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Barbara Jordan Research Paper

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Barbara Caroline Jordan was born on February 21st, 1936, Houston, Texas. Barbara grew up in a poor black neighborhood in Houston, Texas. Barbara was encouraged by her parents to strive of academic excellence. Her gift for language and building arguments was apparent in high school, where she was a award-winning debater and orator at Phyllis Wheatley High School. After high school Jordan was accepted into Texas Southern University and graduated in 1956. Then was accepted to Boston University and earned a degree as of one of only two African-American women in her class. She passed the Massachusetts and Texas bars and returned to Houston to open a law office in the Fifth Ward.( To supplement her income, she worked temporarily out of her parents’ home, Jordan was employed as an administrative …show more content…
Jordan was appointed the Lyndon Johnson Chair in National Policy at the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas in Austin, where she taught until the early 1990s. She continued to lecture widely on national affairs. In 1988 and 1992, she delivered speeches at the Democratic National Convention. Her 1992 keynote address was given from a wheelchair while she was in the midst of a lengthy battle with multiple sclerosis. In 1994, President William J. Bill Clinton appointed her to lead the Commission on Immigration Reform, a bipartisan group that delivered its findings in September of that year. Jordan received nearly two dozen honorary degrees and, in 1990, was named to the National Women’s Hall of Fame in Seneca, New York. She never married and carefully guarded her private life.

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