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Bandwagoning In Advertising

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Pages 4
Think of the last time you were watching tv, or flipping through the pages of a magazine and saw an advertisement that caught your attention. Now think about why it caught your attention. Was it because it looked funny, or because there was a picture of your favorite food on there and it looked really good, or maybe because you saw your favorite athlete on the page and got interested. These are all ways that companies will try to get your attention so you will read their advertisement. In this advertisement Lumosity uses a form of bandwagon and faulty cause and effect, and testimonial by having a celebrity advertise this product to grab your attention and encourage you to buy their product.
A very famous way of getting your attention is by having professional athletes that are very famous be in the advertisement with the product to get your attention. In this part of the advertisement Lumosity uses bandwagoning to get you to like their product. Bandwaggoning is doing something or liking something because it is popular, or because someone you like is doing it to. In order to get more attention Lumosity has chosen 3 time NBA Champion and 2 time MVP LeBron James to advertise their product. LeBron James is one of the most popular NBA players that has ever …show more content…
They have the Lumosity logo above and that logo itself will grab your attention. When you think of someone having an idea you imagine a light bulb turning on. The Lumosity logo is a bright light to make you think that it will make you smarter. The bright light of the Lumosity logo will stand out and grab your attention when it is on a page of a magazine or a commercial. And below the word Lumosity they have written “train like the pros”. So by saying this they are wanting you to think that all the pros who use this product have become better and that all professionals are using this product to become better at what they

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