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Underage Drinking And Alcoholism In Children

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Underage drinking and alcoholism Every year children's alcoholism becomes more common. Alcoholism in children often occurs in low income non-prosperous families where the parents are drinking all of the time. There are cases when parents are trying to give their children alcohol, or use it for medicinal purposes, such as red wine. Children's alcoholism problems have become quite acute in recent years. The company and friends can have a bad effect on the child, pushing them to frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is a negative contribution to the child's life as it affects their behavior, grades in school, and also the very development of the child. Passion for such actions …show more content…
Thus they should become a model for the behavior of their children and should set a good example and support the growing generation. Every parent wants the best for his or her child, so parents and children need to take certain special time for a conversation that may include not only the subject of alcohol, but also other important issues during the development and maturation of children. Children should learn about the negative effects of alcohol, as well as their parents' expectations for the child's position in this matter can significantly reduce alcohol consumption in adolescence. Adequate parental supervision is a good deterrent to the use of alcohol among young people. For example, if parents put restrictions and create a huge amount of rules, the child eventually will break the rules and want to break free from parental care. Parents should seek variant ways to affect children, such as discussions, support and guidance, but do not overdo …show more content…
Advertising is increasingly interfering in a person's life by controlling them on the conscious and unconscious levels. At the same time, it goes beyond commercial interests and consumers impose a system of defined standards, the reference point values in life, philosophical ideas and concepts. According to American Academy of Family Physicians (AAAF), “Before graduating high school, students will spend about 18,000 hours in front of the television—more time than they will spend in school. During this time, they will watch about 2,000 alcohol commercials on television each year”. These measures should make adults conceive that this propaganda can adversely affect their children with alcohol advertisements. Thus, another possible solution may be to reduce the advertising of alcoholic beverages not only on television, but also on billboards and magazines. Effect of advertising is too often seen in children's activities. Children memorize some expressions or unusual stories. Examples of such advertising as Budweiser, where frequent characters are cute puppies or horses, call the children's attention, which is not necessary and even unacceptable. Strengthening the psychological impact on the emerging identity, the creation of mechanisms to manipulate a person through the imposition of imaginary needs and desires

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