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Baby Teething Research Paper

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Ask any parent what they remember about teething and you will get the same answers. Lots of drooling and many sleepless nights trying to help relieve your baby's discomfort are at the top of the list to be sure. Parents have the difficult task of trying to help alleviate baby's pain without baby being able to tell you what is working and what is not working. It is possible to utilize some simple home remedies to help sooth your baby's discomfort.

First of all be sure to check with your doctor before you give your baby any medication. Every baby is different and only your doctor can let you know if certain medications are safe for your baby. Putting alcohol on baby's gums is a common old wives tale. You should never give your baby any amount of alcohol. Any amount of alcohol is bad for your baby and should be avoided. There are many natural ways that you can help your baby with teething which have no adverse side effects.

A wet washcloth is very simple, and will often greatly help with the pain incurred from teething. Often babies will love chewing on the washcloth, and this will keep them happy and pain free for hours. Many babies love the feel of cold water, and the cold often helps combat …show more content…
Baby can have the opportunity to suck and chew with a frozen banana, which not only tastes good but helps relieve teething discomfort. You can also freeze a bagel, and let your baby suck on it. The only problem with using frozen foods as a teething remedy is that you have to make sure your baby cannot get a big enough piece of the food that they could choke. As soon as your baby has front teeth, you need to carefully watch to make sure a large piece of food is not bitten off. A mesh food teether can help prevent your baby from biting off pieces of food too large for her. These mesh teethers allow you to put the food inside it, while preventing your baby from getting large chunks of

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