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Genocide Vs Holocaust

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Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. Some examples would be the Armenian genocide or the Holocaust. These both were mass murders of millions of innocent civilians. There is a big difference between these two atrocities. The Holocaust you have probably heard about and know some details about it. The Armenian genocide on the other hand you may have never heard of. This was the first genocide of the 20th century and was still taking place one hundred years from today. It is very puzzling to me how the mass murder and deportation of 1.5 million innocent civilians is not something that is wildly talked about or known. With this issue I side with the Armenians I believe …show more content…
The information seemed pretty straightforward to me, but if you asked someone who is Turkish. They might say the article was more biased towards them.

The genocide took place in the Ottoman Empire, which is now present-day Turkey. In the 1890’s young Armenians who were educated by universities in Europe began to press for political reforms in the Ottoman Empire. They were calling for a constitutional government, the right to vote, and the end of special taxes against them because they were Christians. The Turkish Sultan answered their pleas with persecutions and massacres. Between 1894 and 1896 Turkish Sultans special regiments slaughtered one hundred thousand residents of Armenian villages. In July of 1908 Turkish nationalists known as the Young Turks forced Sultan to allow a constitutional government that guaranteed basic rights. Armenians in Turkey were ecstatic with the sudden turn of events and had great hopes for the future. They believed things would get better for them because both Turks and Armenians held rallies protesting for freedom, equality, and justice. Those hopes were diminished in 1913 when the Young Turks seized full control of the government via a coup. …show more content…
“They acknowledge that atrocities were committed, but says they happened in wartime, when plenty of people were dying”. They also deny there was ever any plan to systematically wipe out the Armenian population. The current president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan mentioned before the hundred-year anniversary. That he felt like the Armenians were just trying to instill hatred against Turkey. He also downplayed the importance of this atrocity by saying “If we examine what our nation had to go through over the past one hundred to one hundred and fifty years we would find far more suffering than what the Armenians went through.” Through his statement you can clearly see the lack of compassion or empathy for the 1.5 million people that lost their lives. This kind of thinking has trickled down to the citizens of Turkey. A recent poll found that only nine percent of Turks believe that it should be labeled genocide and that they should apologize for their actions. (Center for economics and foreign policy studies) Many of the Turks believe that Armenians were forming militias and teaming up with the Russians. Some historians Like Bernard Lewis and Stanford Shaw firmly state there was no official policy of genocide. These two men have had access to comprehensive Ottoman archives, and say they didn’t discover a document

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