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Back in the Day Records Information Systems Proposal


Submitted By Ctf43
Words 799
Pages 4
Introduction 3
Suggested Information Systems 5
Conclusion 6
References 7
The main focus of Back in the Day Records is TO provide consumers with the type of music he or she grew up listening to, but may no longer be easily available due to the advances in today’s technology. Today all of the same songs or music from the past is available for electronic download using applications such as iTunes ("All The Music, Movies, TV Shows, And Apps You've Got. And Want To Get. All In One Place", 2012) or can be purchased from other stores on compact disks, he or she may want to hear the sound of the record crackling as it spins on the record player like it did back in the day. Collaborating with other established records stores and by taking full advantage of the internet, we want to at least give the customer all of the optional formats that are available. Though it may be impossible to locate some songs in their originally released format such as record, cassette tape, or eight track tape, the greatest advantage for our customers is that we will do the work to locate the music. When we do not have what he or she is searching for in our inventory, we will attempt to locate the song or music in the inventory of the other record stores that we have formed partnerships with. No business venture is guaranteed to succeed, however by taking advantage of some of the proven information systems available we can enhance our chances. These systems can assist in the following areas: • Tracking and monitor day-to-day transactions • Generate reports to assist in analyzing what our customers are looking for • Completing the timekeeping and payroll functions for store staff • Enable the use of different forms of payment (check, credit card, and debit) Using the information, data collected, and reports that these system will provide will enable us to adjust our business model and practices as necessary improve sales and the services that we provide to our customers in the future.
Suggested Information Systems

The following table will provide a brief explanation of the systems, some of its functions and, examples of the information and data it can provide.

|Transaction Processing System (TPS) |Tracks, monitors, and stores business |Plus - A combination of software and hardware that can handle numerous consumers and large amounts of business |
| |transactions as they occur. |data. |
| | |Minus - More susceptible to viral security breaches and hardware malfunctions. |
|Office Automation System (OAS) |Uses software and hardware to performance |Plus - Initially may be able to software and hardware that we already owned (Microsoft Office, printers, |
| |routine tasks such as word processing, |scanners, etc.) |
| |emailing, and scheduling. |Minus - Can become expensive as the store and consumer base grows. Professional software and license, heavy duty |
| | |copiers and scanners can be costly. |
|Management Information System (MIS) |Manages and organizes of information |Plus - Can eliminate information overload by allowing us to research, analyze and produce only the parts of |
| |gathered from other systems to allow the |information needed. |
| |production of different types of reports. |Minus - May require complicated and costly upgrades and modifications as the business grows or changes its model |
| | |which can affect the quality of the reports or data generated. |
|Electronic Commerce System |Allows the store to conduct activities like|Plus - Cost effective; it reduces logistical problems and puts a small business on a par online stores such as |
| |selling and buying products and services |Amazon.Com. |
| |electronically over the Internet. |Minus - Online security and privacy concerns. Customers have to feel confident about the integrity of the payment|
| | |process before they commit to the purchase. |
|Executive Dashboards |Provides information at a glance that they |Plus - Can filter data and enable a quick analysis of what may be considered meaningful data effectively. Can |
| |can use to aid day-to-day strategic |provide view of historical. |
| |decision making. |Minus - Only as good as the information entered or that it contains. |



Back in the Day Records can help lessen the burden taken on by the customer by searching, obtaining, downloading, and formatting music for them. Putting in place compatible and adaptable information systems will enable us to provide the best possible customer service to the consumer and should increase the return on our investment. Though each of the proposed systems has its advantages and disadvantages, we must consider risk versus reward. These systems are able to maintain data integrity and reliability, improve workflow, arm staff with a high level of level of knowledge and information, and protect critical business and personal information.

All the music, movies, TV shows, and apps you've got. And want to get. All in one place. (2012). Retrieved from

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