Premium Essay

Balance Between Work and Life


Submitted By akilgour17
Words 692
Pages 3
Project Part 2

Work/life balance is an ongoing conflict between employers and employees, and one that does not have clearly defined lines. In order for both the employer and the employee to achieve an appropriate work/life balance, there has to be both give and take. It is just as much the employer’s responsibility as it is the employee’s responsibility. In order for there to be a solution that satisfies all parties, there must be open and effective communication on both sides. Both sides must also have a clear goal of what they want from one another. Especially in an employer situation, you must understand that it is not you against the employer, but rather to view you and the employer as a whole team. Viewing yourself as one team working for the same goal allows you to better collaborate on a solution that works for all involved. Potential solutions to the issue of work/life balance include flexible hours, paid leave, child care, employee assistance programs, providing employees with time management tools, and incorporating employees’ families into company events. These are geared at allowing employees to not only have time outside of company walls, but to also maximize their effectiveness on the job. By allowing them time to have a life outside of work and their career, they will be better prepared to leave private issues at home when they arrive at work. It will also allow them to feel less stress when it does come to the pull between work and home life. These programs will also benefit the employer because the employer will gain notoriety in the industry as a company that supports their employees. This notoriety will also naturally attract top talent to them, as an individual will be more likely to want to work for a company that cares about its employees than a company that doesn’t.

Project Part 2

In negotiating these compromises for work/life

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