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Underage Drinking Age

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The minimum age for drinking is a very controversial issue. The issue of underage drinking effects many young Americans and their families. Many laws have forbidden the drinking if you are under the age of 21. The arguing has been going on for years. When deciding if you are with or against the change of the minimum age to drink alcohol, there are many factors that should be taken into consideration health factors, laws, and many other factors.
When it comes to health factors of drinking alcohol many believe that drinking alcohol is not beneficial in any way. Alcohol can help our body in many ways. Drinking alcohol on an occasion or controlled way can reduce the chance of getting a cardiovascular disease, it can lengthen your life by about …show more content…
The laws enforced are to stop teenagers and even adults from forming alcoholism or from making poor choices and putting even more lives in danger. The laws are different when it comes to the state in which you live in. In some states there are exceptions for underage drinking for example if for religious practices or if on private property. The host, hostess, or owner of the property is liable for the underage drinking going on at their premises whether they provided the alcohol or not (“APIS - State Profiles of Underage Drinking Laws”). The laws state that if a minor is caught with possession of alcohol these may be the punishments: revocation of driver’s license (for at least 30 days), payment of fines, enrollment in alcohol education programs, or community service (“Underage Drinking and Minor-in-Possession Laws”). People around the country are arguing about the laws saying they are harsh for a minor. The laws are put in place to try to protect the teenagers from being consumed in alcoholism at such a young …show more content…
Drinking alcohol is about knowing when enough is enough and teenagers lack the ability to know when is enough, is the main argument by many against changing the age.
Age 16 is when teens can start driving a car and they have to take many things into account at the same time, why not also let them be able to drink a beer while home and in a safe environment, argued by Americans for the change of the age. People against lowering argue that they are just now being able to drive, would you like them to also drink while driving?
People for the change say that you have to see it in a young adult’s view, if they are ready to go to war and possibly die then they should be able to enjoy alcohol. The children that you once raised are now grown up, they no longer require the nurturing that they once did they are now ready to make their own choices. That child that you once raised is now old enough to adopt a kid, vote, drive, and even sign a binding contract know that if they screw up that their parents are not going to be there to fix it. The point is that at the age of 18 the only thing restricting you from being a full adult is being able to drink. If a child chooses to abuse the use of alcohol then it is not the child’s fault it is the parents. The fact is that the child did not have its priorities straight because he or

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