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Submitted By yihui
Words 6912
Pages 28
African Journal of Business Management Vol.6 (22), pp. 6456-6464, 6 June, 2012 Available online at DOI: 10.5897/AJBM11.2673 ISSN 1993-8233 ©2012 Academic Journals


Key issues in cross-cultural business communication: Anthropological approaches to international business
Tian Guang* and Dan Trotter
Shantou University, Shantou City, Guangdong Province, Southern China.
Accepted 8 March, 2012

Cultural factors have long been known to influence the communication and success potential of competition. Cultural awareness shapes how business firms behave in cross-culturally reflected international markets. It is broadly recognized that cultural factors act as invisible barriers in international business communications. Understanding cultural differences is one of the most significant skills for firms to develop in order to have a competitive advantage in international business. This paper probes some key elements of cross-cultural issues in international business communication and provides a framework for creating competitive advantage for firms engaged in international business. Culture affects many aspects of international business communication. It impacts free trade policies, localization and standardization strategy decisions, advertising, brand effectiveness, business relationships, international business management, international marketing, international negotiation, and consumer behavior. Seven themes are suggested as guidelines for further research: Cultural impacts of markets, international versus domestic business communication, standardization versus adaptation in cross-cultural communication; cross-cultural dimensions of business communication research, cross-cultural aspects of the business communication mix (advertising, promotion, sales, public relations, trade shows, and commercials), cross-cultural aspects

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