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Bad To The Bone Research Paper

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Bad to the Bone

Have you ever watched the news and seen all the bad things happening in the world? People sit there and wonder how people ended up so bad. You may ask yourself are people just born bad? No they are not the people in their lives are a big influence in their lives poverty is a problem because. If you have no money then you will do about anything to get by. Then the people you are around everyday is a huge impact on you because if you hangout with bad kids you are more likely to do bad and stupid things. Your parents are your biggest influence they set rules and give you responsibilities to give you stability and structure. So kids are not born bad.

People in poverty are more likely to be criminals. If someone grows up in poverty he or she are going to find ways to get money, such as join gangs for money and protection. The most people are probably going to start robbing people because they are hurting for money. If a person was robbing people they might kill someone because there would be a struggle. So he or she would end up in jail and ruin their lives. If they go to prison they will have a hard time finding a job because, people do not want to work with murderers. So that is why people in poverty are more likely to be criminals. …show more content…
They can pressure he or she to rob a store or a house. If they do not do it, then they will get kicked out of the group or worst beat to death by the gang they belong to. The people you hang out with are a big influence in your life, if you have friends that are good then they can influence you to do good things. On the other hand if you have friends that like to get in trouble and do bad things, then you are going to get in trouble and your life is going to go down the drain. So pick good friends so you do not throw your life away and become a trouble

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