What is the word and symbol equation for aerobic respiration? * Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + water (+ energy) * C6 H12 O6 + 6o2 = 6CO2 + 6H20
What is the word and fermentation equation for anaerobic respiration? * Glucose = Lactic Acid * Glucose = Ethanol + Carbon Dioxide (=energy) – with this equation the ethanol and Co2 breaks downs the sugars into products e.g. like bread is made using yeast where the sugar breaks down into products. FERMENATION is where things respire anaerobically.
What is the job of an enzyme? * To speed up chemical reactions, as they are proteins.
What needs to be constant for enzymes to work? * Temperature,( however if too high the enzymes de-natures)
What is the optimum PH? * Where the enzyme is most active as that is where they work their best, however if the PH is too low or high it affects the bonds holding the enzymes together therefore, changing the shape of the active site… the enzyme denatures.
What is the function of a DNA molecule? * It contains the genetic code for enzymes involved in respiration
The functions of plants & animal cells are: * Mitochondria are where enzymes are, where aerobic respiration reactions take place. * Cytoplasm is a gel-like substance where anaerobic respiration takes place as some controlled enzyme reactions take place here. * Cell membrane is what controls what goes in and out of the cell as it acts like a barrier allowing water & gases to pass through easily.
What does the bacteria cell consist of? * They have a simple cell structure of a circular DNA molecule which floats in the cytoplasm, cell wall and cell membrane.
What does a plants cell have which an animal cell doesn’t? * Cell wall is made of cellulose supports the cell. * Vacuole contains cell sap (weak solution of sugar & salts) * Chloroplast reactions of photosynthesis take place here, and have a green substance called chlorophyll where the enzymes are needed for photosynthesis. M | Movement | All living things move - to find food, escape predators or find better growing conditions | R | Respiration | Getting energy from food to carry out cell processes | S | Sensitivity | Detecting changes in the surroundings such as light levels | G | Growth | All living things grow | R | Reproduction | Making new generations of a species | E | Excretion | Getting rid of waste - including carbon dioxide from respiration | N | Nutrition | Taking in and using food as a supply of energy |
What is photosynthesis? * A series of chemical reactions that use energy from sunlight to produce food.
What is the word and symbol equation for photosynthesis? * Carbon Dioxide + water = Glucose + Oxygen * 6CO2 + 6H20 = C6 H12 O6 + 6O2
What are the 3 main ways plants use Glucose? 1. Used for Respiration - to release energy from the process of glucose. 2. Used to make chemicals for growth – converted to cellulose for making cell walls/ to help make chlorophyll. 3. Is stored as starch – stored in the plant roots, stems & leaves.
What is the rate of the photosynthesis? * Three factors affect the rate of photosynthesis 1.) Amount of light 2.) Amount of Co2 3.) temperature * 1.) not enough light slows down the rate of photosynthesis * 2.) little carbon dioxide slows down the rate of photosynthesis * 3.) the temperature has to be just right otherwise the enzyme needed for photosynthesis doesn’t work as efficiently.
* Investigating photosynthesis – TRANCESTS are a way of investigating how something is changing across an area. To set it up you run a tape measure between two fixed points then from start to end you collect all data you require. Things that help collecting this data are: 1.) light meters 2. ) quadrats 3.) identification keys 1.) To compare the level of light in plants in different areas you use 1. As it’s a sensor to accurately measure light level. 2.) To make collection of data easier you use 2. As it’s a grid frame which helps collect species data in a certain part of an area. 3.) To identify different plants or species you answer a series of question to help you come to an answer.