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Open-Ended Art In Early Childhood Education

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Open-ended and process orientated art are significant in early childhood development, it is a way children can express their thoughts and creativity, and it develops the whole child. When are is teacher-directed it diminishes children's originality (Seefeldt, 1995, as cited by Fox & Schirrmacher, 2015)? Fox and Schirrmacher explains when teachers have various materials, children can freely choose what they want and this can let children be imaginative. During open-ended activities early childhood educators (ECE) can observe, reflect, and find a new way to implement to extend children's learning. When ECE's integrate the families and co-workers concepts, they can then provide a rich learning environment for children and eliminating problems and concerns (Makovichuk, Hewes, Lirette, & Thomas, 2014). …show more content…
I have seen several children get frustrated with teacher-directed art projects, hearing student say, "Mine doesn't look anything like Mrs. T's", or "Why do we have to do it that way? Why I can't I do it how I want?". I have also witnessed a child ask his teacher if he could use a different colour of paper, the teacher replied, "No, this is how it needs to be done". This made the child very upset and frustrated with his art project and the child disregarded the project. According to Fox and Schirrmacher …[Children] are often not interested in teacher-directed experiences"

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