...BADM 320: Principles of Marketing University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Spring 2014 Class Location: 141 Wohlers Hall Instructor: Dr. Mark Wolters Email: mwolter@illinois.edu (badm320uiuc@gmail.com for TAs) Twitter: @woltersworld Mailbox: 350A Wohlers Hall – Professor’s Office: 10 Wohlers Hall Office Hours: Prof. Wolters Tuesday & Thursday 9:30-11:00 & 2:00-3:20 or by appointment. The day preceeding each exam the professor will be in the BIF Atrium answering questions, time TBA. Course Website and Social Media Sites: www.woltersworld.com follow the “Business Courses” link for BADM 320 Principles of Marketing for class slides, summary videos and course information. Additionally, course topic blogs will be posted here. www.youtube.com/woltersworld location of summary videos for class topics. Please subscribe in order to receive new class videos. www.twitter.com/woltersworld for weekly class topics, course updates, in class discussion facilitation, please follow in order to keep up with class room discussions. “Like” Wolters World on Facebook: Class videos will be posted as well as discussion topics and Frequently Asked Questions. The course has a Compass 2G page for slides, documentation and quizes. Lecture Times: Tuesday and Thursday 8:00-9:20. Teaching Assistants’ Information: Hyewon Cho: Office Hours: Mondays 3:30-5:00, Survey Building 202 Yaxian Xie: Office Hours: Wednesdays 1:30-3:00pm, Survey Building Room 202 Email for BADM 320 Questions:...
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...UNIVERSIDAD INTERAMERICANA DE PUERTO RICO Maestría en Recursos Humanos BADM 5060 SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN ANÁLISIS DE DATOS Y TOMA DE DECISIONES CÁLCULO DE COSTOS GESTIÓN DOCUMENTAL CAPITULO # 3 Tatiana V. Toledo González SECCION 3839 t.toledo.v@hotmail.com R00060364 Resumen del Caso: Cálculo de Costos Gestión Documental Este caso nos expone una problemática que presenta la compañía ficticia llamada Spring Street Company, donde busca reducir los costos ocultos. Entre ellos se encontró el costo oculto asociado al alto consumo de papel dentro de los proceso de la empresa. Sam quien es el contable de la compañía decidió calcular los costos de sus procesos en la búsqueda de documentos en papel con el propósito de identificar el impacto que tiene esto en la cuentas de la empresa. Dentro de sus hallazgos reconoció que varios de sus empleados pasaron la mayor parte de su día en la recuperación de documentos en papel, además se encontró altos costos de almacenaje debido a registro de papel viejos. Encontró que en ocasiones el factor tiempo también afecta directamente las operaciones de la empresa al no encontrar los documentos o encontrarlos en condiciones no adecuadas y tener que reemplazarlo. En concusión, el contable Sam preferiría un sistema que permita a sus empleados trabajar desde sus escritorios sin la necesidad de moverse a ningún almacén en la búsqueda de documentos. Su enfoque es que este sistema esté dirigido a los departamentos de Recursos Humanos...
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...Analysis of Business Issues, Writing In the Disciplines (WID) BADM 2003W (93752): BADM_2003W.SEC.11 Monday Combined Class: SEMESTER: Spring 2014 LOCATION & TIME: Funger 209, Monday 2:20 PM-3:35 PM PROFESSOR: Dr. Bret Crane Department of Management Office: Funger Suite 315N Email: bretdcrane@gwu.edu Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:00-2 PM or by appointment TEACHING ASSISTANTS & WRITING LABS: | | | |Section # |Begin |End |Day |TA |Email | |30 |08:00 AM |09:15 AM |Wed |Mark De Cicco |mdecicco@gwmail.gwu.edu | |31 |09:25 AM |10:40 AM |Wed |Mark De Cicco |mdecicco@gwmail.gwu.edu | |32 |10:50 AM |12:05 PM |Wed |Tess Strumwasser |tstrumwa@gwu.edu | |33 |12:15 PM |01:30 PM |Wed |Tess Strumwasser |tstrumwa@gwu.edu | |34 |01:40 PM |02:55 PM |Wed |Daniel Berkhout |berkhout@gwmail.gwu.edu | |35 |03:05 PM |04:20 PM |Wed |Daniel Berkhout |berkhout@gwmail.gwu.edu | |36 |04:30...
