Premium Essay

Baldwin's Prophetic Voices In On The Dick Cavett Show

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Words 331
Pages 2
The documentary uses Baldwin’s prophetic voices as a tool of narration and places archival videos and soundbites of Baldwin into the backdrop of present-day Black Lives Matter rallies to highlight the continuity of Black protests. On the Dick Cavett Show (1968), James Baldwin stated that “the question [of the future of race-relations] is not what is going to happen to the Negro, but what is going to happen to this country and I must repeat that” (Peck1). The ideal of progress, touted by pundits and politicians alike in the aftermath of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, created an illusion of equality and racial reconciliation. In the televised interview, pundit Dick Cavett argued that “we have Black mayors, athletes,

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