...Main purpose of Lab: This lab is mainly emphasizes on how we collect water sample from three different locations such as paddle boat, fish dock and finally from Gees area. The sample analyzed in the lab measure the turbidity and also measures the bacterial colonies (Escherichia Coli and Coliform bacteria). Introduction: E. coli (Escherichia coli) are an adherent of the coliform group of bacteria and are present simply in the warm-blooded animal’s intestines, counting humans. When present in drinking water, E. coli specifies the water has been polluted with animal or human wastes (feces). Conceivable sources of pollution comprise leaking septic systems, pipes to the household, surface water leaking into structural faults (claps) in the well’s exterior and overflow from agricultural tons. Meanwhile it is too expensive to test water trials for each probable organism measure appropriateness for drinking water objectives. Coliforms are a cluster of bacteria present in the humans and other animal’s intestines. Coliforms also happen certainly in the environment, containing in mud, on vegetation and in ground waters such as streams, lakes and rivers. Maximum members of the coliform cluster do not produce ailment. When present in drinking water, coliform bacteria specify that pollution of the drinking water resource has happened, and that other ailment causing bacteria could likewise get into the water resource. Material Used: * Gloves * Three water samples bottles * Disk...
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...Bacteria can be found in plants and animals, in all habitats, on all surfaces and even in our bodies. To investigate the type bacteria existing in different locations, we took a culture from the inside of a mouth and the surface of a tabletop and let the bacteria grow in agar plates for one week. Separate agar plates were prepared for each of the two locations that also contained a small amount of two different cleaning solutions, Lysol and Green disinfectants, to observe which product worked better at killing bacteria. Both agar plates contained white and yellow bacteria growths. The bacteria in the agar plates was not evenly distributed throughout the surface, but rather was clustered in small areas. This was most like due to uneven distribution of the sample. It could also be attributed to the fact that bacteria grow in colonies. The plates with cultures from site 1 had slightly less bacteria coverage than the coverage from site 2. Although, this was really only the case for one of the cultures from site 2 while the other culture from the same site grew the same amount as the two cultures from site 1. It was observed that no bacteria grew on the portion of the agar nutrient where cleaning product was applied. It should be noted that the very minimal amount of bacteria that grew in the agar nutrient made it difficult to determine if this result was due to the effectiveness of the disinfectants. For this reason as well it is unclear which cleaning product out...
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...BACTERIA AND ANTIBIOTICS LAB REPORT Bryan Bennett Ms. Johnson Biology 09 period 8 March 12, 2013 Introduction: 1. Eubacteria -Has cell wall with peptidoglycan -They can live nearly anywhere on earth (sky to underground) -Unicellular -Prokaryotic -Reproduce Asexually Archaebacteria -Cell wall without peptidoglycan -Live in environments without oxygen (anaerobic) -Prokaryotic -Unicellular -Reproduce Asexually -Oldest bacterial form -Unique lipids in their cell membrane -DNA sequence is more like other Eukaryotes than other bacterial types (eubacteria) 2. Bacteria are classified into four groups: * PHOTOAUTOTROPHS * PHOTOHETEROTROPHS * CHEMOAUTOTROPHS * CHEMOHETEROTROPHS 3. 4. Many bacteria are heterotrophic which is to thrive off other organisms. The type of bacteria that causes disease are heterotrophic parasites. There are also many harmless bacterial parasites, many of which can be helpful to their hosts. Autotrophic bacteria manufacture their own food by chemosynthesis and photosynthesis. In aerobic respiration a series of reactions convert glucose to carbon dioxide and water and give off energy. Free oxygen is required as the final acceptor for electrons and hydrogen to form water. Bacteria, able to grow in the presence of oxygen, are called aerobic bacteria. Pseudomonas is an example of aerobic bacteria. In anaerobic respiration free oxygen isn’t required. Organic compounds are the final electron acceptors in anaerobic...
