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Stephen Harper Case Study

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Monday October 19th, the day Canada will expel her Islamophobic head of government. Stephen Harper’s days are numbered.

Conservative party leader Stephen Harper has proven to Canadians that he has the resilience of a cockroach. Managing to last a long nine years, most of the population have been scratching their heads trying to figure out how Harper has managed to last this long. Throughout his time in office Harper has tainted Canada’s multicultural reputation and has recently transformed it into an Islamophobic state.

Last October Harper was able to use the attack on Parliament Hill to plant the seeds of fear mongering on the population, revitalizing negative sentiments towards the Islamic religion in Canada. Promptly after this event …show more content…
Harper did not stop antagonizing the situation after the Parliament Hill shooting and instead decided to keep adding fuel to the fire by introducing the Zero Tolerances for Barbaric Practices Act. The act “makes” practices such as honour killings and polygamy illegal, both practices that are usually attributed to the Islamic faith. What people uneducated on the Criminal Code of Canada do not know is that these acts are already illegal under Canadian law, which makes it seem that the act was only passed as a way to portray Islam in a negative way.

Harper’s Islamophobic agenda does not stop at the Zero Tolerances for Barbaric Practices Act, he continued to draft what has arguably been the most controversial bill in the past year. The infamous Bill C-24 classifies any Canadian Citizen who was born outside of Canada or holds dual citizenship as a second-class citizen. What this means is that a “second-class” citizen may have their citizenship status revoked under arbitrary criteria. Once again the Harper government decides to pass an unnecessary law that only serves to limit the rights of primarily Islamic citizens under no true

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