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Pre-Employment Drug Testing Essay

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A Guide To Implementing Pre-Employment Drug Testing

For so many years, the drug problem in the country remains as one of the major problems that the government is facing. Despite the strict implementation of rules governing the manufacture and trade of illicit substances, clandestine laboratories just sprouted everywhere. Putting these people behind bars is almost impossible, particularly when they find some clever ways on how to make their underground business very successful with the help of some influential people. That being said, the entire society is at risk.
According to a report, workforce substance abuse has increased due to the use of illicit substances. The most common drugs used are cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana. With …show more content…
Therefore, prior to taking a pre-employment drug testing, the individual needs to disclose his full medical history which should include all types of medications or supplements that he may be taking, including herbal supplements and over-the-counter medications. Some prescribed medications may have similar ingredients found in illicit substances. Thus, letting the medical staff aware of these medications can be helpful to rule out drug abuse.

A study in 2016 revealed that 4.2% of the workforce in the U.S was tested positive for illicit substances. Marijuana positivity increased in both urine and hair testing.

The Importance of a Drug-Free Workplace
The parasite of the society – that is how a drug is seen by most people. Think of how it would affect the workplace when we just ignore people who report for work only to find out that he is high on drugs. There is a huge possibility that he can be a danger to others as well as to himself due to his inability to think logically as well as the whole-body coordination may also be reduced.

Moreover, drug use can cause an increase in absenteeism and reduced work performance among others. The financial burden on the cost of drug testing may initially be an unwelcome thought, but thinking about it’s a long-term effect, an employer would realize that it is something worthwhile.

Drug Abuse Policy in the

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