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Bad Break-Ups and Madness: a Natural Connection


Submitted By brypi314
Words 2723
Pages 11
Bad Break-ups and Madness:
A Natural Connection

Bryan Pi

Prof. Loucif
Bryan Pi
Final Paper
Bad Break-ups and Madness:
A Natural Connection

Sexuality and romance form a very strong bond between people that goes far deeper than a mere sexual attraction. When two people fall in love or even start engaging in sexual behavior, an attachment is formed that is very powerful and can stray how our minds function. In many cases, after engaging in sexual intercourse, our brains are tricked into believing that a person is perfect for us and that it can only be this person that we may fall in love with. We become infatuated with our lover and even obsess over them in their absence. When we are with them, we can't stop thinking about how perfect the situation is. When we are apart from them, we think about nothing else but the next time we will see them. We think about what our partner is doing when they're away and worrying about if they are okay. A separation from our partners for long periods of time causes our minds to think of nothing else but whether or not they are finding love elsewhere. This anxiety is the direct result of this separation and is a major contributor to the development of mental illnesses. It is not always a physical distance between these people that defines this separation. Quite often, a couple can still be living under the same roof but also feel this separation in a more emotional sense. This can be in the form of a distraction causing one partner to spend too much time focusing on one thing and not enough time on their counterpart. Most often, this comes in the form of one lover’s addiction to something such as a hobby, work, alcohol, gambling, etc. Another distraction that can be detrimental to a relationship is an interest in another person causing the sexual attraction to fade as a direction result. This

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