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...BADM 372: Advertising Case 2: Barbie vs. Bratz 1. Provide an analysis of the Mattel Barbie brand. What factors shape perceptions of the brand in the eyes of parents and young girls? Barbie was billed as “a shapely teenage fashion model,” and made her first appearance at the American Toy Fair in New York City and soon became a hit. (http://www.brandchannel.com/features_profile.asp?pr_id=160) Barbie was then and still is a popular doll for young girls. In the beginning she was popular because she was the 3D version of the very popular paper dolls, with interchangeable clothing and accessories. Today she is still very popular and probably for the same reasons; you can buy a variety of different dolls with different ethnicities, different colored hair and even different careers. Girls like Barbie because she gives them something to strive for, someone to look up to, a hero of sorts. Barbie shows girls that they can be whatever they want to be, from a mom to a teacher or even an astronaut or police officer. From a parents point of view Barbie is great because she gives their daughters confidence and something to strive for as well as the affordability aspect. Last time I looked at Walmart you could buy a Barbie Doll starting at $3.99 for a basic doll in a swimsuit plus all the accessories you could ever want from shoes and purses to houses and cars. 2. What brand problems did the Bratz line of dolls create for the Barbie brand? Mattel and the Barbie brand sued the Bratz...
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...Analysis of Business Issues, Writing In the Disciplines (WID) BADM 2003W (95440): BADM_2003W.SEC.12 Tuesday Combined Class: SEMESTER: Spring 2014 LOCATION & TIME: Duques 353, Tuesday 11:10 AM-12:25 PM PROFESSOR: Dr. Bret Crane Department of Management Office: Funger Suite 315N Email: bretdcrane@gwu.edu Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:00-2 PM or by appointment TEACHING ASSISTANTS: |Erin Vander Wall | | |Leigha McReynolds | | |Mark De Cicco | | |Tess Strumwasser | | |Daniel Berkhout | | |Sam Yates | | |Vicki Brown | | | ...
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...Running head: ASSESSING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE 1 Assessing Organizational Culture Aaron L. Bedingfield Southern Nazarene University - T-51 Master in Business Administration T 51 BADM 6123 Organizational Communications Professor, Rebecca Marks-Jimerson (Ruth) ASSESSING ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Assessing Organizational Culture In the life of any healthy organization there are always times that the culture must be examined and pronounced healthy, or correctly diagnosed for change. Typically the first 2 assessment a potential employee goes through is the general culture check, to see if they are a fit for the culture of the organization. Most often where this can go awry is when the organizational culture is unclear, incorrectly defined, or has no real stability. These types of cultures tend to morph constantly based on moods or fads. What most organizations do is attempt to capture the culture and describe it in written details. Organizations do this by distilling their beliefs and ideals into corporate policies and procedure manuals, which are commonly referred to as employee handbooks. The “Employee Handbook” now becomes the main purveyor of the company culture to the new employee, and the mentoring and journeyman apprenticing roles that once dominated our workforces has all but disappeared. Transfer of the culture really only happens when humans interact with one another. Yes, it is good to have some written guidelines and informational understanding, but the real...
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...|Area: Core |BADM 321: Business Research Methods | |Credit Hours: 3 |Prerequisites: NONE | |Instructor: Chansoo Park |Effective Date: 2. April 2013 | |Contact Info: |Class Hours: Tuesdays, 1:30-5:00 pm (3 and ½ hours) | |chansoo.park@ubc.ca | | |chansoop@sprott-shaw.com | | COURSE DESCRIPTION In today’s information-oriented environment, a manager cannot succeed a thorough understanding of the research process. A manger should understand that adequate and timely information supports business decision making. The student should be able to discuss and explain the basic kinds of research design (exploratory, descriptive, causal / longitudinal, cross-sectional) and their major sources of error; explain database marketing and how it makes use of secondary data; identify the advantages and disadvantages of the major types of qualitative research; discuss how survey and observational methods...