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...The goal of this experiments is to observe the relative trends of bacteria growth over time in broth. This experiment was conducted over the period of two days by observing the growth of bacteria in an agar broth. This solution was created by taken a single bacteria colony from a petri with an inoculation loop and placing into a bottle filled with an agar broth. After this, the bottle was placed in a incubator and left there for 24 hours. On day one, the bottle's Absorbance was measured using a spectrophotometer and it was discovered that after twenty minutes the Absorbance raised .01 from -.01. On day two, the bottle's absorbance was measure approximately 24 hours after placing the bottle in the incubator, after measuring the absorbance, it was discovered that the solution had an absorbance of .43 highlighting the grow of the bacteria over the allotted time period. Ultimately, this evidence supports the fact that in a bacteria friendly environment with plenty of food bacteria will multiply at an exponential growth giving the correct environment. If the agar broth containing the bacteria was left to grow for another week or so, it will increase exponential until the food source is depleted or the waste products increase so much that it makes the agar solution toxic and ultimately decreasing the bacteria populous until there is either a small amount of bacteria or none at all do to the lack of food or toxic environment....
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...London School of Engineering and Materials Science Laboratory report writing instructions DEN101 - Fluid Mechanics 1 Flow Rate Measurement Experiment A. Student Student Number: 1234567 Version 2.0, 27 November 2010 Template for Word 97-2003 Abstract This document explains what is expected in your Fluids 1 lab report. The sections that should be covered are outlined and a structure you could follow is proposed. Detailed advice on how to edit the report is given. The document concludes with the marking criteria for this lab report. Table of Contents Abstract 2 1. Introduction 3 1.1. Writing 3 1.2. Editing and formatting 3 1.3. Content of the introduction 4 2. Background and theory 4 3. Apparatus 4 4. Test 4 5. Experimental procedure 4 6. Results 5 7. Discussion 5 8. Conclusions 5 9. References 5 10. Appendix A: Marking criteria 6 Introduction Before starting to write a report, you should think about what is your audience. Am I writing for colleagues who want a lot of detail how it is done, or am I writing for my boss who just wants an executive summary as he has no time for details? In general, there is not a single type of audience and we have to make our writing suitable for the detailed read, as well as the fast perusal. To understand what is required from you in this report, please have a look at the marking criteria in the Appendix. 1 Writing To limit...
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...Biology 100 GROWTH OF BACTERIA INTRODUCTION We share our environment with various and diverse microorganisms. Humans harbor various bacteria on their skin, in their upper respiratory tract, and in their alimentary canals. There are very few, if any, environments in nature in which bacteria do not exist. Bacteria have been isolated from such diverse environments as sulfur hot-springs associated with volcanic activity to super-cooled waters of the Antarctic. This lab will consist of two parts. Each part will involve discussion and set-up during the first week and the reading of the results on the second week of the lab. Part 1 Bacteria in our environment You will identify some parts of your local environment you wish to test for the presence of bacteria. Part 2 Effectiveness of hand washing You will be conducting an experiment to test the effectiveness of various hand-washing methods and their effects on bacteria. MATERIALS & METHODS Part 1: Bacteria in our environment. Work in groups of two. Week 1 1. Decide what parts of your local environment you wish to sample for bacteria. 2. Obtain a sterile TSA (Trypticase soy agar) plate. Keep it sterile, do not open yet! 3. Label the bottom of the plate with the following: - students initials or names - type of exposure - date of exposure 4. Expose the...
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...microscopic world but also a practical understanding of lab techniques and procedures used to identify, control, and manipulate microorganisms. The proper identification of a microorganism is not only important in a microbiology lab but also in the medical, industrial, and pharmaceutical fields. In this lab report, lab techniques and procedures learned during this course were performed to assess each students’ practical knowledge in microbiology. 6In area of fields I mention earlier microbiology is very important to our vaccination and antibiotics we are using, understand that microorganism play a key role in maintaining life on earth, fixing gases and breaking down dead plant and animal matter into simpler substances that are used at the beginning of the food chain 6. Biotechnologists can also exploit the activities of microbes to benefit humans, such as in the production of medicines, enzymes and food. The goal of this lab report is 1) to demonstrate comprehension of the methods and lab techniques learned during the semester 2) to explain the tests performed on each isolated unknown that led to the identification of each unknown 3) and to give a background on the characteristics, pathogenicity and some uses of one of the identified unknowns. II. Introduction In this lab report I will discuss how I came to find my two unknown bacteria. Each bacteria have undergo many different test to eventually identifying both bacteria. We understand that bacteria6 the discussion on...
