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Explain Why It Is Important To Get A Four Year College Degree

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Why It is Important to get a four year college degree

Money Money is a big reason to go to college. People assume that you make make more money when you go to college then when you don’t. I agree with this but did you know how much more you make when you go to college. You make a 572 dollars a week this adds up to the 24,000 per year and your retirement savings is even higher if you work 50 years and 8% of your money, you will make up to 150k more in your savings for retirement. Healthier Happier Living People who are in college are less likely to become smokers as people who did not go to college do not always smoke but you have a higher chance of picking up tobacco in your lifetime. Another random fact is that 71 percent of divorced people are non-college graduates and 29 percent of divorced people went to college. If you go to college you will live longer, this is because if you go to college you will be more likely to have a higher paying job, so you will be able to afford better, healthier food. Also if you have a higher paying job so it will probably be a better environment. Therefore if you go to college you will live long, healthy, happy life. Another reason you might live longer, is because 36 percent of non college graduates turn to the military. This means that 12 percent of people in the marines today, give their life for the country. As a finar result, 3 percent of non college graduates are killed in the special forces. …show more content…
You will be introduced into many different people. You will join clubs and make new friends. On average women go to college have 47 percent more facebook friends than non college female graduates, and everybody knows if you have more online friends then you have more friends in real life. If you have more friends in real life, you will never have to worry about having someone to talk

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