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...endeavors. A robust ethical base enhances the likelihood that a prospective employee is productive and upright. Many of the traits associated with an ethical individual are highly sought by hiring managers and human resources and are desired in the workplace. The scale that we’ve created below measures the ethical nature of a person, based on our definition. In order to operationalize our definition, the following set of questions will show one’s standard of ethics by assessing their actions and reactions to particular situations that arise in the business world, both regularly and conceptually. The following statements should be answered with Agree/Disagree Honesty: 1. I do not concern myself with lying, cheating, or stealing. 2. When I make a mistake in my work, I do not lie about the incident to make myself seem less at fault. 3. You receive a duplicate payment from a customer. You cash the extra check, hoping the customer will not notice. If he does notice, you fake cluelessness and provide a refund. 4. The prices for your product will rise in three weeks. You intentionally organize a client’s automatic shipment for January 1 even though it could have been completed in December, in an effort to receive funds for the higher rate. 5. It is okay for me to sometimes bring home a small amount of office supplies from my workplace. They’ll never notice - and what they don’t know can’t hurt...
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...Memorandum To: Dr. XYZ CC: From: XYZ Date: MM/DD/YYYY Re: Sustainability in the hotel industry: weak in one pillar! For my assignment for BADM 798 Spring YYYY course, I interviewed a hotel executive to determine the company’s (i.e. hotel’s) perspectives on sustainability. The business professional I interviewed was Mr. XYZ, the Executive Director of Ramada Inn - American City. Mr. XYZ has Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management as well as degrees in Software Engineering and Systems Analysis. He has 10 years of work experience in Marketing Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and 15 years of experience in Hotel Management. The interview occurred on the premises of Ramada Inn – American City on MM/DD/YYYY from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Ramada Inn is affiliated with the Wyndham Hotel Group, one of the largest hospitality groups in the world with businesses across six continents. As such, Ramada has been around for more than 50 years and has nearly 900 hotels in about 50 countries across the world. Although the owners and franchisees have lot of flexibility in the way they run their daily operations, they have to follow certain policies that distinguish the Ramada Brand (like free internet access) and also follow some basic rules and policies of the Wyndham group. I had reviewed the company website for information in this regards and found Wyndham’s take on Sustainability and the “Wyndham Green” program. No additional information as regards sustainability was found on the Ramada...
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...BADM 7160 Negotiation, persuasion & Influence Negotiation, persuasion & Influence By Kishore Kondapalli All of us negotiate all the time, at work, at home, with colleagues, counterparts, family, and friends. We hope to learn from experiences and build our negotiation skills to become better negotiators, but do these experiences help us to improve? Unfortunately, an honest assessment suggests that the answer is often “no.” Reading about negotiation theories is no guarantee of improvement or having more experience negotiating does not necessarily make someone a better negotiator. Instead, most of us seem to not notice the learning opportunities we are surrounded with due to lack of attention (http://lawweb.colorado.edu/profiles/pubpdfs/peppet/learning.pdf Page 1). We assess ourselves and others in our day to day activity, for example at work, under performance review. When it comes to negotiating there are many methods and instruments, but preparation is the key for effective negotiation. Successful preparation composes of three general abilities, which are self-assessment, assessment of the others and assessment of the situation(M&H: Pg 13). During class we practiced two methods of self-assessment, which are Thomas Kilmann Conflict Instrument (TKI) and Myers Briggs. The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument (TKI) assesses an individual’s behavior in conflict situations in which the concerns of two people appears to be incompatible. In conflict situation,...
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...University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign College of Business Department of Business Administration BADM 449: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT / BUSINESS POLICY (FALL 2015) Section J: Tuesday – Thursday 11:00 A.M. – 12:20 P.M. BIF 2041 Name: Shinjinee Chattopadhyay Visting Assistant Professor Office: 465 Wohlers Hall Office Hours: Tuesday, 2-3.20 pm (Or by appointment) Office Phone: 217-300-1033 Email: schattop@illinois.edu Website: Maintained on Illinois Compass 2g INTRODUCTION AND COURSE OBJECTIVES Strategic management deals with decisions that fundamentally influence the direction of the organization and effective implementation of the direction chosen. Strategic management addresses the organizational structure, resources & capabilities, and the strategic positioning of the organization to create, capture, and sustain competitive advantage. In addition to economic value creation, management also must make decisions concerning the distribution of this economic value across stakeholders. In BADM 449, you will develop your skills at: • Understanding how firms create, capture, and sustain competitive advantage; • Analyzing strategic business situations and formulating strategy; and • Implementing strategy and organizing the firm for strategic success. Success ultimately depends not only on the soundness of the formulated strategy, but also on effective implementation through appropriate organizational choices. This capstone business course focuses...
