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Balancer Vs Red Angus

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to the conclusion that the breed had the exact same qualities as the black breed (Thorpe). They started to use the Red Angus for breeding the cows to be more stable.
The Red Angus continues to crossbreed with other cows to make hybrids. A few examples are Balancer Red Angus mixed with Gelbvieh, LimFlex, Red Angus plus Limousin, and SimAngus Red Angus mixed with Simmental (Thorpe). No one will be surprised when the Red Angus will be one of the top best cattle breed for beef. It is remarkable how something infamous can be given a second chance for redemption (Thorpe). This also shows that never give up even though there might not be a chance you keep on fighting (Thorpe). It turns out the Red Angus is a very calm breed, very easy to manage, …show more content…
Cows have two main purposes, they are for milk and beef. The cows that are used for milking, their bodies are shaped differently than beef cows. In a herd of cows, they all look the same, there is actually quite a difference (Pukite). Beef cows have a rectangular shaped body and have more muscle and are more broad. Milk cows have more of a wedge-shaped body and are fatter (Pukite). Environment is also important for cows. Beef cows tend to graze in wide open range land; dairy cows that produce milk are fenced-in closer together (Pukite). Cows have four stomachs which might seem disturbing, but it is how they regulate their diet (Pukite). The Rumen or paunch which holds the milk, holds up to thirty gallons of milk. Reticulum and Omasum are the other two, and the Abomsum is considered the main stomach …show more content…
Mooing or lowing can be a signal of distress or as a call from the calf that wishes to be fed (Pukite). It can lead to over feeding, which makes the mother cow eat more. But really has no harmful effect on the cows (Pukite). Do not chase cows unless you are moving them from one place to another. It is not good to make them run too much unless necessary, they might just turn around and try to chase you back (Pukite). Cows tend to be afraid of everything even the bulls, but some are brave enough to fight back (Pukite). Don't cow tip, it can not only be dangerous to the cow but also for whomever is tipping the cow. It might fall on or stab you if it has horns (Pukite). Plus, it is unhealthy for the cow to be forcibly pushed down (Pukite). They might come right back up and chase you or stay down for a long period of time, and not eat or sleep, especially if they are pregnant it can harm the baby

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