which, at the time, did not have glass but did have curtains. These courtyards sometimes contained fountains of fresh spring water brought to the city through aqueducts. Unlike the fancy nobles, the commoners had smaller, simpler, windowless homes made of red-orange clay bricks, with little to no decoration whatsoever, aside from deity idols or shrines. All people were separated by classes; priests, warriors and nobles, merchants, craftsmen, peasants, and slaves. Differently enough from other cultures, one was able to move from one class to the next, through either gaining or losing wealth or

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