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...Theoretical and Applied Economics VolumeXX (2013), No. 10(587), pp 23-32 A new vision on competitiveness within the post-crisis economy. Causes, evoiutions and possibie innovative soiutions to fight against the undesirable effects of the economic crisis Laura Mariana CISMAÇ West University Timisoara laura.cismas@feaa.uvt.ro Ruxandra Ioana PITORAC West University Timiçoara ruxandrapitorac@gmail.com Abstract. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the need for promoting a new vision regarding competitiveness mostly in the context of amplifying the effects and the complexity of the nature of crisis manifested now on the international level (economic, environment, demographic, value and moral etc.). The economic thinking pays increased attention to the issues related to economic crisis, as well as the development of theories that give satisfactory answers about the causes and, especially, the solutions to the crisis. Using scientific observation and comparative case study as research methods, this paper aims to make a theoretical critical review of the theories regarding the causes of economic crisis over time and to identify and analyze some anti-crisis policies. Keywords: economic competitiveness. crisis; macroeconomic theories; anti-crisis policies; JEL Classification: E30, GOL REL Classification: 81, 8M. 24 Laura Mariana Cisma§, Ruxandra ioana Pitorac Introduction Theoretical controversy on crises has augmented over the last two decades with a special...
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...LA INVERSIÓN EXTRANJERA DIRECTA Y LAS DIFERENCIAS CULTURALES Javier J. Hernández BADM 7100 Dr. Ahmad Jumah Programa Doctoral Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico Recinto Metro ABSTRACTO El presente artículo discute la importancia de las diferencias culturales en la decisión de las empresas de invertir en determinados países. Siendo la inversión extranjera directa una alternativa para promover el crecimiento económico, es importante que los países contemplen las variables culturales antes de embarcarse en estrategias para atraer capital extranjero. Sobre todo, será necesario proveer la infraestructura económica, social, legal y política que cumpla con las expectativas de aquellos países con características similares a la cultura nacional. De esta forma, se tendrá mejores oportunidades de éxito que obviando la distancia cultural. Palabras clave: Distancia cultural, inversión extranjera directa, variables culturales, Puerto Rico . Introducción La inversión extranjera directa es uno de los pilares de la globalización. Por años, la investigación académica ha discutido los efectos de esta práctica y sus beneficios sobre los países que la reciben. Los países hacen grandes esfuerzos e invierten recursos en diseñar el panorama óptimo para atraer dicha inversión extranjera como principal estrategia de desarrollo económico. En muchas ocasiones estos esfuerzos están dirigidos al desarrollo de infraestructura y a...
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...E.J. Ourso College of Business Flores MBA Program Introduction to Case Analysis & Discussion and How to Write Persuasive Recommendations 1 by Dr. Randle D. Raggio (fall 2009) Recommend reading: The Case Study Handbook, by William Ellet, from Harvard Business School Press ($25). Overview: Many of your MBA classes (e.g., BADM 7100) will feature very few lectures. Instead, case analysis and discussion will be the focus of several entire class sessions and require detailed preparation, whether or not a written recommendation or report is required. To benefit from these case discussions, it is essential that each student thoroughly prepare a case analysis prior to class. Merely reading the case, or developing only a superficial understanding of the facts is not sufficient. This document will give you a jumpstart on understanding how to effectively analyze, discuss and write about cases. The Case Method: Cases allow you to analyze real‐life situations that business executives have faced. Not only do you get to experience the situation as the executives encountered it, but you also get to make your own recommendations given the same set of information they had. What makes case‐based learning so exciting and effective is that you will hone your analysis skills by presenting and supporting your recommendations in front of your peers and professor. Your experience in the MBA program will differ substantially from the typical lectures that most ...
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...High-Frequency Trading Remi Charpin MBA student BADM 580 June 28, 2010 Prepared for Professor Charles Alvis Financial Markets Seminar Table of Contents List of Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Background Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Discussion of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Key Players . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Benefits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
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