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...ear Dr. Su: After your explanation of the unknowns lab report instructions, I am still left with a few questions concerning what should be the result for the lab the report. Therefore, I was hoping that you could explain to me what must be written in the report to receive a passing grade. My confusion to the assignment is in part due to the fact that my lab is inconclusive. In order to be able to classify the unknown as a certain bacteria I should be able to match its characteristics with different examples according to the different tests, but my sample matches none. I understand that in order to receive a good grade on the lab report the unknown must be correctly identified, therefore, creating more of a complication. During class you...
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...on Staphylococcus epidermis and Bacillus subtilus Mouthwash Lab Report Fareeda sanusi Abstract: This experiment was done in order to find out which mouthwash killed the bacteria Staphylococcus epidermis and Bacillus subtilus the best. The mouthwashes used were Scope (clean mint baking soda), Listermint with fluoride, Cepacol, Rembrandt, and Therasol. Water was used as a control for the experiment. It allowed students to practice using T -values to determine significance of mouthwash effectiveness. The experiment also determined the active ingredient in the better mouthwash. My own hypothesis was that Scope would work the best on both bacteria. My hypothesis was proved wrong by Bacillus subtilis when Therasol eliminated the most bacteria. As for Staphylococcus epidermis Therasol worked just as well as Scope and Cepacol in killing the bacteria. However, there was significance at the 95% level between Scope and Cepacol. The charts, graphs, and the report below provide more information. Introduction: The battle for better breath is taking place all over the world. With each toothpaste and mouthwash claiming to be the best, how can one possibly determine which one to use? This experiment may perhaps put an end to this particular problem. Five fairly popular mouthwashes were used in this experiment: Scope, Listermint, Cepacol, Rembrandt, and Therasol. The effectiveness of each was tested on two different bacteria: Staphylococcus epidermis and Bacillus subtilus. Staphylococcus...
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...The Diversityof Life Lab Manual Stephen W. Ziser Department of Biology Pinnacle Campus for BIOL 1409 General Biology: The Diversity of Life Lab Activities, Homework & Lab Assignments 2013.8 Biol 1409: Diversity of Life – Lab Manual, Ziser, 2013.8 1 Biol 1409: Diversity of Life Ziser - Lab Manual Table of Contents 1. Overview of Semester Lab Activities Laboratory Activities . . . . . . . . . 2. Introduction to the Lab & Safety Information . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 15 30 39 46 54 68 81 104 147 3. Laboratory Exercises Microscopy . . . . . . Taxonomy and Classification . Cells – The Basic Units of Life . Asexual & Sexual Reproduction Development & Life Cycles . . Ecosystems of Texas . . . . The Bacterial Kingdoms . . . The Protists . . . . . . The Fungi . . . . . . . The Plant Kingdom . . . . The Animal Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 13 17 22 26 29 . 32 . 42 . 50 . 59 . 89 4. Lab Reports (to be turned in - deadline dates as announced) Taxonomy...
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...Sean Cui Biology Formal Lab Report 2 Intro Throughout this lab, the main topic is genetic transformation. Genetic Transformation is a phenotypic change caused by genotype change from transferring foreign genes into an organism. This lab is to transform the bacteria E.Coli with the GFP gene (Green Fluorescent Protein). GFP makes organisms glow in the dark with UV light, similar to jellyfishes.GFP will be transferred into E.Coli through the use of recombinant DNA, or simply a vector. A vector is a plasmid that transfers foreign DNA into cells. Bacteria can transfer plasmid to other bacteria so they can survive and adapt to the environment they are in. The pGLO plasmid includes the GFP gene (allows bacteria to glow), Beta-lactamase (resists ampicillin), ORI sites (allows bacteria to self replicate), and AraC (allows induction of GFP gene). Materials and Methods: In this lab, first there will be two micro test tubes, one labled pGLO+ and the other pGLO-. Using a sterile transfer pipet, transfer 205 microliters of CaCl2 into each tube. Then put the tubes on ice. Then use a sterile loop to pick up a single colony of bacteria from the starter plate. Put the colony in the pGLO+ tube and spin the loop. Then put the tube back in ice. Repeat this for the pGLO- tube with a new sterile loop. Next use a new sterile loop and get some DNA stock. With the loop, immerse it in only in the pGLO+ tube. After that, incubate the tubes in ice for 10 minutes. Label one plate LB/amp +pGLO...
