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Barbering Research Paper

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Barbering is a social and artistic profession that requires a steady hand and a patient mind to pursue it with excellence. Because nearly everyone has to get a haircut at some point, there is always job security in barbering as well. In order to become the possible barber in this professional world, you must go through the proper steps and processes that it takes all barbers.
A barber position requires licensure that depends on a particular training program. Potential barbers must graduate from a state-approved barbering school. Some colleges and universities throughout the country offer associate's degree or certificate programs for those who wish to further their education.
These qualifications vary by state. For example, some states require …show more content…
This apprenticeship can last two years and teaches prospective barbers the tricks of the trade. Under supervision of a licensed barber, students will train to become professionals and prepare for the licensure examination. These licensing exams, consists of a written exam and sometimes a practical or oral exam. Although they may vary, other licensing requirements usually include a high school diploma or its equivalent and being over the age of sixteen.
According to the, to become a barber in the state of Mississippi, a person must be at least sixteen years old and have a high school diploma or GED. In Mississippi, 1500 hours of barbering programs at an approved school are required. One must also pay a $15.00 fee for each barber is required to get a license.
Within Mississippi there is a lot of variation in barber salaries. These prices vary due to fact that some professions create their own prices. These variations depend on a wide range of factors from populations to general competitiveness in the market. referenced that more that 50% of the people who perform the job as a barber in Mississippi are expected to make less than the median of …show more content…
These individuals cut hair, shave and polish shoes to earn a living. One interesting research fact I found was in the past, barbers were also surgeons and dentists. Becoming a barber has both personal and professional benefits, if you are considering this career.
One of the main benefits of being a barber is the lack of demands of a busy workplace. Barbers in a shop work together as a team and help each other by taking customers to the barber chair and completing their customer’s request. The ability to work as a team can play a major role in the success of the business as a whole, but working alone can be just as a big deal. When one works alone, the customers take into account the amount of time that it will take for one to perform their job, the constancy of that individuals works, and that prices may be more expensive than normal.
Secondly, while some customers only want a simple trim, others desire a detailed design or logo. Creativity is beneficial if one wants to be a barber. This profession allows individuals to be creative and test their skills. It is important and common that some barber photograph their work. By keeping a portfolio of your work can help expand your options and help you gain more

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