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Babe True Short Story

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The Last Chance It’s September 30, 1927 and The New York Yankees are playing the Washington Senators it is the bottom of the eighth inning with one down. Here comes the Babe. “NEXT TO BAT IS RIGHT FIELDER NUMBER 3 BABE RUTH!” the announcer exclaimed.
“OH MY GOSH Dad here he comes, I hope he does it,” screamed Jay. “Me too son,” Father replies. It’s Babe’s last time up to hit his 60th home run to break his record. He walks up to the plate and gets ready to absolutely destroy one. The pitcher gets ready to send Babe back where he came from with his first pitch. “Here it comes I feel it Papa,” Jay states. “Lets hope he hits one, got your glove ready bud?” Dad asks. The pitcher throws the first pitch and it is his fastball but it feels like he threw a turtle by how slow it was for everyone. But in the end it wizzes past Babe straight into the catcher's glove. …show more content…
“WHAAAAAAT that ball was way outside!” Jay yells, “What is he, insane?!” And then the whole stadium erupts with, BBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOS.
Obviously everyone else agreed with his statement. Babe just shrugs and goes on. He gets ready for the next pitch. The pitcher starts to wind up and here comes the second pitch Tom Zachary throws his curveball this time but it was like a worm because it went straight into the dirt “Good eye,” Jay says with relief, “I’m surprised he didn’t call that a strike.” Tom starts to stretch his neck after the pitch and then walks back to the mound he’s getting the sign from the catcher and gets ready to come at Babe. It’s his fast ball again and Babe looks determined to absolutely nuke this thing. The pitch comes right down the middle and Babe finally swings his bat. And connects with ball. The ball moves in slow motion as it flies through the air, everyone is staring it down like is an unicorn or

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