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...In order to receive full credit each of your lab reports MUST include a purpose, summary, detailed answers to the lab questions which demonstrate your understanding of the concepts as well as a conclusion that summarize the lab and specifically addresses the lab’s learning objectives and relate them back to the data or observations collected in the lab. Purpose: Briefly state the learning objective of the assigned lab in two sentences. This assignment is for us to understand how to convert basic measurements. It is important to know how other parts of the world calculate temperature and other measurements so that we are on the same page and are able to communicate with each other. Summary: Detail and explain what was observed during the lab activity; this answer should be approximately one paragraph in length....
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...Introduction: The microbiology of food and the environment are two very important fields in the large scope of microbiological research. Because microorganisms exist almost everywhere, it is important to determine the influences that they place on the food we depend on for survival, and the environment in which we humans call home. In this lab, we conducted five experiments in these two fields, and in doing so gained a better understanding of the influences and importance of microbes in food and the environment. The first exercise was the enumeration of soil microbes. This experiment showcased the immense diversity of bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi found in soil. This diversity ranges from microbes that are beneficial to the environment by decomposing dead organic matter into energy sources usable by other organisms, to the pathogenic bacterial and fungal spores that can infect humans and animals alike. The techniques used are serial dilutions, which allow for quantification and a close estimation of the amount of said organisms found in a soil sample. (1) The second exercise that we conducted was the microbiology of water experiment. This is a very important standardized experiment used to determine the density of coliforms found in a 100 mL sample of water. It also can be used more specifically to determine the density of Escherichia coli, which can cause food poisoning amongst other illnesses. The techniques used are the multiple tube fermentation method, which involves...
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...MicroBiology- MLT1 LabPaq / Published by: Hands-On Labs, Inc. sales@labpaq.com / www.LabPaq.com / Toll Free 866.206.0773 A Laboratory Manual of Small-Scale Experiments for the Independent Study of Microbiology 50-0222-MB-01 LabPaq® is a registered trademark of Hands-On Labs, Inc. (HOL). The LabPaq referenced in this manual is produced by Hands-On Labs, Inc. which holds and reserves all copyrights on the intellectual properties associated with the LabPaq’s unique design, assembly, and learning experiences. The laboratory manual included with a LabPaq is intended for the sole use by that LabPaq’s original purchaser and may not be reused without a LabPaq or by others without the specific written consent of HOL. No portion of any LabPaq manual’s materials may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed to others in any manner, nor may be downloaded to any public or privately shared systems or servers without the express written consent of HOL. No changes may be made in any LabPaq materials without the express written consent of HOL. HOL has invested years of research and development into these materials, reserves all rights related to them, and retains the right to impose substantial penalties for any misuse. Published by: Hands-On Labs, Inc. 3880 S. Windermere St. Englewood, CO 80110 Phone: Denver Area: 303-679-6252 Toll-free, Long-distance: 866-206-0773 www.LabPaq.com E-mail: info@LabPaq.com Printed...
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...Unknown Lab Report Emma Upchurch Department of Science, Hill College BIOL 2120 01BH Professor Aaron Warren November 21, 2024. Introduction: When entering the lab, the class was instructed to pick an unknown test tube with broth. Inside the test tube was a bacterial specimen which I had to run biochemical and culture techniques on to correctly identify the bacteria I had randomly selected. With eleven bacteria I could have picked, it was important that each test was done correctly and that we recorded the results from each test accurately. I ran a total of five tests to be able to correctly identify the bacterial specimen I had chosen, since the four tests required did not give me enough data to identify my exact bacteria. Materials...
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